Harry Reid Dead At 82

I guess I was also simply curious about what your call out standard is.
Don't have one. And you have yet to answer, btw. I personally cannot recall any politician for whom I have any respect for so that I would want to call out those trashing them.

I don't mind shedding light on the disingenuous, like LG, though.
Don't have one. And you have yet to answer, btw. I personally cannot recall any politician for whom I have any respect for so that I would want to call out those trashing them.

I don't mind shedding light on the disingenuous, like LG, though.
This right here @clarksvol00 . That’s all there is to it.
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Don't have one. And you have yet to answer, btw. I personally cannot recall any politician for whom I have any respect for so that I would want to call out those trashing them.

I don't mind shedding light on the disingenuous, like LG, though.
I don't regularly speak ill of the dead. I do think we have plenty of people who will. If you have a question about a specific instance, I'll be glad to answer if I think it's BS. Otherwise, I'll point out BS as I desire.
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I don't regularly speak ill of the dead. I do think we have plenty of people who will. If you have a question about a specific instance, I'll be glad to answer if I think it's BS. Otherwise, I'll point out BS as I desire.
Just classless related to D politician's death, then.

That wasn't so hard now was it?
Anyone influenced by LG's post is advised to go read the Rush Limbaugh thread
It’s in poor taste to p*ss on someone’s grave, but if anyone is so inclined that’s their prerogative.

I very often wonder if the unfiltered, anonymous interacting in a platform like this are cathartic or detrimental… maybe it depends on the individual. Anyway, I digress.
It’s in poor taste to p*ss on someone’s grave, but if anyone is so inclined that’s their prerogative.

I very often wonder if the unfiltered, anonymous interacting in a platform like this are cathartic or detrimental… maybe it depends on the individual. Anyway, I digress.

I could care less where a politician is concerned.
I despise most and distrust them all. Death doesn't change how I feel about them.
What wasn't so hard? What's your question? Classless to trash Reid? Yeah, probably, depending on why you're trashing him.
I'm not asking you again. Instead of answering my curiosity you asked me questions, which I answered. And now it seems you don't even know what my original question was.

No worries. It's past time to move on.
Pretty bad, too. Can't pretend like the Limbaugh bashers are any worse or better than the RBG bashers.
It may be weird, but I find it more distasteful to trash a private citizen (even one who lived a public life) than I do trashing a politician.
I could care less where a politician is concerned.
I despise most and distrust them all. Death doesn't change how I feel about them.
You can really get a feel for the charade American politics is after a lifelong politician dies.
Most everyone in the room has 1st hand knowledge of all the dirty and evil things that person did to stay in power. Yet both parties come together, thank them for their service to America, then a few weeks later the person that died gets a street and a building named after them.

I’m not saying to spit on people’s grave. Or that they don’t deserve a funeral. But it’s so over the top and fake.
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I'm not asking you again. Instead of answering my curiosity you asked me questions, which I answered. And now it seems you don't even know what my original question was.

No worries. It's past time to move on.

My norm is don't talk trash about the dead. I'm one if the few on here who will say that about a lefty. There are plenty who will say it about a righty, so I dont need to worry about it. If you have a question about a specific person, ask.
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You can really get a feel for the charade American politics is after a lifelong politician dies.
Most everyone in the room has 1st hand knowledge of all the dirty and evil things that person did to stay in power. Yet both parties come together, thank them for their service to America, then a few weeks later the person that died gets a street and a building named after them.

I’m not saying to spit on people’s grave. Or that they don’t deserve a funeral. But it’s so over the top and fake.
I agree. I understand they are an exclusive club but you're right, there is no sincerity.

I will not grieve any who have spent almost 30T we didn't have.
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