Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

“I was also in the top 1% of my GRADUATED class in college.”

So you are lying that he said “graduating”.
He did say ".... my graduating class in college."

"... my graduated class in college." ????

That doesn't make any sense.

There is no way anyone is as stupid as you are coming across.
Was CNN bothered by this one:

In July 2016, Obama asserted: “We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.”
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But Biden has Herschel beat on lies by at least a 1000 percent and yet you defend him at all cost.
I don't spend much time defending Biden on here, and I'm not going to start now ...

... but if you are going to try to tell me that Herschel Walker didn't lie about being a graduate of the University of Georgia?

Well, I'm going to have to throw the Bull $hit flag on that one, because I have two YouTube videos where he can very clearly be heard doing that very thing.
I don't spend much time defending Biden on here, and I'm not going to start now ...

... but if you are going to try to tell me that Herschel Walker didn't lie about being a graduate of the University of Georgia?

Well, I'm going to have to throw the Bull $hit flag on that one, because I have two YouTube videos where he can very clearly be heard doing that very thing.

LOL No, you never spend any time defending Biden….

I have listened to it several times now. Herschel Walker very clearly says, ".... my graduating class in college."
I have already pissed on these candidates but good lord man. In terms of lies I am aware of between them:
Walker lied about his graduation status
He was not transparent about the number of children he has. Little proof besides an ex why wife who sued him once that he doesn't take care of them.


Intentionally lied about the new GA voting law and had to walk that whopper back

Lied about never being against voter ID laws

One of these liars has a more concerning lying history when it comes to lies the voters should give a **** about. And it's not the one who can still run a sub 5 40.
I also listened to it many times. He said “graduated”.
Sorry, he said "... my graduating class in college." The way you would have it is never said.... and doesn't make sense.

... but even if you want to have it your way, there shouldn't be any mistaking that he was claiming to have graduated from Georgia. I can't believe how passionately you are arguing over semantics here. He clearly wanted people to believe that he had graduated from Georgia.

You seem like an idiot.
I have already pissed on these candidates but good lord man. In terms of lies I am aware of between them:
Walker lied about his graduation status
He was not transparent about the number of children he has. Little proof besides an ex why wife who sued him once that he doesn't take care of them.


Intentionally lied about the new GA voting law and had to walk that whopper back

Lied about never being against voter ID laws

One of these liars has a more concerning lying history when it comes to lies the voters should give a **** about. And it's not the one who can still run a sub 5 40.
Why are you replying to me ... instead of the idiot who wants to deny that Herschel Walker lied about being a graduate of the University of Georgia? I will argue something, when I know damn well that I am right. Jesus Christ. @Thunder Good-Oil is a stubborn moron!
Sorry, he said "... my graduating class in college." The way you would have it is never said.... and doesn't make sense.

... but even if you want to have it your way, there shouldn't be any mistaking that he was claiming to have graduated from Georgia. I can't believe how passionately you are arguing over semantics here. He clearly wanted people to believe that he had graduated from Georgia.

You seem like an idiot.

You’ve never heard an AA lady say that she “had her hair DID”. That doesn’t make sense in your privileged whiteness world either.
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I have already pissed on these candidates but good lord man. In terms of lies I am aware of between them:
Walker lied about his graduation status
He was not transparent about the number of children he has. Little proof besides an ex why wife who sued him once that he doesn't take care of them.


Intentionally lied about the new GA voting law and had to walk that whopper back

Lied about never being against voter ID laws

One of these liars has a more concerning lying history when it comes to lies the voters should give a **** about. And it's not the one who can still run a sub 5 40.
... and that is a lie too, btw.
Why are you replying to me ... instead of the idiot who wants to deny that Herschel Walker lied about being a graduate of the University of Georgia? I will argue something, when I know damn well that I am right. Jesus Christ. @Thunder Good-Oil is a stubborn moron!

Resorting to name calling is a classic indicator of having lost the debate. What’s your count up to? 4x? 5x?
Why are you replying to me ... instead of the idiot who wants to deny that Herschel Walker lied about being a graduate of the University of Georgia? I will argue something, when I know damn well that I am right. Jesus Christ. @Thunder Good-Oil is a stubborn moron!
Bc your panties are in a wad over his lie. While not a word over Warnock's. And Warnock shat matters far more.
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Resorting to name calling is a classic indicator of having lost the debate. What’s your count up to? 4x? 5x?
If you are still claiming that Herschel Walker didn't lie about being a graduate of the University of Georgia? Then you are still losing the debate, and you more than deserve to be called a stubborn moron and an idiot.
Bc your panties are in a wad over his lie. While not a word over Warnock's. And Warnock shat matters far more.
I don't even care about Walker's lie anymore to be honest with you ... but don't gaslight me. I have ears and I trust them. They work just fine. Don't try to tell me that Herschel Walker didn't lie about being a graduate of the University of Georgia.
If you are still claiming that Herschel Walker didn't lie about being a graduate of the University of Georgia? Then you are still losing the debate, and you more than deserve to be called a stubborn moron and an idiot.

I’m putting what he has said in context and what was the nature of the audience. You have naively fallen for what CNN is painting here. And he said “graduated”. 100%.

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