Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

Because the morally bankrupt Herschel Walker is running against the equally morally bankrupt Raphael Warnock....
It isn't a lack of morals with Herschel Walker.

Herschel is mentally ill. He has admitted to being diagnosed with multiple personalities disorder.

As a result of this condition, he has been telling whoppers for decades, concerning a military career that he never had, a law enforcement career that he never had, and an academic career that barely kept him eligible to play football. Due to his illness, he actually believes what he has been saying. It really is very sad. It is not a morality problem with Herschel. He has a serious mental illness. He has no business being in the United States Senate.
Funny how the liberals believe the woman when they are accusing Trump but when they accuse one of their own...
"I did not see any signs that Ms. Ouleye’s foot was ran over." Medical personnel arrived and were "not able to locate any swelling, redness, or bruising or broken bones on Ms. Ouleye’s left foot."
It isn't a lack of morals with Herschel Walker.

Herschel is mentally ill. He has admitted to being diagnosed with multiple personalities disorder.

As a result of this condition, he has been telling whoppers for decades, concerning a military career that he never had, a law enforcement career that he never had, and an academic career that barely kept him eligible to play football. Due to his illness, he actually believes what he has been saying. It really is very sad. It is not a morality problem with Herschel. He has a serious mental illness. He has no business being in the United States Senate.
But you are ok with this right?

Ex-Wife Accuses Warnock of Neglecting Children, Failing to Pay Childcare Expenses
Herschel Walker says his greatest accomplishment is being a good father, but he was petitioned over child support for his estranged second son

New York Woman in Paternity Petition Against Former NFL Running Back, Herschel Walker, Alonso Krangle LLP Representing Petitioner

^^^^ The mother of one of Herschel Walker's own sons, had to file a paternity suit against him back in 2013, in order to get him to fulfill his child support obligations ... but recently, he has been an outspoken critic of absentee fathers.

So he should have simply taken the baby mama’s word for it instead of having the facts be confirmed in court? Because former gold digger girlfriends never lie, am I right?
So he should have simply taken the baby mama’s word for it instead of having the facts be confirmed in court? Because former gold digger girlfriends never lie, am I right?
Herschel Walker knows how to lie. That's for damn sure.

Fact check: Herschel Walker falsely claims he never falsely claimed he graduated from University of Georgia - CNNPolitics

^^^^ Herschel will even lie about being a liar. He is on numerous video and audio recordings, including his own motivational speeches, where he claims to be a college graduate.

There are lies.

There are damn lies.

There are motivational speeches, where you claim to have graduated in the top 1% of your class, when you never even graduated at all.
Herschel Walker knows how to lie. That's for damn sure.

Fact check: Herschel Walker falsely claims he never falsely claimed he graduated from University of Georgia - CNNPolitics

^^^^ Herschel will even lie about being a liar. He is on numerous video and audio recordings, including his own motivational speeches, where he claims to be a college graduate.

There are lies.

There are damn lies.

There are motivational speeches, where you claim to have graduated in the top 1% of your class, when you never even graduated at all.
If you live in Georgia, you need to vote for Warnock and Abrams, they represent your values.
If you live in Georgia, you need to vote for Warnock and Abrams, they represent your values.
Also, as recently as December, Herschel Walker's own official Senate campaign web site listed him as being a graduate of the University of Georgia ... but now he wants to claim that he never said that he graduated from Georgia? The guy has issues.
Herschel Walker knows how to lie. That's for damn sure.

Fact check: Herschel Walker falsely claims he never falsely claimed he graduated from University of Georgia - CNNPolitics

^^^^ Herschel will even lie about being a liar. He is on numerous video and audio recordings, including his own motivational speeches, where he claims to be a college graduate.

There are lies.

There are damn lies.

There are motivational speeches, where you claim to have graduated in the top 1% of your class, when you never even graduated at all.

“The former football star reportedly told an audience in 2019: "I spent time at Quantico at the FBI training school. Y'all didn't know I was an agent?"”

I’m wondering about the accuracy of labeling everything misspoken or printed as a lie. Did he actually CLAIM to be an FBI agent? Is there a video clip, because watching the guy on CNN repeat his words it sounded to me to be a joke as much as anything. He mentions having gone through training at Quantico (which is true, right?) and he then said “you didn’t know that I was an agent?” which when I read it it looks like a joke.

Just like Tuberville. He loosely added “branch” while making a point about a single party in control of all 3 elected “bodies”. He even clarifies what he was speaking off at the end of CNB’s edit of his remarks by identifying the 3. The CNN democrat cheerleaders ran with his comment as if he was talking about what the Constitution defines as a branch rather than his actual point about one party holding the power in those three bodies or branches or groups or whatever term is ideal when discussing those elected to the House, Senate, and Presidency. Just another big nothing burger for the liberals to screech about.
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I’m wondering about the accuracy of labeling everything misspoken or printed as a lie. Did he actually CLAIM to be an FBI agent? Is there a video clip, because watching the guy on CNN repeat his words it sounded to me to be a joke as much as anything. He mentions having gone through training at Quantico (which is true, right?) and he then said “didn’t you know that I’m an FBI agent?” which when I read it it looks like a joke.

Just like Tuberville. He loosely added “branch” while making a point about a single party in control of all 3 elected “bodies”. He even clarifies what he was speaking off at the end of CNB’s edit of his remarks by identifying the 3. The CNN democrat cheerleaders ran with his comment as if he was talking about what the Constitution defines as a branch rather than his actual point about one party holding the power in those three bodies or branches or groups or whatever term is ideal when discussing those elected to the House, Senate, and Presidency. Just another big nothing burger for the liberals to screech about.
I'm not sure if there is an audio recording of it, or not ... he didn't say it was a joke, but if you were wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt over that one... I guess that's up to each individual interpretation. Most of these lies are not open to individual interpretation, however. He was lying his butt off about being a college graduate, and he knows it. It was listed under the campaign bio, on his official web site. He didn't just lie about being a graduate either, he went as far as to say that he finished in the top 1% of his class. That took balls.

I really would like to give the guy a break. I think most of these lies are attributable to mental illness, but it's not as easy to do that, with him running for a seat in the United States Senate. He should be scrutinized just like every other candidate would be. The guy has issues.

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