Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

How many of you at least moderately consider moral character when choosing between candidates of the same party?
As a lawyer, he would also know that a receipt from the abortion clinic, bank records showing a contemporaneous check from Walker in a similar amount, and a “get well” card from Walker is pretty good corroborating evidence.
Shouldn't the check and receipt match 100% to be collavorative????
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A number, please. How many will it take?

Whatever you got. Just post a link to your Google search with all those op-Ed’s talking about McCain’s moral courage during the 2008 campaign. You said your search came back with a bunch of them.
Tie it together? Wtf are you talking about? She ties it together.

“We had sex, I got pregnant. Neither of us wanted a child so I got an abortion and he paid me what I thought the final bill would be.” Her story is corroborated by a receipt and bank records showing he wrote her a check for $700 5 days after her procedure and she says the check came in a get well card saying “pray you are feeling better,” which she supplied to reporters and appears to have Walker’s signature on it.

If true, he wrote a check. So what? That check could’ve been for anything. Does the check have “ for abortion” in the memo line? If so, then you might be right.
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Whatever you got. Just post a link to your Google search with all those op-Ed’s talking about McCain’s moral courage during the 2008 campaign. You said your search came back with a bunch of them.
You can’t remember what I said an hour ago, but you think your memory of the 2008 election is better than mine? Seems legit.

What a colossal bitch move. How embarrassing.
Yes, and at the time the GOP beat its chest about how it opposed such scoundrels. Now? Now they make excuses for them.

Add in the fact that the GOP deficit spends more than the Dems and its getting hard to see a difference any more.
Congratulations. You are in your mid 50s and you have become fully aware about the truth of political candidates. You're a little late to the party compared to others. But the important thing is you arrived.
What do you make of the son, an avowed conservative, weighing in and saying he has no doubt its true, that Walker fathered four kids with four different women and did not stay at home to raise any of them at all, instead always going off to be with another woman?

If it tuns out that the abortion claim is ultimately unknowable for sure one way or another, is the allegedly pro-family, pro-responsibility GOP okay putting into high office a person of this character? I think I know the answer vis-a-vis Trump, but you have to admit it is remarkable the extent to which the GOP has in recent years completely abandoned any claim to supporting candidates with high moral character.
I think all politicians have long since abandoned any worry about character. You have even seen the base go away from with comments of "might as well do what the Dems are doing", "at least he is fighting back"

didnt Bama elect a child molester not too long ago? I would put that as worse than anything Walker has been accused of yet.
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How many of you at least moderately consider moral character when choosing between candidates of the same party?
I assume all are immoral. Even those who have an outward facade of a healthy marriages with great kids.

The level of ego, narcissism, pride, and lust for power is inside all of them (not all but enough to make the the true servants an anomaly).
You can’t remember what I said an hour ago, but you think your memory of the 2008 election is better than mine? Seems legit.

What a colossal bitch move. How embarrassing.

Then I suggest you see your doctor. You can still Google op-Ed’s talking about McCain’s moral courage. He ran as a war hero FFS

This is exactly what you said so post 'em up. You don't have to go all bowlbrothers when you get called out for BS.
I think all politicians have long since abandoned any worry about character. You have even seen the base go away from with comments of "might as well do what the Dems ar
e doing", "at least he is fighting back"

didnt Bama elect a child molester not too long ago? I would put that as worse than anything Walker has been accused of yet.
RElated to Louder's post:

How many of you would accept help from a national politician...private help, not public...and not think 'what will I owe this person in the future'?
RElated to Louder's post:

How many of you would accept help from a national politician...private help, not public...and not think 'what will I owe this person in the future'?
Not sure I would get in this man’s car for a lift if stuck in middle of a desert
Look at that face
Mouth droops from talking out of both sides
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This is exactly what you said so post 'em up. You don't have to go all bowlbrothers when you get called out for BS.
Sure, but only because this display of spinelessness was even more degrading than the dunce cap would have been.

