Holy Trinity Discussion

-“I am” isn’t the name of G-d. It’s his status. In ancient Hebrew it means without being or end. Go read the Torah again he say the he’s the existing one and his name is the “G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, this is how he shall be known for all generations “. Now go look throughout history and see what the Hebrew people called their G-d for all generations. Even today we call upon “the G-d of A, I, And J”.

-John 5:19 Yeshua says he’s no G-d. You should believe him.
-Yeshua claims existence status which is consistent with Torah law for the Messiah. This is important because if Yeshua broke the law in any way (he didn’t in my opinion) then he cannot be the redeemer. And your faith is vanity.
By the law of G-d, which is the foundation are set in Heaven (psalms) and never changing (also psalms) you can’t be both kindsmen and kindsmen redeemer. So in order to redeem any who would follow the G-d of A, I, And J it would have to be done by a family member of the authority (G-d) but not G-d himself. That’s why Yeshua is completely unique. Begotten of (not created by) G-d. The DNA of G-d. The authority of G-d but not G-d. And this is how the vastness of scripture teaches it. Plain and simple.

Exodus 3:14​

“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”
Reposting the same incorrect pictures of black peoples who don’t really look like the drawings doesn’t help your argument.

You might need to get your eyes checked if you think these guys don't look exactly like the Ancient Egyptian.




Compared to this:




As the kids say "Stop the cap".

Exodus 3:14​

“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”
Now read the rest.
Edit: here I’ll do it for you

15 God furthermore said to Moses, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘YHWH the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is the [i]name for [j]all generations to use to call upon Me.

G-Ds name isn’t “ I am. “ that’s his status. In Verse 15 he tells you the name he shall be ……and has been known by…..for all generations.

YHWH, The G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
I get that it’s devastating to your dogma but the Truth often is.
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You might need to get your eyes checked if you think these guys don't look exactly like the Ancient Egyptian.

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Compared to this:

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As the kids say "Stop the cap".

You might want to visit there and get off the conspiracy sites.

How very Christian dogma of you. Sorting through pictures to find the ones you think agree with you while ignoring plain truth everyone can see.
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It's interesting because it's breaks from the usual pattern of people depicting their religious figures in the same image as themselves. So the question we have to ask ourselves is why Europeans in the 13th century decided that Jesus and his mother were black rather than white like themselves? My argument is its because these Europeans were trying to be historically accurate.

You have to remember at what point in history this was. It was after the Crusades and during the period of Moorish control over the Iberian Peninsula. So Europeans were familiar with how people from the Holy Land looked like. When the Europeans returned to Europe they started depicting Jesus and Mary in the same phenotype as the natives they encountered during the Crusades. The people in Palestine at that time and during the period when Jesus lived were dark skinned. Which is why the Europeans post Crusades started portraying Jesus and Mary as black.

Lmfao so you believe middle eastern people were black in 1200 AD?
You might want to visit there and get off the conspiracy sites.

How very Christian dogma of you. Sorting through pictures to find the ones you think agree with you while ignoring plain truth everyone can see.

You know there are a lot of Egyptian immigrants in Nashville? Especially in the Antioch area. I don't need to travel to Egypt. I see them all the time. And gues what they look nothing like the Ancient Egyptia depictions on the walls. You know who they look like? Hispanics. I sometimes confuse them and Spanish people. Sometimes the only way to tell the difference is when you hear them speaking their Arabic versus Spanish.

Modern Egyptians are Arabs. They have nothing to do with the Ancient Egyptians who were indigenous Africans.
Lmfao so you believe middle eastern people were black in 1200 AD?

What I believe is irrelevant. What the Europeans of that time thought is what matters. Here's a picture of the leader of the Muslim army during the Crusades Saladin drawn by a Dutch painter.


