Herschel Walker, US Senator

Not an appropriate analogy. Holly Warlick was qualified and an obvious choice. It's what Pat Summitt wanted. Being qualified doesn't guarantee success, however.

... and I didn't use experience as the only qualifier. Biden is an attorney - as a majority of politicians are.
I think the days of the majority of politicians being attorneys are coming to an end. AOC, MTG, Omar, Kim, Tuberville, Blackburn, Boebert, Paul, Donalds, and Massie just to name a few who are not attorneys. And soon you can add Herschel Walker to the list.
I think the days of the majority of politicians being attorneys are coming to an end. AOC, MTG, Omar, Kim, Tuberville, Blackburn, Boebert, Paul, Donalds, and Massie just to name a few who are not attorneys. And soon you can add Herschel Walker to the list.
I really don't think so. Once he has the Republican Party nomination, the Democratic Party will take the gloves off, and pictures of him grocery shopping in a polka dot sun dress will be all over the internet. So will the police reports of him beating his wife, Cindy, and threatening her with a knife. The guy has a severe mental disorder, and there is no getting around the fact that he has done some bat $hit crazy stuff. Republicans are backing a bad horse with this race, just because of name recognition ... and because Trump says so.

It will cost them.
Not to mention he's not a great speaker. He seems to just repeat talking points.
However he's going against a POS,
So I'm saying there's a chance.......
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and if Hershel runs against someone as horrendously despicable as Trump, he will be a shoo-in just as was Biden.


But this logic seemingly leads down this rabbit hole: If one deems a candidate mentally defective in some aspect and they win, then their opponent must be "horrendously despicable"; your statement allows for no other possibility. Herschel Walker is judged to be mentally defective by some Democrats, therefore if he wins, the Democratic candidate is "horrendously despicable." So the question then is, why would the Democratic Party run someone they equate with Trump? And what, pray tell, does that make Hillary Clinton? Double Horrendously Despicable?

So, IF Mr. Walker wins, does that mean that Warnock is "horrendously dispicable?" While I most assuredly do not agree with Warnock's political leanings, I have no reason, at this time, to believe he is horrendously despicable.

Hey, you get no argument from me if one claims Trump was/is an ass. I firmly believe that Bronx obnoxiousness is what did him in. I would have loved to have beaten his Twitter phone with a sledge hammer in front of him. But he was doing a far better job on policy than Biden, who I believe a lot of people (independents, as we must question Dem or Repub motives on this question) would characterize as floundering.
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I really don't think so. Once he has the Republican Party nomination, the Democratic Party will take the gloves off, and pictures of him grocery shopping in a polka dot sun dress will be all over the internet. So will the police reports of him beating his wife, Cindy, and threatening her with a knife. The guy has a severe mental disorder, and there is no getting around the fact that he has done some bat $hit crazy stuff. Republicans are backing a bad horse with this race, just because of name recognition ... and because Trump says so.

It will cost them.

We did elect a POTUS that licks kids, and brags about his leg hair. Anything goes my friend.
Not to mention he's not a great speaker. He seems to just repeat talking points.
However he's going against a POS,
So I'm saying there's a chance.......
No you're saying he'd make a great democrat.

But this logic seemingly leads down this rabbit hole: If one deems a candidate mentally defective in some aspect and they win, then their opponent must be "horrendously despicable"; your statement allows for no other possibility. Herschel Walker is judged to be mentally defective by some Democrats, therefore if he wins, the Democratic candidate is "horrendously despicable." So the question then is, why would the Democratic Party run someone they equate with Trump? And what, pray tell, does that make Hillary Clinton? Double Horrendously Despicable?

So, IF Mr. Walker wins, does that mean that Warnock is "horrendously dispicable?" While I most assuredly do not agree with Warnock's political leanings, I have no reason, at this time, to believe he is horrendously despicable.

Hey, you get no argument from me if one claims Trump was/is an ass. I firmly believe that Bronx obnoxiousness is what did him in. I would have loved to have beaten his Twitter phone with a sledge hammer in front of him. But he was doing a far better job on policy than Biden, who I believe a lot of people (independents, as we must question Dem or Repub motives on this question) would characterize as floundering.
You are highlighting the rationale behind my continued statements from the start that Trump and the 2016 election was a once in every 300 year catastrophic anomaly and should NEVER be viewed as the norm.
The only lesson that should be learned is that if you nominate a candidate that is as "horrendously despicable" as Trump, you will lose.
Again, 2016 was an anomaly.....lesson learned. And don't forget, Clinton did get several million more votes.
And don't forget, Clinton did get several million more votes.

Don't forget, we're a federal republic and Trump got 77 more electoral votes, 33 more than he needed. Under the Constitution of the United States, those are the 77 votes that mattered.

I know her supporters keep clinging to that, but she could have had 50 million more votes and it meant bupkis.
Don't forget, we're a federal republic and Trump got 77 more electoral votes, 33 more than he needed. Under the Constitution of the United States, those are the 77 votes that mattered.

I know her supporters keep clinging to that, but she could have had 50 million more votes and it meant bupkis.
It means that Trump lost the popular vote by millions in both elections in which he ran.
In many ways, that's significant bupkis.
It means that Trump lost the popular vote by millions in both elections in which he ran.
In many ways, that's significant bupkis.

Means nothing. If we decided POTUS by popular vote the campaigns would be run completely different.
Should have a great chance now that the chances of cheating have been decreased

The fact that anyone with half a brain still believes in the cheating narrative is beyond me. I would put such folks on the same level as those that believe Trump gets golden showers from russian prostitutes.
Did Trump run a campaign the get the most electoral votes or the most individual votes?
Definitely the former.
He knew that by making the masses of people in blue states hate him even more, he could win over a few more votes in battleground states. Horrendously despicable strategy.
I really don't think so. Once he has the Republican Party nomination, the Democratic Party will take the gloves off, and pictures of him grocery shopping in a polka dot sun dress will be all over the internet. So will the police reports of him beating his wife, Cindy, and threatening her with a knife. The guy has a severe mental disorder, and there is no getting around the fact that he has done some bat $hit crazy stuff. Republicans are backing a bad horse with this race, just because of name recognition ... and because Trump says so.

It will cost them.

To be honest, I think the Repubs need a better option than Herschel, but Georgia and America need a better option than Ossoff and Warnock.
It means that Trump lost the popular vote by millions in both elections in which he ran.
In many ways, that's significant bupkis.

Well, it may as well have been Ginormous Bupkis! The largest Bupkis in the known Universe. It still means nothing more than the proverbial five gallon bucket of excrement.
You are highlighting the rationale behind my continued statements from the start that Trump and the 2016 election was a once in every 300 year catastrophic anomaly and should NEVER be viewed as the norm.
The only lesson that should be learned is that if you nominate a candidate that is as "horrendously despicable" as Trump, you will lose.
Again, 2016 was an anomaly.....lesson learned. And don't forget, Clinton did get several million more votes.
And now we have a president who is worse than both Trump and Hillary.

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