Holy Trinity Discussion

Did the Vikings have afros as well? Cause braids aren't the only black hairstyle that was common in Ancient Egypt. I'm actually glad the topic of hair has come up because that's probably the best proof there is that the Ancient Egyptians were black people.
The most common hairstyle in Ancient Egypt after twists and braids was the Afro.

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Here's a modern African with the same Afro hairstyle.

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In fact, the oldest Afro combs in history were also discovered in Ancient Egypt.

So it's not just braids. All varieties of black hairstyles were common in Ancient Egypt.

You specifically stated that only black cultures have traditions of braiding their hair. That was your statement. Don’t deflect.

Were the Vikings black or are you simply wrong?
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Just pick and choose the 5% you can twist to fit your agenda and ignore the 95% that doesn’t

LOL. Braids, twists, locks, and Afros aren't the 5%. They're the 99%. You can only find depictions of black hairstyles in Ancient Egypt. It's why I can post side by side images of present day Africans rocking the exact same hairstyles you see on the Ancient Egyptian tombs.

Just look and enjoy what black excellence looks like:








The only people who look like the depictions we find on Ancient Egyptian murals are black people. There's no population outside of Africa that matches everything you see on the walls of Ancient Egypt. And I mean everything from the variety in skin tones to the variety in hairstyles and texture.

Only among black Africans is the full breadth of Ancient Egypt expressed.
I do like the pictures of mummies with European hair that has decorative braids sewn in.

How is it European hair if Africans have it too?


These are black African women with the exact same hairstyles we see in the Ancient Egyptian mummies. All the way down to the same hair texture.

Just because you're ignorant about the versatility of black hair don't all of sudden mean it's European.
Only black cultures have traditions of braiding their hair.

That’s a real claim by D4H.

The Vikings are now black
It’s literally written on the walls in Egypt.
They shaved their heads or kept short hair and everyone wore wigs.
Braided wigs don’t prove anything.
DNA isn’t subjective.
it’s just such a strange thing to think pigmentation somehow connects you to people so much that you have to make up a fictional history.
You specifically stated that only black cultures have traditions of braiding their hair. That was your statement. Don’t deflect.

Were the Vikings black or are you simply wrong?

I guess I should have said the only cultures with WIDESPREAD hair braiding are black cultures. I didn't expect yall to latch onto outliers but I guess I should have anticipated it. Sure there are outliers in every population. However, hair braiding is WIDESPREAD in Africa among black people. You'll be hard pressed to find a culture in black Africa where the people don't braid their hair. However, you won't find WIDESPREAD hair braiding in Europe. There might be one or two groups that do it. But they're outliers. While in black Africans it's every society that braids their hair.

And for the record my argument that the Ancient Egyptians were black doesn't just rest on hair braiding. That is but one element of their culture that shows it's links to other black African populations. I've also posted several images of Afros in Ancient Egypt. There's also the fact the Ancient Egyptians painted themselves with dark brown and black skin.

It's the fact when you take everything in together that it becomes obvious the Ancient Egyptians were black. It's not just about hair braiding.
LOL. Braids, twists, locks, and Afros aren't the 5%. They're the 99%. You can only find depictions of black hairstyles in Ancient Egypt. It's why I can post side by side images of present day Africans rocking the exact same hairstyles you see on the Ancient Egyptian tombs.

Just look and enjoy what black excellence looks like:

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The only people who look like the depictions we find on Ancient Egyptian murals are black people. There's no population outside of Africa that matches everything you see on the walls of Ancient Egypt. And I mean everything from the variety in skin tones to the variety in hairstyles and texture.

Only among black Africans is the full breadth of Ancient Egypt expressed.
Posting the same copy pastes errors over and over doesn’t change facts.
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I guess I should have said the only cultures with WIDESPREAD hair braiding are black cultures. I didn't expect yall to latch onto outliers but I guess I should have anticipated it. Sure there are outliers in every population. However, hair braiding is WIDESPREAD in Africa among black people. You'll be hard pressed to find a culture in black Africa where the people don't braid their hair. However, you won't find WIDESPREAD hair braiding in Europe. There might be one or two groups that do it. But they're outliers. While in black Africans it's every society that braids their hair.

And for the record my argument that the Ancient Egyptians were black doesn't just rest on hair braiding. That is but one element of their culture that shows it's links to other black African populations. I've also posted several images of Afros in Ancient Egypt. There's also the fact the Ancient Egyptians painted themselves with dark brown and black skin.

It's the fact when you take everything in together that it becomes obvious the Ancient Egyptians were black. It's not just about hair braiding.