The Europeans of that era clearly viewed the Middle East as black since they kept representing the important figures from that region as black. Whether it's Jesus and Mary or Saladin in this case.
You know there are a lot of Egyptian immigrants in Nashville? Especially in the Antioch area. I don't need to travel to Egypt. I see them all the time. And gues what they look nothing like the Ancient Egyptia depictions on the walls. You know who they look like? Hispanics. I sometimes confuse them and Spanish people. Sometimes the only way to tell the difference is when you hear them speaking their Arabic versus Spanish.

Modern Egyptians are Arabs. They have nothing to do with the Ancient Egyptians who were indigenous Africans.

Egyptians lived a whole lot closer to Arabs than to your ancestors in West Africa. It’s odd you’d think that.

The distance from Dakar to Memphis is approx 2,700 miles.

If you start in Paris and apply that same distance you’d end up in Gansu China.

Do you believe the people of Paris are the same as the people of China? If not, why do you believe that about the people of Dakar and the people of Memphis?
You know there are a lot of Egyptian immigrants in Nashville? Especially in the Antioch area. I don't need to travel to Egypt. I see them all the time. And gues what they look nothing like the Ancient Egyptia depictions on the walls. You know who they look like? Hispanics. I sometimes confuse them and Spanish people. Sometimes the only way to tell the difference is when you hear them speaking their Arabic versus Spanish.

Modern Egyptians are Arabs. They have nothing to do with the Ancient Egyptians who were indigenous Africans.
DNA proves the modern Egyptian is closer to African than the ancients

So in conclusion the ancient Egyptians wereIMG_1843.jpeg not black.
Well, most of them anyway.

If you had been there you’d also know that the ancient Egyptians depicted the Arab Egyptians as red and the black as black. There’s a 300 year period where the pharaohs were black.
Egyptians lived a whole lot closer to Arabs than to your ancestors in West Africa. It’s odd you’d think that.

The distance from Dakar to Memphis is approx 2,700 miles.

If you start in Paris and apply that same distance you’d end up in Gansu China.

Do you believe the people of Paris are the same as the people of China? If not, why do you believe that about the people of Dakar and the people of Memphis?

Who said anything about West Africa? If you've noticed I've just been posting pictures of East Africans. And my argument has been the Ancient Egyptians were black. Not that they're my ancestors. I know have no connection to Ancient Egypt. Just like I have no connection to Ancient Nubia. But that doesn't make them any less black.

It's funny how when yall realize you've totally lost this debate you know start the divide and conquer tactics of bringing up West Africa versus East Africa. The Ancient Egyptians were black just like their neighbors in Ethiopia. That's been my argument this entire thread. Nobody mentioned West Africa till you just did right now.
It’s amazing how expansive his definition of black is at this point. I’m half expecting him to claim Gaul next.

He’s already claimed the entire Middle East, most of Asia, South America, various islands, and Australia.
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Who said anything about West Africa? If you've noticed I've just been posting pictures of East Africans. And my argument has been the Ancient Egyptians were black. Not that they're my ancestors. I know have no connection to Ancient Egypt. Just like I have no connection to Ancient Nubia. But that doesn't make them any less black.

It's funny how when yall realize you've totally lost this debate you know start the divide and conquer tactics of bringing up West Africa versus East Africa. The Ancient Egyptians were black just like their neighbors in Ethiopia. That's been my argument this entire thread. Nobody mentioned West Africa till you just did right now.

And by “black”…you mean they look like you.

The people of Paris do not look like the people of China.

Why would you suspect the people of Dakar to look like the people of Memphis?

I bring up West Africa because when the term black is used in America, it’s specifically West Africans who come to mind. The vast majority of all black people in America are West African.

So again, why would expect the people of Dakar to look like the people of Memphis given the massive distance between?

Your literal argument seems to be that everyone not specifically from the British isles is black. You’ve claimed Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, etc all as native black lands in your delusional mind
It’s amazing how expansive his definition of black is at this point. I’m half expecting him to claim Gaul next.

