Hitler Request

Hitler was pro-gun control. I truly think the Nazis never went away, they just hid themselves well.
This is stated quite frequently by gun rights advocates, but it is very misleading.

Hitler did have a gun control policy, but it was an extension of post-World War I gun control measures set on Germany by the Allies to prevent Germany from militarizing itself. In 1919, the German government, The Weimar, passed the "Regulations on Weapons Ownership", which declared that all firearms and ammunition must be surrendered immediately. However, this was not only 14 years before Hitler and the Nazis took power, it was a regulation forced on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles.

When Hitler came into power in 1933, it was still in effect... but it was not a policy that he ever endorsed.
This is stated quite frequently by gun rights advocates, but it is very misleading.

Hitler did have a gun control policy, but it was an extension of post-World War I gun control measures set on Germany by the Allies to prevent Germany from militarizing itself. In 1919, the German government, The Weimar, passed the "Regulations on Weapons Ownership", which declared that all firearms and ammunition must be surrendered immediately. However, this was not only 14 years before Hitler and the Nazis took power, it was a regulation forced on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles.

When Hitler came into power in 1933, it was still in effect... but it was not a policy that he ever endorsed.
Do you feel like Hitler allowed any polices/laws to exist that he didn't endorse? Come on.
Do you feel like Hitler allowed any polices/laws to exist that he didn't endorse? Come on.
The gun ban was only enforced against the Jewish population after 1938... and since Jews were forbidden from owning any property at all, that hardly counts. After 1933, Germany would give the pretense of abiding by the "Regulations on Weapons Ownership", by doing things such as filming Hitler Youth exercises with the boys in the video using shovels instead of rifles, but that is all it was - pretense. There is nothing to indicate that Adolf Hitler was opposed to non-Jewish Germans owning guns.
The Nazis used gun control to their advantage. When they seized power there was a list of gun owners who had permitted gun ownership. They removed gun permits from anyone they deemed to be a problem. Jews, political opponents, ect.
At the same time they relaxed gun laws for their supporters.
You can read a lot of bull **** by gun grabbing ****tards trying to gloss over history but Hitler absolutely used gun control to advance his position. To say otherwise is pure politics and spin.
The Nazis used gun control to their advantage. When they seized power there was a list of gun owners who had permitted gun ownership. They removed gun permits from anyone they deemed to be a problem. Jews, political opponents, ect.
At the same time they relaxed gun laws for their supporters.
You can read a lot of bull **** by gun grabbing ****tards trying to gloss over history but Hitler absolutely used gun control to advance his position. To say otherwise is pure politics and spin.
Yes, they did... in dramatic ways.

The Hitler gun control lie

From the article above :

"The 1938 revisions (signed into law by Hitler) completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition."

There were persecuted classes in Germany, who didn't have their gun ownership rights restored in 1938, but guns weren't the only restriction placed against those classes of people. Hitler didn't want those people owning anything, but the clothes on their backs.
Yes, they did... in dramatic ways.

The Hitler gun control lie

From the article above :

"The 1938 revisions (signed into law by Hitler) completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition."

There were persecuted classes in Germany, who didn't have their gun ownership rights restored in 1938, but guns weren't the only restriction placed against those classes of people. Hitler didn't want those people owning anything, but the clothes on their backs.
You’re using Salon as a source? Lol
Yes, they did... in dramatic ways..

Thanks for admitting that gun control was used to solidify power and kill millions.
You should probably stop posting bull **** political spin.
The facts are the Nazis used the list of guns to disarm their political enemies while arming their minions.

I’m sure you think the government encouraging its citizens to report people who didn’t believe didn’t happen either.

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