Harry Reid Dead At 82

Dad passed Dec 26, 2008. This Christmas was especially difficult for me and I haven't yet figured out why.

This was my first Christmas without mom. I understand the feeling of loss. Dad spent Thanksgiving with my family and Christmas with my brother and his family in Seattle. We've been having communal allergy attacks over Facetime.

And although you meant the Mourning in America comment to be funny, it's more true than you think. We've all lost something or someone over the past two years. Even though the pandemic is practically over, the psychological side effects are going to linger for a long while. So much sadness.
Like there aren't any right-wingers you could say the same for.
But right now here in this thread we’re talking about Reid. And he was absolute trash. I’ll not dance on his grave but I’ll not mourn his passing either. When RBG passed I expressed genuine respect for a formidable and accomplished woman whom I respected as a person but hated her politics. I’ll give no such consideration to Reid.
But right now here in this thread we’re talking about Reid. And he was absolute trash. I’ll not dance on his grave but I’ll not mourn his passing either. When RBG passed I expressed genuine respect for a formidable and accomplished woman whom I respected as a person but hated her politics. I’ll give no such consideration to Reid.
Doesn't change the accuracy of my comment.
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Yet another the turtle needs to go.
They are both of the same cloth. Both career politicians neither a statesman. Bob Dole was a statesman and worthy of acknowledgement I think. Reid is a minor footnote in the cesspool of DC politics.
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What's your norm?
Used to take a high road "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". After seeing other threads after people passed, I realized that isn't the way it's done here.
I haven't said anything crass about Reid.

Same question for you, again.
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Used to take a high road "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". After seeing other threads after people passed, I realized that isn't the way it's done here.
I haven't said anything crass about Reid.

Same question for you, again.

What have I said crass about a dead person?
Edit: did you call out any trashing of dead people?
What have I said crass about a dead person?
Edit: did you call out any trashing of dead people?
I didn't accuse you of anything crass. I was commenting on my posts so far. It was in no way a sleight at anyone.

I am simply curious what your call out standard is? I could care less if you piss on the grave of any politician, tbh.
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While Reid was the tip of the spear, credit need to be shared with at least 50 other democratic senators and president. ….and probably some rebuke and too
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I didn't accuse you of anything crass. I was commenting on my posts so far. It was in no way a sleight at anyone.

I am simply curious what your call out standard is? I could care less if you piss on the grave of any politician, tbh.
I guess I was also simply curious about what your call out standard is.

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