How many posts will it take for you to conveniently forget that the underlying argument was about moral character as a campaign issue and focus solely on whether I found any opeds?

Here’s McCain’s own acceptance speech at the 2008 RNC:
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Saint Paul | The American Presidency Project

The second and fourth parts of the speech, which you can read at the link above, are about his character and how he fights against corruption and how he was shaped by his POW experience, including how he turned down an offer to jump to the front of the line to come home in a prisoner exchange.
Sure, but only because this display of spinelessness was even more degrading than the dunce cap would have been.

How many posts will it take for you to conveniently forget that the underlying argument was about moral character as a campaign issue and focus solely on whether I found any opeds?

Here’s McCain’s own acceptance speech at the 2008 RNC:
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Saint Paul | The American Presidency Project

The second and fourth parts of the speech, which you can read at the link above, are about his character and how he fights against corruption and how he was shaped by his POW experience, including how he turned down an offer to jump to the front of the line to come home in a prisoner exchange.

Yes and I simply said I didn't remember morality being a big issue in 2008 or 2012 in which you replied:

Then I suggest you see your doctor. You can still Google op-Ed’s talking about McCain’s moral courage. He ran as a war hero FFS.

Then my reply:

Maybe you can help a brother out because this is all I got when I did the google thingy.

2008 op-eds about mccain's moral courage - Google Search

Then your reply:

How many will it take for you to change your avatar to a dunce cap for a week?

And you have yet to post a link to a single op-ed or even your google search showing all those op-eds you found. The best you have come up with is McCain's Acceptance speech, hell what candidate on record doesn't toot his own horn and claim to be next to sainthood in the acceptance speech? You lied, were called out on it then you went all bitch mode (which is your MO) and embarrassed yourself.

For some reason I can't get multi-quote to work.
RElated to Louder's post:

How many of you would accept help from a national politician...private help, not public...and not think 'what will I owe this person in the future'?
There are only so many wives I can satiate
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Yes and I simply said I didn't remember morality being a big issue in 2008 or 2012 in which you replied:

Then my reply:

Then your reply:

And you have yet to post a link to a single op-ed or even your google search showing all those op-eds you found. The best you have come up with is McCain's Acceptance speech, hell what candidate on record doesn't toot his own horn and claim to be next to sainthood in the acceptance speech? You lied, were called out on it then you went all bitch mode (which is your MO) and embarrassed yourself.

For some reason I can't get multi-quote to work.
Only one post? My guess was two.

We would have gotten to the op-eds faster if you had sacked up and made it worth my while.

Unfortunately for you, the claim that republicans haven’t touted moral integrity since the ‘90’s is far more humiliating for you and proving that you were flat ass wrong is way more fun for me. If I post all the op-eds you’ll either slink away without a response, or dishonestly claim that it’s insufficient, and my fun will be diminished. Plus, the more times you double down on saying I lied about the op-ed’s, the more fun it will be to post them.

Here’s a July 2008 politico article about McCain going after Obama’s character.
McCain takes aim at Obama’s character - POLITICO
Only one post? My guess was two.

We would have gotten to the op-eds faster if you had sacked up and made it worth my while.

Unfortunately for you, the claim that republicans haven’t touted moral integrity since the ‘90’s is far more humiliating for you and proving that you were flat ass wrong is way more fun for me. If I post all the op-eds you’ll either slink away without a response, or dishonestly claim that it’s insufficient, and my fun will be diminished. Plus, the more times you double down on saying I lied about the op-ed’s, the more fun it will be to post them.

Here’s a July 2008 politico article about McCain going after Obama’s character.
McCain takes aim at Obama’s character - POLITICO

So still no op-eds from 2008 about McCains moral character? Man you are taking embarrassing yourself to new levels.
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So still nothing? Your google broke or were you just FOS AGAIN?
As any person of reasonable intelligence would recall, your original claim that I was FOS was regarding my statements about character as an issue in 2008. 👇

I don't recall morality being an issue in either the 08 or 12 campaign, nobody had the balls to question Obama's character and neither McCain or Romney had a past that displayed high moral character. I think as usual you are FOS.

