Hitler Request

So to be clear, Hitler loved sodomites?

Ernst Röhm would probably agree with you ... if he could. Hitler saw to it that he and some others lost a zest for the other boys during the Night of the Long Knives.
He didn’t do a great job of making the distinction, but it is there and I know what he was trying to say. Not like he was praising Hitler as a leader as the OP tries to paint this. Plenty of other inspirational speakers to draw from, maybe even Reagan (?), given that Paladino is running as a Republican. A gaffe, to be sure, but also a big nothing. Should’ve known coming from the Huff Post.

People should know that saying anything positive about Adolf Hitler is going to get them in trouble. It was a dumb move by him no matter how you spin it.
Ernst Röhm would probably agree with you ... if he could. Hitler saw to it that he and some others lost a zest for the other boys during the Night of the Long Knives.
So sodomites were spared between then and 1945? Just wanting a clarification and full understanding.
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So sodomites were spared between then and 1945? Just wanting a clarification and full understanding.

Only a few important ones; the rest didn't do well. One thing you can count on between the Hitler and Biden administrations is that people in risky categories knew enough to keep a low profile rather than flaunting their "diversities". BTW, pre-Nazi Berlin was a pretty jaded place that apparently at least rivaled if not exceeded the current dem fascination with 23 (or more) flavors.
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Only a few important ones; the rest didn't do well. One thing you can count on between the Hitler and Biden administrations is that people in risky categories knew enough to keep a low profile rather than flaunting their "diversities". BTW, pre-Nazi Berlin was a pretty jaded place that apparently at least rivaled if not exceeded the current dem fascination with 23 (or more) flavors.
I wouldn't doubt it based on what I know. I just want that person to clarify their original statement.
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People should know that saying anything positive about Adolf Hitler is going to get them in trouble. It was a dumb move by him no matter how you spin it.
This all day. I had an employee talk about how his brother "jokingly" was trying to get his toddler son to do the seig heil salute.. I pulled him aside later and said "I wouldn't ever tell that story to anyone, ever.."

People need to think before they act. I have an employee that I am going to fire because they have an inability to not put their emotionally based moronic thoughts in an email and send it to people. Dude was on strike 2 with his second suspension coming...then he decided to send me (the boss) an email. He thought his status as a union rep allowed him some protection...

5 federal employees sh!tcanned in 2 years...saved the tax payers $750,000 a year so far.

TL;DR: Hitler bad. Always.
Republican House candidate Carl Paladino praised Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s ability to rouse “the crowds” and declared Hitler “the kind of leader we need today” in a February 2021 interview on the radio station WBEN in Buffalo, New York.

Stupid to invoke Hitler but I understand the idiot's sentiment.

The entire GOP, save for a few sane souls, in 2016 walked the plank like lemmings for a loud mouthed tool precisely because he could rouse the crowds.

A bunch of morons who considered themselves patriots (the furthest thing from the truth) attacked the Capitol because the loud mouthed tool goaded them into it.

The last thing thr GOP needs is yet another Hitler.
Agree, but you have to love UT's fight. They will fight you until the last hour. That is what is great about Tennessee.
The entire GOP, save for a few sane souls, in 2016 walked the plank like lemmings for a loud mouthed tool precisely because he could rouse the crowds.

A bunch of morons who considered themselves patriots (the furthest thing from the truth) attacked the Capitol because the loud mouthed tool goaded them into it.

The last thing thr GOP needs is yet another Hitler.

Didn’t Biden just say on national tv that he should use the EO to under-mind the SCOTUS ruling if they hand down a decision the he didn’t agree with ? Get outta hear with that Republican Hitler bs . The left is actively trying to run a banana republic.

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