You've implied since the beginning that religious violence is BS, some sort of smokescreen for whatever.
I'm absolutely stating that religion is the causation of religious based violence. Very literally, that's what I'm saying. It's asinine that any rational person would believe that violence in the name of "god" would be a correlation to <insert geopolitical excuse here.> This is willful ignorance, likely with a motive of not wanting to accept that Christianity isn't any different or special in its exclusivism than Islam. I get it though, it's probably something that Muslims, Christians, Jews and Catholics all would see eye to eye on - loathing the non-believer who asks the tough questions or points out that religious violence (including genocide) is a common issue all of them have experience with.
Again, it'd be supersimple to shut me up by connecting the dots of the 9-11 hijackers to something that wasn't rooted in radicalized Islam.
I'll hang up and listen.
If I loathed you I wouldn't respond to you. you and this discussion don't do anything but make me shake my head.
I have never said Christianity was any different. again I said we, Catholics, have the worst of it with the Crusades, and Inquisition. I specifically gave you word for word saying we were the worst, and you think I am making an exception?
since you are fixated on 9/11. I believe that if you simply removed religion from the world, but left the US doing exactly what it had been doing, we would have still been attacked. like we went through, divided up a region based on our wants, ignoring the locals, history, and any other non-religious cultural lines. and then followed that up with decades of playing king maker, randomly invading those nations, and generally treating that area like our play ground that those people would still be pissed and would attack us. there is no way you disagree with that.
if it really is all about religion please show me one religious war, one conflict, persecution, whatever; where there were no other contributing factors. Christian, Muslim, Jewish whoever. show me something where a serious historian can point it and go, yup, never would have been this fight if religion wasn't here. show me that causation. I will stack my knowledge of history up against anything you were fed in middle school by the gym teacher.
do you really believe the Spanish conquered the New World just because they wanted to spread the word of God? No other motivations? would have left the natives all alone if it wasn't for that pesky Christianity?
do you really think that taking and holding land, creating new noble houses, and exporting the goods of the area wasn't a part of the Crusades?
Do you really think the Sunnis and the Shiites only kill each other because of which guy followed Muhammad, and there would have been peace without that?
do you really think the Jews are trying to kick the Palestinians out because of the religion they practice?