Hair braiding was wide spread in Viking culture.
Has to be a troll.
He’s not a troll.
Only because he's an ideologue that believes his spill. I'm not sure if he intentionally derails threads or he can't himself with it.

It's about time for a seperate Black Egyptian & African Migration thread instead of letting his whataboutism derail threads, though.

Like woodsman and his nonsensical made up words, D4H isn't entirely to blame. If people didn't constantly bicker back and forth with him, it wouldn't go so far.
Hair braiding was wide spread in Viking culture.
They wore wigs. It’s written on the walls. How to make them. What class wore what type of wigs. The entire process.
They didn’t have a lot of water. Most shaved their heads.

This whole braided hair thing is so stupid.
DNA proves that the Egyptian rulers were less African than the Egyptians who live there today. Even the “black pharaohs” are most closely related to the people of Sudan.
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It’s literally written on the walls in Egypt.
They shaved their heads or kept short hair and everyone wore wigs.
Braided wigs don’t prove anything.
DNA isn’t subjective.
it’s just such a strange thing to think pigmentation somehow connects you to people so much that you have to make up a fictional history.

Where's the proof "everyone wore wigs"? And let's say they did, why then wear afro hairstyle wigs? If they weren't black why not rock hairstyles found outside of Africa? Instead the most common hairstyles you find in Ancient Egypt are hairstyles black Africans are rocking to this day.

Here are more modern day Africans looking just like Ancient Egyptians.




Kinda weird for the Ancient Egyptians to go out of their way to look like black Africans if they weren't black themselves. LOL.
Where's the proof "everyone wore wigs"? And let's say they did, why then wear afro hairstyle wigs? If they weren't black why not rock hairstyles found outside of Africa? Instead the most common hairstyles you find in Ancient Egypt are hairstyles black Africans are rocking to this day.

Here are more modern day Africans looking just like Ancient Egyptians.

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Kinda weird for the Ancient Egyptians to go out of their way to look like black Africans if they weren't black themselves. LOL.
You should take a trip to Egypt and see these things for yourself.

Ancient Egyptians didn’t try to look like anyone but themselves. You’d know that if you’d been there.
The pharaoh who is depicted on the walls as green wasn’t an ancient alien either
Posting the same copy pastes errors over and over doesn’t change facts.

Are the images I'm posting not loading properly or are you just playing dumb?

I'm posting actual Ancient Egyptian murals showing how the Egyptians depicted themselves juxtaposed with images of modern day Africans to show the similarity in hairstyles and hair textures. You can try to deflect all you want but the pictures are clear as day to anyone with eyes. Modern black Africans look just like the way Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves on the walls of their tombs.

You can deny it all you want but I know your eyes can see the truth.
You should take a trip to Egypt and see these things for yourself.

Ancient Egyptians didn’t try to look like anyone but themselves. You’d know that if you’d been there.
The pharaoh who is depicted on the walls as green wasn’t an ancient alien either

I know wigs existed in Ancient Egypt. The point you made was everyone wore wigs. That literally makes no sense and you have no proof to support that statement. We have wigs in our society today. That doesn't mean everyone in America wears wigs and nobody has their natural hair on their heads.

Secondly and more importantly, let's say these are wigs. Why would the Ancient Egyptians decide to wear wigs depicting African hairstyles if they weren't black? Does it not seem bizarre to you that the Ancient Egyptians would decide to depict themselves in tomb paintings for 4,000 years and never once depict their actual hair? Instead choosing to depict themselves with black African hairstyles? How does that make sense? The Ancient Egyptians had wigs. But those wigs were emulating their own hair. And sure some people wore wigs (mostly the rich). But just like modern days most people didn't wear wigs and just had their natural hair.

And FTR no pharoahs were green. It was the God Osiris that was sometimes depicted as green.
Are the images I'm posting not loading properly or are you just playing dumb?

I'm posting actual Ancient Egyptian murals showing how the Egyptians depicted themselves juxtaposed with images of modern day Africans to show the similarity in hairstyles and hair textures. You can try to deflect all you want but the pictures are clear as day to anyone with eyes. Modern black Africans look just like the way Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves on the walls of their tombs.

You can deny it all you want but I know your eyes can see the truth.
Been there and seen them in person. They look just like the Egyptian tour guides.

Evidence supported by science. Not you seeing what you want to see in spite of the overwhelming evidence
I know wigs existed in Ancient Egypt. The point you made was everyone wore wigs. That literally makes no sense and you have no proof to support that statement. We have wigs in our society today. That doesn't mean everyone in America wears wigs and nobody has their natural hair on their heads.

