Unfortunately the social justice warriors (liberals democrats) have turned almost every issue into a race issue or diversity issue. They think they can create a perfect society through rules and regulations. They can really f*** off as far as I'm concerned.
Most people call this Coronavirus or COVID-19. The fact that this virus originated in China and there is becoming overwhelming evidence that China knowingly let it get out to the world should not be lost on anyone - ever. So if someone wants to call it the China or Chinese virus then so freaking what.
I turned to the Price Is Right this morning and one of the Price Is Right girls is a dude. I was thinking w.t.h. He didn't even look comfortable and had those strong motions when referring to the prizes. The liberals got the two for one - guy and minority. What type of guy applies for this position? These liberals have penetrated almost every fabric of society and in many cases turning it devious.
Watch Family Feud now and almost every episode if not every episode is white family against a minority family. Is this fairness? Random drawings? Or are they separating the selection based on background? Are we looking for equality or is the goal for everyone to be equal?