Herbstreit on Flopping

I think this will be the blueprint for slowing us down this year. Notice that after they did it about 2 or 3 times we kinda of abandoned the high speed O. I mean, why run a higher risk offense if the defense can lay on the ground and stop play anytime they feel like it. It's like the other team has been given unlimited time outs. They also stopped play one time when we out ran the chain gang (again). We will see defenses rolling on the ground all year since there is no penalty for doing so. This should have been addressed last year.
Last year? They were doing this all during Heupel’s first year, which culminated in the Mustard Rebellion that same year.

Going back and watching UCF, they had similar issues but not as pronounced because they simply didn’t have the horses to run on the level we do.
It's absurd that the NCAA still hasn't addressed this.

Dude went down early in the 1st Quarter with "cramps". The game had barely started. He clearly discovered he had "cramps" after some coach yelled at him from the sideline. How much more obvious can this be?
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IMHO this could/should be one of the plays that earns a personal foul flag..To determine what flopping is will be tough but the OBVIOUS flops should be a penalty..And video review could be a tool they use to determine intent..Just like targeting....
Charged with a timeout. They don't he any, 15 yards and automatic first down.
This needs a solution. Maybe the player with injury must sit out 5 plays?
If a time out is called on the field for a player who is injured, yes, they should have to sit out a minimum of 2 plays. If it is less than 3 minutes to the half or end of a game, it should be increased to 3-4 plays.

We don't want no stinking flopping round these parts!
Article doesn’t do it justice. During this conversation, they replayed in slow motion when this player went down with his “injury” and it was quite scathing. Herb called it pathetic and I yelled out THANK YOU at the tv lol
This needs a solution. Maybe the player with injury must sit out 5 plays?
I don't know that this is the answer because there are legit cramps some times but something could be done that would incorporate these scenes where the medical staff comes out on the field woth all the dramatics making those players sit longer or limiting the number of times a team could have an injured player after a first down before the injured player has to sit the rest of the game...that way coaches would be worried about saving those injury stoppages in case there was a legit minor injury to a key player.
I don't know too many technicalities of football but say:

UGA fakes an injury twice in 1 vols critical possession

Could Heupel theoretically do nonstop fake injuries before a play for 3 hours? Like pretend to be injured 60 times before 1 snap just to get the rule 100% changed after a major primetime game?
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Herbie has been complimentary of Tennessee for at least the last 25 years. I remember him on Basilio in summer of 99 sounding like a Vol fan. He has had criticisms over the years, but it’s not like there weren’t years where it was hard to say anything positive about UT football. Even so, these guys saying something doesn’t make them “anti” anyone, it’s just their job. The biggest thing he has said that bothered me was the Schiano endorsement and then his excuse for it.
Me saying he's been pro vol all season doesn't mean he was anti vol.
He is no dummy, he is jumping on the Vols bandwagon.
I always liked Kirby, until the Schiano deal and then anytime he said anything I didn't like I verbally beat him up. Lol. I guess some didnt understand my tongue in cheek comment and I've hurt some feelers.

I apologize to all the Kirby lubbers.
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Herbie has been complimentary of Tennessee for at least the last 25 years. I remember him on Basilio in summer of 99 sounding like a Vol fan. He has had criticisms over the years, but it’s not like there weren’t years where it was hard to say anything positive about UT football. Even so, these guys saying something doesn’t make them “anti” anyone, it’s just their job. The biggest thing he has said that bothered me was the Schiano endorsement and then his excuse for it.

The stuff with Rashaan Gaulden/Baker Mayfield was really bad a few years back.

At least he (or ESPN made him) owned up to that mistake...
I always liked Kirby, until the Schiano deal and then anytime he said anything I didn't like I verbally beat him up. Lol. I guess some didnt understand my tongue in cheek comment and I've hurt some feelers.

I apologize to all the Kirby lubbers.
I have a friend in Nashville that met him in a restaurant about a year ago, and he gave Kirby a piece of his mind about bad mouthing the Vols. He said Kirby was very nice and told him “man don't take it personal I’m a real Vol fan but have to be careful on the camera”
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I don't know that this is the answer because there are legit cramps some times but something could be done that would incorporate these scenes where the medical staff comes out on the field woth all the dramatics making those players sit longer or limiting the number of times a team could have an injured player after a first down before the injured player has to sit the rest of the game...that way coaches would be worried about saving those injury stoppages in case there was a legit minor injury to a key player.
Maybe each team gets one allotted "injury" timeout per quarter, and after that any further injuries counts as a real timeout.

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