Have any of your Biden voting friends

No, because the alternative was Donald Trump. The Trump administration was moving towards a hasty troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as well. That fact is being ignored by the right.
Trump would have had the common sense to get our citizens out of the country before our troops left. Trump also would have sent troops to rescue every American had he not made the first decision correctly. The Taliban wouldn’t be nearly as aggressive towards our people if Trump was around because they’ve seen that in the past that he all too happy to bomb the likes of them. Trump also wouldn’t hamstring our troops with ridiculous rules of engagement that makes it easier for them to get killed
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Many of my Biden pals received their degrees in US history and anthropology. The don't have time to apologize for the current administration because they are still coping with bad decisions that were made a long time ago.
Anthropology. It doesn’t get more decadent and disconnected than that
Depends on perception. I view Trump's behavior, childish as it may have been, as the necessary evil to expose DC and all that is wrong with it. Even if he was a part of it. None of that should ever overshadow, or be confused with the work he actually accomplished to better America. Because we sure as heck were better off 12 months ago.
Good god
I don't blame Trump on this, I thank him. Biden would absolutely never have had the balls to get out of this endless hell if Trump didn't already negotiate the deal. So, thanks Donald. In this case "I alone can fix it" was probably true.

When would this have ended otherwise? Never if the defense industry and their pets in congress had their way.
I don't blame Trump on this, I thank him. Biden would absolutely never have had the balls to get out of this endless hell if Trump didn't already negotiate the deal. So, thanks Donald. In this case "I alone can fix it" was probably true.

When would this have ended otherwise? Never if the defense industry and their pets in congress had their way.

That last sentence would be true, if ... it had actually ended. It hasn’t ended and one would be extremely naive to think it has or will anytime soon.It’s almost certain that we will be back there in some capacity or another, for reprisal if nothing else.
I thought you would weigh in about your Biden friends.
We honestly don’t beat each other up (much). We’re all college educated and most are engineers were trained to access situations and use judgement. We try to avoid rubbing each other’s noses in things we can all critically access the situation on. We only call each other out in cases where somebody makes a clearly stupid claim. I don’t think personal politics are worth destroying multi decade friendships.

One clear take away from that would be nobody is making grand claims on his so called successes in my circles. And since we work the DoD contractor community right now we are more focused on the issue at hand of preventing further loss of life and honoring the sacrifices of the fallen and their families. There will be plenty of opportunity later to finger point when this is over.
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That last sentence would be true, if ... it had actually ended. It hasn’t ended and one would be extremely naive to think it has or will anytime soon.It’s almost certain that we will be back there in some capacity or another, for reprisal if nothing else.

The military industrial complex and their various "projects" didn't go away after Vietnam either, but we should never have active boots on the ground without a clear and quickly achievable mission.

Any mission that doesn't fit those parameters is susceptible to intelligence agency and Pentagon mission creep. Before long you can't throw a rock without hitting a defense contractor and it is nothing but competing agendas everywhere you look.
That's my point. He has no principles. No moral compass. No values. He goes for the adulation and applause to feed his ego. So whoever is telling him how great he is, that's what dictates what he says.
If that were true, he could have done certain things to make the media and elites applaud him.
We have no idea what strategy Trump would have engaged so it's a false equivalency on your part to suggest he would have done the same. It's hard to imagine he could have done worse, and fairly easy to imagine he'd have done better. But we'll never know.

Just own that Biden screwed up royally.
Wrong. We have an idea of what Trump wanted done, from the peace deal his administration signed with the Taliban in February of 2020. The Trump administration's agreement called for the United States to reduce its forces to 8,600 from 13,000 over the following three to four months, with the remaining U.S. forces withdrawing by no later than May 1, 2021. Biden extended this date to September 1, 2021.

Trump's negotiated agreement included very few concessions from the Taliban. Although the agreement bound the Taliban to halt attacks on U.S. and coalition forces, it did not explicitly require them to expel al-Qaeda from Afghanistan or to stop attacks on the Afghan military. The Trump administration's agreement provided legitimacy to the Taliban, whose leaders met with Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

Now, the Biden administration could have, and should have, nullified this agreement. I'm not for one second, defending the clumsy and hastily organized exodus orchestrated by Biden. I agree that Joe Biden, and his Secretary of State Blinken, do own this mess, for sure... but it is inaccurate for you to say that "we have no idea what strategy Trump would have engaged". The Trump strategy was outlined in that peace agreement, and it wasn't much different than Biden's.
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Wrong. We have an idea of what Trump wanted done, from the peace deal his administration signed with the Taliban in February of 2020. The Trump administration's agreement called for the United States to reduce its forces to 8,600 from 13,000 over the following three to four months, with the remaining U.S. forces withdrawing by no later than May 1, 2021. Biden extended this date to September 1, 2021.

Trump's negotiated agreement included very few concessions to the Taliban. Although the agreement bound the Taliban to halt attacks on U.S. and coalition forces, it did not explicitly require them to expel al-Qaeda from Afghanistan or to stop attacks on the Afghan military. The Trump administration's agreement provided legitimacy to the Taliban, whose leaders met with Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

Now, the Biden administration could have, and should have, nullified this agreement. I'm not for one second, defending the clumsy and hastily organized exodus orchestrated by Biden. I agree that Joe Biden, and his Secretary of State Blinken, do own this mess, for sure... but it is inaccurate for you to say that "we have no idea what strategy Trump would have engaged". The Trump strategy was outlined in that peace agreement, and it wasn't much different than Biden's.

You still can't seem to grasp the basic premise that just because Trump was an idiot that it excuses an "elder statesman" like Biden from being an even bigger idiot
You still can't seem to grasp the basic premise that just because Trump was an idiot that it excuses an "elder statesman" like Biden from being an even bigger idiot
You either didn't read the last paragraph of that post you replied to, or your reading comprehension skills need some work.

How were these 3 sentences in any way excusing Joe Biden and his administration from blame?

(1) "Now, the Biden administration could have, and should have, nullified this agreement."

(2) "I'm not for one second, defending the clumsy and hastily organized exodus orchestrated by Biden."

(3) "I agree that Joe Biden, and his Secretary of State Blinken, do own this mess, for sure."
You either didn't read the last paragraph of that post you replied to, or your reading comprehension skills need some work.

How were these 3 sentences in any way excusing Joe Biden and his administration from blame?

(1) "Now, the Biden administration could have, and should have, nullified this agreement."

(2) "I'm not for one second, defending the clumsy and hastily organized exodus orchestrated by Biden."

(3) "I agree that Joe Biden, and his Secretary of State Blinken, do own this mess, for sure."

Oh, I read them but I am waiting to see if this objectivity lasts beyond two pages on here

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