I was ready to start posting op-eds as you seemed to have fully given up on making any argument about the 2008 campaign, but this comment just bought you at least three more, just to be sure.

Enjoy this Christian Science monitor article discussing McCain’s war hero campaign.
What does it mean to call McCain a 'war hero' candidate? - CSMonitor.com
As any person of reasonable intelligence would recall, your original claim that I was FOS was regarding my statements about character as an issue in 2008. 👇

I was ready to start posting op-eds as you seemed to have fully given up on making any argument about the 2008 campaign, but this comment just bought you at least three more, just to be sure.

Enjoy this Christian Science monitor article discussing McCain’s war hero campaign.
What does it mean to call McCain a 'war hero' candidate? - CSMonitor.com

Yes, I said I don't recall morality being an issue in those elections. You spouted off about googling op-eds about McCain's moral courage and that is where the conversation went. You kept asking how many did I need you to post and you still haven't posted the 1st one. You lied so just admit it.
Amid Media’s Herschel Walker Meltdown, Don’t Forget How Radically Pro-Abortion Raphael Warnock Is

The virtue-signaling corporate media are working overtime to convince Georgians that they shouldn’t vote for a Republican candidate like Herschel Walker who may have a checkered past with abortion.

What the corrupt press isn’t telling you is that by skipping the voting line for Walker, thousands of Georgians would open the door for incumbent Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock, a pro-abortion activist with extremist views that directly contradict voters’ wishes for abortion law, to keep his seat.

Despite his reluctance to answer questions, Warnock’s desire to legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy is no secret. That’s why he demanded that the Biden administration “use the full force of the federal government to protect abortion access in the United States.” It’s also why he won’t say whether he would support conscience protections for pro-life doctors with religious objections to abortion.

Don't Forget How Radically Pro-Abortion Raphael Warnock Is
Yes, I said I don't recall morality being an issue in those elections. You spouted off about googling op-eds about McCain's moral courage and that is where the conversation went. You kept asking how many did I need you to post and you still haven't posted the 1st one. You lied so just admit it.
Yep, and I told you I would have posted opeds if you’d given me a number and explained to you why that was. Not my fault you’re too dumb to grasp it.

You’re welcome to admit that you were in fact the one that was full of **** about the 2008 campaign, and I’ll shave one article rubbing your nose in it off your quota.

Otherwise you’ll just have to wait until the enjoyment I get from posting articles to show that your stupidity is notable - even in a forum where somebody literally tried “it was blatantly unconstitutional” as a defense of January 6 - has waned.

In the meantime, here’s some guy’s master’s thesis that cites a ton of languge from both candidates showing how they portrayed themselves.
Candidate self presentation in the 2008 American presidential election : A qualitative study of the self presentation strategies and appeals to national identity pursued by John McCain and Barack Obama
Yep, and I told you I would have posted opeds if you’d given me a number and explained to you why that was. Not my fault you’re too dumb to grasp it.

You’re welcome to admit that you were in fact the one that was full of **** about the 2008 campaign, and I’ll shave one article rubbing your nose in it off your quota.

Otherwise you’ll just have to wait until the enjoyment I get from posting articles to show that your stupidity is notable - even in a forum where somebody literally tried “it was blatantly unconstitutional” as a defense of January 6 - has waned.

In the meantime, here’s some guy’s master’s thesis that cites a ton of languge from both candidates showing how they portrayed themselves.
Candidate self presentation in the 2008 American presidential election : A qualitative study of the self presentation strategies and appeals to national identity pursued by John McCain and Barack Obama

You've worked awful hard to prove that you are FOS.

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