Hire Holgerson....

Do you guys think this picture means anything?


Awful big smile for an unopen bottle.
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If he got a good defensive coordinator, he would dominate the SEC with the offense he runs. Think Petrino without all the baggage.

It is rather comical how everytime someone has a good year going, we should hire him. A few years ago it was Tedford (Cal) and Ferentz (Iowa) we had to have. When Weis was hired at ND, many wondered why we couldn't have hired such an offensive genius and how he was going to dominate college football. Of course no one mentions those three at all now. It is like this every year. If only we had insert name as our coach.
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If he got a good defensive coordinator, he would dominate the SEC with the offense he runs. Think Petrino without all the baggage.

I don't think he wants any part of the SEC. He's got an above avg team that can win the Big XII. Wouldn't happen in the SEC though.
It is rather comical how everytime someone has a good year going, we should hire him. A few years ago it was Tedford (Cal) and Ferentz (Iowa) we had to have. When Weis was hired at ND, many wondered why we couldn't have hired such an offensive genius and how he was going to dominate college football. Of course no one mentions those three at all now. It is like this every year. If only we had insert name as our coach.

Honestly, I would take Ferentz, or Tedford in a second over what we have now. Both have won(99-69) and (76-48). Even Weis has a winning record as a coach. His issue is recruiting IMO. It's hard to talk down on coaches with a winning record, with what we have today. JMO
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Makes you wonder how much, if any of that is true. The end of the article, along with the comments makes me think it may be someone writing just to write.

Got family up there, my niece is actually in the nursing program at WVU. He's had some pretty wild moments from what I've heard. You also have to think, they're gonna defend their coach. Think of how we act when our coaches or players are accused of something. It's always a witch hunt from the fans point of view until they are found guilty.

But if he wants to get drunk and chase cat around town, I ain't mad at him.
Knew this thread would heat up. It puts things into perspective. We should hold our judgement of Dooley until the end of the year. If a firing squad is needed then it is what it is
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No thanks. We already have bad defense.

We do not have a bad defense. My god no mater who is coaching or what our record you will not be happy. It's not in your nature. You are a pessimist and a downer. Bet you are a blast to hang out with
Heres more for people to talk about... have fun

Derek Dooley's fate at Tennessee may already be sealed. The Mississippi State contest was supposed to be Dooley's attempt to finally right the ship against a Top 25 program and SEC opponent.

Tennessee lost 41-31 to Mississippi State.

Dooley must now pull out an upset victory against Alabama or South Carolina to get some type of momentum built in his direction. Otherwise, the discussion of Tennessee's next head coach will only increase.

Bruce Feldman of CBSSports.com mentioned an interesting potential candidate for the possible opening on Rocky Top. West Virginia's Dana Holgorsen may be interested in Tennessee.

"The Vols situation, though, will tempt a lot of people," Feldman wrote. "Compared to WVU, Tennessee would offer a significant upgrade in facilities. Also, it'd likely improve Holgorsen's chances of landing elite defensive talent."

The luster on Holgorsen's well oiled offensive juggernaut was dinged slightly after West Virginia's hiccup against Texas Tech. But Holgorsen certainly has the ability to put a team on the field that entices many of the nation's elite programs. And they'll likely be calling about the coach sooner or later.
Derek Dooley's fate at Tennessee may already be sealed. The Mississippi State contest was supposed to be Dooley's attempt to finally right the ship against a Top 25 program and SEC opponent.

Tennessee lost 41-31 to Mississippi State.

Dooley must now pull out an upset victory against Alabama or South Carolina to get some type of momentum built in his direction. Otherwise, the discussion of Tennessee's next head coach will only increase.

Bruce Feldman of CBSSports.com mentioned an interesting potential candidate for the possible opening on Rocky Top. West Virginia's Dana Holgorsen may be interested in Tennessee.

"The Vols situation, though, will tempt a lot of people," Feldman wrote. "Compared to WVU, Tennessee would offer a significant upgrade in facilities. Also, it'd likely improve Holgorsen's chances of landing elite defensive talent."

The luster on Holgorsen's well oiled offensive juggernaut was dinged slightly after West Virginia's hiccup against Texas Tech. But Holgorsen certainly has the ability to put a team on the field that entices many of the nation's elite programs. And they'll likely be calling about the coach sooner or later.

Sorry if already posted.

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