He’s already claimed the entire Middle East, most of Asia, South America, various islands, and Australia.
Can’t wait to find out how many of the founding fathers were black. My guess is he’s gonna offer photos from the broadway play “Hamilton” as evidence.
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Genesis 1:1​

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

John 1:1​

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

John 1:2​

“The same was in the beginning with God.”

John 1:3​

“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made

John 1:10​

“He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.”

John 1:14​

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

Now read the rest.
Edit: here I’ll do it for you

15 God furthermore said to Moses, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘YHWH the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is the [i]name for [j]all generations to use to call upon Me.

G-Ds name isn’t “ I am. “ that’s his status. In Verse 15 he tells you the name he shall be ……and has been known by…..for all generations.

YHWH, The G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
I get that it’s devastating to your dogma but the Truth often is.
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If you had been there you’d also know that the ancient Egyptians depicted the Arab Egyptians as red and the black as black.

False. There was no use of the word "Arab" back then. The Egyptians referred to the peoples north of them as Hyksos or Asiatics. And this is how the were represented. This image is from the Battle of Kadesh when Ramses II fought against the Hittite army from the Middle East.


Notice how the Middle Easterners the Pharaoh's horse is trampling over have very light skin and look nothing like the skin color of the Pharaoh or his horse.

Now compare that to images of when Pharaoh Ramses was fighting the Nubians:


If you zoom in on the picture you'll notice that half the Nubians have the same red skin as the Pharaoh and his horse while the other half are black. So the Ancient Egyptians didn't just depict other Africans like the Nubians with black skin. They depicted them with both red and black skin. Just like they did with themselves. That's because the Ancient Egyptians realized the diversity in skin tones among Africans. I know this might be news to yall but every black person isn't dark skin. Some of us have reddish brown skin.
It’s amazing how expansive his definition of black is at this point. I’m half expecting him to claim Gaul next.

He’s already claimed the entire Middle East, most of Asia, South America, various islands, and Australia.

I've not claimed any region. In fact I've been telling yall modern Egyptians aren't black but Arabs and they're on the freaking African continent. All I've said is blackness is defined by PHENOTYPE not a continent . And if someone looks like this:


I would say he's black. So would almost everyone else. The fact he's the President of Papau New Guinea an island in the Pacific doesn't make him non-black.

I'm not out here trying to say people who look like Arabs are black. What I'm saying is the Arabs are newcomers to Africa and even parts of the Middle East and that if you go back into the past these regions would have been more black.

I've not for one second tried to claim people who look like modern day Arabs or Middle Easterners are black.
And by “black”…you mean they look like you.

No. I've been posting pictures of a wide range of phenotypes from light skin curly haired East Africans to dark skin kinky hair East Africans. The individuals I've been posting don't even look like each other so why would you assume I'm trying to say they look like me?

And yes the term black originated here in America to apply to descendants of the transatlantic slave trade. But last I checked aren't we Americans? Why would using the language we already use domestically be a problem when discussing foreign populations?

It's funny how the argument now is turning to what is black after I've posted overwhelming visual evidence that the Ancient Egyptians were most like people who we today would say are black like modern Ethiopians. I never hear anyone objecting to the Ancient Greeks or Romans being described as white despite the fact the word white also originated here in America to apply to Anglo-Saxon Europeans. But as soon as I say the Ancient Egyptians are black now we gotta have a referendum on the word black.

Okay if it makes you feel better I'll just say the Ancient Egyptians looked like these guys:


So whatever you wanna call this East African fellow with the Afro that's who the Ancient Egyptians were like.

1. Cleopatra was not Egyptian.​

While Cleopatra was born in Egypt, she traced her family origins to Macedonian Greece and Ptolemy I Soter, one of Alexander the Great’s generals. Ptolemy reigned Egypt after Alexander’s death in 323 B.C., and he launched a dynasty of Greek-speaking rulers that lasted for nearly three centuries. Despite not being ethnically Egyptian, Cleopatra embraced many of her country’s ancient customs and was the first member of the Ptolemaic line to learn the Egyptian language.

Saw this the other day and thought it was interesting.

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