Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

That's not what we were arguing about. Moving the goalposts just makes you look even worse.

Who is arguing? You haven’t made a substantive argument, yet. All that’s happening is that I’m proving you were completely ****ing wrong and you’re crying about this tangential issue of how many op-eds I’m going to post, when I get around to it. I wonder why you’re arguing about that instead of the 2008 election. 😂
Also, you didn’t even open the link, but if you had, it was absolutely related to what you were completely ****ing wrong about. McCain’s attempts to present himself as a man of character and integrity who fights for the “common man” and stands up to corruption or puts the country first we’re all appeals to the things you say Republicans haven’t cared about since the ‘90’s.

Here’s an article about an endorsement McCain received from a Republican politician citing his character as a reason for the endorsement.
Oroho endorses McCain
Who is arguing? You haven’t made a substantive argument, yet. All that’s happening is that I’m proving you were completely ****ing wrong and you’re crying about this tangential issue of how many op-eds I’m going to post, when I get around to it. I wonder why you’re arguing about that instead of the 2008 election. 😂
Also, you didn’t even open the link, but if you had, it was absolutely related to what you were completely ****ing wrong about. McCain’s attempts to present himself as a man of character and integrity who fights for the “common man” and stands up to corruption or puts the country first we’re all appeals to the things you say Republicans haven’t cared about since the ‘90’s.

Here’s an article about an endorsement McCain received from a Republican politician citing his character as a reason for the endorsement.
Oroho endorses McCain

Bless your heart, you're still trying.
Your ability to continue talking **** in the face of overwhelming evidence that you were completely ****ing wrong speaks to a lifetime of experience at being completely ****ing wrong that is completely at odds with you being too much of a bitch to set any objective standard by which you’ll admit you were wrong.

Not sure how to reconcile those two things, but it sure makes for some laughs.

We’ll go chronologically. Here’s a New York Times editorial page endorsement of McCain in the Republican primary that literally cites his demonstration of “the character to stand on principal.”

Your ability to continue talking **** in the face of overwhelming evidence that you were completely ****ing wrong speaks to a lifetime of experience at being completely ****ing wrong that is completely at odds with you being too much of a bitch to set any objective standard by which you’ll admit you were wrong.

Not sure how to reconcile those two things, but it sure makes for some laughs.

We’ll go chronologically. Here’s a New York Times editorial page endorsement of McCain in the Republican primary that literally cites his demonstration of “the character to stand on principal.”


Behind a paywall so I'll take your word for it. Good job.

The standard was set and you kept trying to move the topic once you realized you were caught in a lie. But bravo, you may be a liar but at least you aren't a quitter.
There is no intelligent, substantive discussion on here anymore. Most of the posts are some form of childish, ad hominem drivel such as this. The politics forum is poorly moderated.

You deserve a like for this. It's not too often that one of you recognizes your shortcomings.
It hasn’t been much better than this since I first looked in here in 2018 during the Kavanaugh thing. It was already a food fight back then.
I suppose you could see it as a microcosm of how tribal the country has become. Most of the posts involve name-calling and over-heated rhetoric of some variety. I don't remember that being the case when I first started posting here in 2016.
I suppose you could see it as a microcosm of how tribal the country has become. Most of the posts involve name-calling and over-heated rhetoric of some variety. I don't remember that being the case when I first started posting here in 2016.
Basically. It’s the inability to agree on basic facts or agree to an arbiter to resolve factual disputes.

A woman says Herschel Walker paid for her abortion. He wrote her a check for $700 5 days after her $575 procedure. She offers an explanation for the disparity and says the check came in a get-well card that she provided and appears to have Walker’s signature. Apparently, we can’t agree that that’s evidence that he paid for her abortion.

As for the arbitration, see Trump’s mar-a-lago search case. I was told I had “already lost the debate” a few days after the 11th circuit completely disregarded the idea that Trump can just silently declassify those documents. This wasn’t persuasive to the advocates of that theory because the courts hate Trump or something.

So when people resort to bad faith and refuse to admit that they were wrong, or e.g. call you a liar in the face of overwhelming evidence that you were correct, there’s no incentive to take that person seriously.
Basically. It’s the inability to agree on basic facts or agree to an arbiter to resolve factual disputes.

A woman says Herschel Walker paid for her abortion. He wrote her a check for $700 5 days after her $575 procedure. She offers an explanation for the disparity and says the check came in a get-well card that she provided and appears to have Walker’s signature. Apparently, we can’t agree that that’s evidence that he paid for her abortion.

As for the arbitration, see Trump’s mar-a-lago search case. I was told I had “already lost the debate” a few days after the 11th circuit completely disregarded the idea that Trump can just silently declassify those documents. This wasn’t persuasive to the advocates of that theory because the courts hate Trump or something.

So when people resort to bad faith and refuse to admit that they were wrong, or e.g. call you a liar in the face of overwhelming evidence that you were correct, there’s no incentive to take that person seriously.
As I see it, one big issue ... Too many false equivalencies are drawn.

Example :

It's okay that Herschel Walker lied about having a college degree and the number of kids he has, because Elizabeth Warren lied about having Native American heritage. The people complaining about her lie, have never given her a pass for it. They bring it up all the time and frame it as being a significant strike against her. However, they do not speak of Herschel Walker's lies equally. Walker gets leniency, whereas Warren does not. That makes this a false equivalency on the part of the right.
As I see it, one big issue ... Too many false equivalencies are drawn.

Example :

It's okay that Herschel Walker lied about having a college degree and the number of kids he has, because Elizabeth Warren lied about having Native American heritage. The people complaining about her lie, have never given her a pass for it. They bring it up all the time and frame it as being a significant strike against her. However, they do not speak of Herschel Walker's lies equally. Walker gets leniency, whereas Warren did not. That makes this a false equivalency on the part of the right.

I'm glad to see that you have a new hobby.
As I see it, one big issue ... Too many false equivalencies are drawn.

Example :

It's okay that Herschel Walker lied about having a college degree and the number of kids he has, because Elizabeth Warren lied about having Native American heritage. The people complaining about her lie, have never given her a pass for it. They bring it up all the time and frame it as being a significant strike against her. However, they do not speak of Herschel Walker's lies equally. Walker gets leniency, whereas Warren does not. That makes this a false equivalency on the part of the right.
I agree. It's also true of the liberal posters and voters. Both sides full of hypocrites. The real clowns are the ones who believe "their side" is any better
Please ... get a dog. I recommend a Labrador Retriever. You will never have a lonely day with one around.

I'm not lonely, I have a wife, kids and grandkids to make sure I don't get lonely. Hell, they won't let me get lonely.

But as to the dog, we put our last one down about 2 years ago and I'm just not ready to go through that puppy phase again.
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I'm not lonely, I have a wife, kids and grandkids to make sure I don't get lonely. Hell, they won't let me get lonely.

But as to the dog, we put our last one down about 2 years ago and I'm just not ready to go through that puppy phase again.
Awww ... smart a$$ comments aside, I am sorry to hear that. I was blessed with a buff colored Cocker Spaniel named Rowdy from 1990-2006. He has been gone for 16 years now, and I still miss him, and I can still hear his cries when we are on the way to the vet his last day ... he was in so much pain. I was crying too.

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