Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

I'm glad to see that you have a new hobby.
So the number was actually 1. I would have actually given you props for having the balls to bid that low.

Oh well.

Here’s one from The Nation in June that quotes a DOZEN other fawning editorials, many of which mention McCain’s character in the quote.

Loving John McCain
Awww ... smart a$$ comments aside, I am sorry to hear that. I was blessed with a buff colored Cocker Spaniel named Rowdy from 1990-2006. He has been gone for 16 years now, and I still miss him, and I can still hear his cries when we are on the way to the vet his last day ... he was in so much pain. I was crying too.

It's not an easy thing when you have to put a good dog down.
There is no intelligent, substantive discussion on here anymore. Most of the posts are some form of childish, ad hominem drivel such as this. The politics forum is poorly moderated.
There is. It's not often but it does happen.

Be the change you want to see on the board.

This a a lively forum. It's grown in popularity compared to when I began participating.

Also recommend participate in the OT. That thread is childish, too but in a fun way.
There is no intelligent, substantive discussion on here anymore. Most of the posts are some form of childish, ad hominem drivel such as this. The politics forum is poorly moderated.

You never have an intelligent argument and neither does luther. It’s always some emotional bs.
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Wow. You're really bad at forum participation!

I don’t see any benefit to treating people who behave in bad faith as if they’re behaving in good faith. Similarly, I don’t see a need to treat people with civility or respect if they themselves don’t treat others that way.

If someone is employing a strawman in every conversation I have with them, and it becomes clear that the misunderstanding is intentional, then It seems unlikely that I’m depriving anyone else of serious discussion by treating that person with contempt.
I don’t see any benefit to treating people who behave in bad faith as if they’re behaving in good faith. Similarly, I don’t see a need to treat people with civility or respect if they themselves don’t treat others that way.

If someone is employing a strawman in every conversation I have with them, and it becomes clear that the misunderstanding is intentional, then It seems unlikely that I’m depriving anyone else of serious discussion by treating that person with contempt.
Reasonable unemotional appeals are not tolerated here.

Get better at posterizing.
2 new kids in one week. Travis Henry be like, "Yo Herschel, ease up on the raw dogging."

FYI: the loudmouth above is the son that Herschel claims. What's the over/under on how long before he comes out of the closet?

Pretty sure that son is out of the closet..
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Are you being sarcastic and suggesting that I have a problem with reasonable unemotional appeals?
i am suggesting that only if it "makes your head explode".

How many PF veterans remember who posted that revelation years ago?
MAGA, b*tches!

He probably just forgot who she is. No biggie. It's unreasonable to expect a grown man to keep track of his baby mamas.

"Can we move Election Day up ???? PLEASE !!!!" - Every member of the Herschel Walker for Senate campaign
So not anonymous. That plausible deniability angle is aging like fine mayonnaise on a hot day.

In b4 “must have been a child support payment.”
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I don’t see any benefit to treating people who behave in bad faith as if they’re behaving in good faith. Similarly, I don’t see a need to treat people with civility or respect if they themselves don’t treat others that way.

If someone is employing a strawman in every conversation I have with them, and it becomes clear that the misunderstanding is intentional, then It seems unlikely that I’m depriving anyone else of serious discussion by treating that person with contempt.

It is hard to take people seriously on here when they are so wrapped up in the political ideology. That goes for posters on both sides of the aisle. There are way too many people that will excuse any kind of behavior as long as it benefits " their side". Not only will many excuse those things, but they will argue on here until their fingers hurt from typing. Those are usually the same posters that cry foul when they lose an argument or refuse to admit they are wrong when shown proof. We could all do better at having civil discussions on here.
So not anonymous. That plausible deniability angle is aging like fine mayonnaise on a hot day.

In b4 “must have been a child support payment.”
Well, technically, she is remaining anonymous in that her name isn't being published alongside her claims. However, because she has identified herself as being the mother of one of his 4 kids, her identity is accessible with very little effort, to anyone who wants to know who she is. This will make Herschel look like an a$$, if he continues to insist that he doesn't know who is making these abortion claims.
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