The problems you are stating in your post are due to CHW lack of understanding of basic basketball fundamentals, therefore, she is not able to teach her players. I am including player discipline as a fundamental. She lacks the toughness to enforce discpline on her players. Unfortunately, this will be a LV problem for years to come. Holly will always win more games than she loses because she can attract top talent due to Pat's legacy and her own recruiting capability.
Coaches can't be excellent at every aspect of the game or they wouldn't have need of assistants. Assistants are more than just eyes,., they often are sought out for the very reason you are looking at....Mom can't be a Dad. I KNOW I can't be a Mom...Yen and yang... My daughter can't batt her eyelids and melt her mom's heart, nor can she influence me by telling me "it is 50% off?" ......... 50% off - Of what?
Holly did get in their face yesterday. From my seat I was able to see everything during timeouts and stoppages. Dean was vocal. Bridgette was vocal. ...The bottom line was CHW did do something to try to change the game (getting the girl's attention by getting upset) and that is exactly what the girls needed. They never went into their funk this game. It was decided early and stayed decided.
Also, Mercedes didn't disappear during this game. In fact, she was downright aggressive at times. We've got players stepping up and having career games, when the senior leaders have off-games. This team is ready for its second run. It more closely resembles the team at the start a little more now.
CHW seems to be trying to do things to get ready for it too. She time-out'ed to stop a run and got in the girls faces during that TO...She rested our starters much earlier in this game starting to bring them out at 4:41...CHW will never be the in-your-face that Pat could be....But she has three assistants who have to step up and be what CHW isn't, in the coaching world. . .
"Reading players for the exact
need that they have at that moment" is not a fundamental basketball coaching trait. It is a personal trait that is developed from years of working with players and learning personalities and pushing buttons until you learn "which" button to push to turn a kids game.
We coaches are students of the game, yes, but we specialize, just like players do. I prefer to work with forwards, so I study the techniques of teaching players in that position much more than I would a PG....therefore, I choose a PG coach.