I think (and I could totally be wrong) the next two episodes will be all Night King stuff and after episode 3 we get a definitive end when it comes to the night king. Then the final three episodes will be about who sits on the iron throne.
Almost everyone that matters hates him there. He is trying to redeem himself. Makes me wonder if he will die shortly.
It would not surprise me if Jamie died defending Bran from white walkers somehow. Gives him a redemption moment to finish with. Seems like something D&D would try.He'll go out in a blaze of glory I'm sure
Almost everyone that matters hates him there. He is trying to redeem himself. Makes me wonder if he will die shortly.
That’s not really how it works in this world. Ned chopped off a guy’s head off in the first episode...for “desertion”. Didn’t buy his harebrained “I escaped from the White Walkers!” story. Not exactly a trial system. If your badazz kills their badazz, you win the lawsuit. Jaime pushes a kid out a window for snooping around and watching Jaime scrogg his own sister. The Hound killed a boy like a rabbit. There’d be no end. Need every hand on deck to fight that frozen horde of undead serial killers.He still needs to be brought to justice. I realize he's evolved into a more likeable character, but dont forget he DID push Bran off the balcony and he brutally killed his own cousin to escape captivity. That stuff hasn't gone away. He HAS to be brought to justice for those deeds.
Youre right about Bronn. He's been my favorite character after Tyrion for quite a while. I will hate to see him die.Bronn, that guy is the coolest in the land. But, I feel his time is about to come like next episode. My fav line...that girl will die of the pox in a year. Bronn replies, which one...this after having a foursome.
Who knows with this show. I was expecting at least one known character to die but we got the child lord who I dont even know if I remember him or not.Youre right about Bronn. He's been my favorite character after Tyrion for quite a while. I will hate to see him die.
Who knows with this show. I was expecting at least one known character to die but we got the child lord who I dont even know if I remember him or not.
On to this, what was the symbol they had around him on the wall? I think it was in season one and maybe the cave but I can’t remember much about it
I expected it to be a little more eventful (i.e. at least one significant death) with a 6 episode season and so many main players still on the board but this was a let's get reunited and reacquainted episode. Not many are talking about it, but I liked the dressing down little Lady Mormont gave Jon. He was entrusted with power and abdicated it to a southern ruler. Sansa's question to him was the right one... "Did you bend the knee to save the North or because you love her?" This is the 2nd time Jon has compromised the North's principles and it's reasonable to ask if a weakness for babes is having too much influence here.
The North belittled him for that. The King Who Knelt wasn’t a term of endearment.Jon should have reminded Lady Mormont that King Torrhen Stark also bent the knee to a Targaryen in order to save the North.