In other words, let him tote the party line without challenge. He can challenge everyone. But no one should be able to engage him.
Message boards do not work that way. If he's going to post hypothetical Pollyanna b.s. about the wonderful world ahead of U.T. after this firing, then he's going to be challenged.
If you don't like it, then you know the location of the ignore button. I suggest blocking everyone except OP so you can play cheerleader without ever being annoyed with differing opinion against your hero.
If you want to challenge Hat, fine, just do so with logical arguements. Don't stick with the same old "you're just a hater" arguement that everyone seems to use. Where it concerns Pearl, I do not recall ever reading one of Hat's posts where his opinion of the man has changed. He has always stated his distaste for the man. There is a misconception that you have to love a coach to love UT. That is not a fact. Hat always posts, IMO, fair post-game summaries. Would someone who didn't love UT basketball take the time to write up his take on every single game? I think not. No one does that just to stir up the message board.
I know how message boards work. No matter how much I wish they would be based on intelligent, rational conversation, they always boil down to childish, immature antics, from both sides.
Hat may be the scum of the earth, or he could be a saint of a man. I don't know him personally. I'm not his cheerleader. He doesn't appear to need one as his every post results to a flurry of thread activity. As far as my hero, well, that's just another tired antic that so many seem to use. Anyone who agrees with him is lumped into the category of being a "Hat disciple". I mean, heaven forbid that some of us actually think for ourselves and have formed similar opinions. I mean, that just can't be, can it? No, the truth is Hat is a modern day Jim Jones and we, his kool-aid drinking followers, just blindly accept everything he posts as fact.
Seriously, I don't need anyone to think for me. I'm quite capable of that myself. The truly brainwashed are those who hold the mistaken belief that any given coach IS the program. I enjoyed the successes under Pearl and wish he hadn't created this situation, but he did. Now he has to face the consequences of his actions. If those consequences involve him losing his job, which I believe they should, then so be it. We move on. Our basketball program does not cease to exist. CBP is not UT basketball, he's just the guy currently driving the bus. It appears we will soon have a new driver. Hopefully he keeps it on the road we've been on. Nothing suggests that that is not a possibility.