Herbstreit on Flopping

It makes alot of sense to me to require and extended absence when a player goes down…this is a tricky topic because you really could encourage players to play through a legit injury if you penalize them for going down…but if they are legit injured then staying out for 2-3 series (or something like that) could address legit injuries and faked ones
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After 162 injured lineman in a row on extra points, we Vols better not be clutching any pearls about this. Some rules DO need to be implemented to keep the injured player out for an extended time after injury. I mean for the same of health and all.
Kirby been pro-Vols all season. I've almost forgiven him.
Unfortunately , I think they're being pushed to flatter the UT fanbase this season. Someone with a brain at ESPN figured out they're missing out on $$ by shunning us at every turn . You could tell Rece was awkward as hell propping us during the NC State game with his goofy fake give him 6 routine. And Fowler quoting Neyland . It's weird and canned . Herbstreit does seem more sincere though.
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Yesterday wasn't the first time, or even the first year, that I've heard Herbstreit say that it's better for college football when the Vols are relevant.
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Not severe enough. More like a quarter. Now if someone gets injured on a extra point try, that's just fine by me. No penalty for that.😇

Something that is not a variable like number of plays, I .e. Does a non timed play count, or a penalty play. So while being attended place a tag on the helmet and the time (maybe 5 clock minutes) on it and hand it to the medical staff for admin. Unless the team takes a TO while he is on the field.
If your player goes down injured during a series and it's fake like this , he must stay down on the field and counts as a player until he gets carted to the locker room.
Unfortunately , I think they're being pushed to flatter the UT fanbase this season. Someone with a brain at ESPN figured out they're missing out on $$ by shunning us at every turn . You could tell Rece was awkward as hell propping us during the NC State game with his goofy fake give him 6 routine. And Fowler quoting Neyland . It's weird and canned . Herbstreit does seem more sincere though.
As someone who never missed an episode of Rece on college football final with Holtz and Mark May, the guy has never been anti-Tennessee. Has he been critical at times? Sure he has. Sometimes we probably deserved it. There are other times over the years where he may have said something probably wrong about us, but he's always been fair.
I think if it's an obvious flop, it should cost a timeout at minimum. If a team's out of time outs, it's a delay of game penalty.
It's absurd that the NCAA still hasn't addressed this.

Dude went down early in the 1st Quarter with "cramps". The game had barely started. He clearly discovered he had "cramps" after some coach yelled at him from the sideline. How much more obvious can this be?
I concur fully with your first statement above. But, we are talking about the NCAA after all!

Such blatant actions negatively affect the integrity of the game and they detract from the overall fan experience. If a team was allowed to continue faking injuries throughout the game without consequences, it would gain a decisive advantage through stoppage of play - in essence, an uncharged timeout. Granted, some in-game stoppages for medical reasons are legitimate. The problem is knowing which injuries are real and which ones are being faked. If play is stopped to tend to a player medically, then remove the player for a designated period of time or for a set number of plays for medical assessment. Should that player re-enter the game and experience another such issue requiring stoppage of play, then disqualify the player from further game action. This would be to ensure the player’s safety and well-being through further medical evaluation and care. If said player was faking injury, then this 2nd incident and the automatic trigger of permanent expulsion from game action would be a justifiable consequence.

Each team would be allowed up to two total unchallenged stoppages per half. After that, a timeout would be charged to the team responsible for each such additional stoppage of play.

By applying the proposed remedies universally without exception, players who are truly injured receive care they deserve; players who fake injuries are punished; and teams responsible for excessive number of in-game stoppages are penalized.
Terry went down and returned at least twice.
One of those times the camera followed his slow tortuous walk from the field supported by two trainers. Odd thing though, as soon as they reached the sidelines, the trainers stepped away ans he casually strolled the rest of the way to the bench.
This needs to become a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty and the flopping player ejected.

It's really dumb and ironic when a defender gets thrown out for targetting when the offensive player gets right up and is OK but when someone pretends to be hurt there's no penalty.
I think it should simply be that the “injured” player sits out the remainder of the drive. It’s not a long amount of time, but it does deter the faking of injuries. X-amount of plays or time is too much to properly keep up with to be consistently & accurately enforceable.
This^ and the team can just sub for the player that's injured and injured player must go to tent and cleared. It might be better to put a time on it to make it fair across the board. Injury happened at 8 O'clock player after cleared, player can re-enter after 8:15 PM. 15 minutes of real time may just be a couple minutes game time.

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