Secondly and more importantly, let's say these are wigs. Why would the Ancient Egyptians decide to wear wigs depicting African hairstyles if they weren't black? Does it not seem bizarre to you that the Ancient Egyptians would decide to depict themselves in tomb paintings for 4,000 years and never once depict their actual hair? Instead choosing to depict themselves with black African hairstyles? How does that make sense? The Ancient Egyptians had wigs. But those wigs were emulating their own hair. And sure some people wore wigs (mostly the rich). But just like modern days most people didn't wear wigs and just had their natural hair.

And FTR no pharoahs were green. It was the God Osiris that was sometimes depicted as green.
Again…..if you’d been there you’d know there are many Pharos who had themselves depicted as green. They were trying to associate themselves with the gods as a decedent of the gods. It’s not evidence of ancient aliens. IMG_1836.jpeg
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The Trinity. Give your Biblical references. John chapter 1. Genesis 1:27. Man is body/mind, soul, spirit ; intellectual physical , spiritual.
With regard to the color of the Ancient Hebrews the argument that they were black is based on the Bible and known historical record. According to the Bible, both Moses and Joseph were mistaken for Egyptians. Thus we can logically conclude that there were no visible physical differences between the Ancient Hebrews and the Ancient Egyptians during the time they were in Egypt. We also know from the Bible that the Ancient Egyptians were considered one of the sons of Ham (father of the black race) along with Kush (biblical name for Ancient Nubia). We also know from the accounts of Ancient Greek historians like Herodutus that the Ancient Egyptians were described as having "black skin and wooly hair" like the Ancient Nubians (aka Ethiopians to the Ancient Greeks). So if the Ancient Egyptians were black according to the Bible and historical record and if Hebrews like Moses and Joseph were mistaken for being Egyptians rather than Israelites then it must logically follow that the Ancient Hebrews were also black.

With regard to black people preceding Columbus in the Americas, the evidence is numerous. I'll start with the most scientifically accepted piece of evidence. LUZIA: America’s OLDEST Skeleton is a “Black” WOMAN

The oldest human remains found in the Americas is the fossil of Luzia woman. Found in Brazil, the anthropologists that found the remains said that the skull didn't look like the skulls of the Indians found in the region. But instead of looked like the skull of a negroid woman. So according to mainstream science the oldest human fossil found in the Americas is that of a black woman.

Now the second piece of evidence that shows black people were in the Americas comes to Christopher Columbus own journal of his second voyage to the Americas. In modern day Dominican Republic/Haiti he said that the Native Indians told him: “Black-skinned people had come from the southeast in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears.”

And if you want even more evidence there are the Olmec heads which were found in Mexico which are the remains of the oldest civilization in the Americas. This is how those heads looked.

View attachment 713080

Looks like a black man if you ask me. And when they were first discovered the earliest Europeans thought the same thing. And because I know yall will lie to yourselves and act like this isn't clearly a black head. Let's look at how the back of the head looks.

View attachment 713081

Yes you're seeing that right. It's braids. The Olmec heads have braided hair in the back. So you're gonna tell me these heads with broad flat noses, full thick lips, and braided hair ain't depicting black people?

When you put all the evidence together from the earliest fossil remains of Luzia woman to the earliest civilization in the Olmecs, and Columbus own account its obvious black people were in the Americas before Columbus.

Not only are your sources from obscure references. The author of the HuffPost article has since disappeared.

This is the most I could find on a Peter Moon below.

Author/publisher of books on time travel including the Montauk Project Series and the Transylvania Series.

It's nice to be interested in reading and researching but is it really that easy to hook you?
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The Trinity. Give your Biblical references. John chapter 1. Genesis 1:27. Man is body/mind, soul, spirit ; intellectual physical , spiritual.
John chapter 1 is based on Greek philosophy. Nobody in any writing before 600 CE considered it a trinity verse
For example

A Literal Translation of the New Testament (E. Harwood 1768) “ "Before the origen of this world exifted the LOGOS - who was then with the supreme God - and was himfelf a divine perfon."

Archbishop Newcome’s New Testament, Improved Version 1809 "The Word was in the beginning, and the Word was with God and the Word was a god."

James Moffatt Translation 1913 “The Logos existed in the very beginning, the Logos was with God, the Logos was divine."

An American Translation, (Goodspeed 1923) “ "In the beginning the Word existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was divine."

James Moffatt Translation 1913 “The Logos existed in the very beginning, the Logos was with God, the Logos was divine."

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