How concerned are you of violence at the inauguration?

How worried are you about Trump supporter violence disruption at inauguration?

  • Very. Trump is finding ways still to promote it

    Votes: 18 22.5%
  • Somewhat. The local authorities seem unprepared for this

    Votes: 20 25.0%
  • Not very. They will be ready this time and keep things from getting out of hand

    Votes: 21 26.3%
  • Not at all. People have had their say.

    Votes: 21 26.3%

  • Total voters
Reports of social media and other communications that Trump loyalists may attack the inauguration. Is it real or blowing off steam, cause for alarm or just rhetoric?

I doubt there will be any violence. Bernie said his supporters promised not to try sniping any republicans (probably because it’s not baseball season) and AOC promised no fire bombing from her crowd (unless they spot a member of ICE)
Yeah, I mean, I didn't see that even being a big crowd. Hell. I don't even think any Biden supporters are going to be there.

Hell, I don't even think Biden will be there. They'll probably have it done in the White House.

I'm calling big time foul if they hold inauguration parties. On the other hand a few super spreader events among the HoJo insiders could be a glorious thing.
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Antifa was also at the Capitol riots...

They have chapters everywhere, yet I still hear people on the left deny their very existence and their culpability in today’s politically hostile environment.
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I'm calling big time foul if they hold inauguration parties. On the other hand a few super spreader events among the HoJo insiders could be a glorious thing.
How so? We will never hear about it other than crap like 'they all wore masks and sat 6 feet apart'...
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Reports of social media and other communications that Trump loyalists may attack the inauguration. Is it real or blowing off steam, cause for alarm or just rhetoric?
After reading your ******** in some other threads, I am wondering why you left out "hopeful" as an option.
Ah, so you would be a hopeful vote if a fair election had been held. Got it.

The election was fair and the result accurate. The lie that there was anything meaningfully wrong or mistaken is what is fueling the evil violence we saw at the Capitol on the 6th. And really its just a convenient excuse for many rioters, who are looking for an excuse to vent their fear and resentment at changing demographics.
The election was fair and the result accurate. The lie that there was anything meaningfully wrong or mistaken is what is fueling the evil violence we saw at the Capitol on the 6th. And really its just a convenient excuse for many rioters, who are looking for an excuse to vent their fear and resentment at changing demographics.
The election was rigged from the moment mass mailer ballots were approved.
The election was rigged from the moment mass mailer ballots were approved.

Had Trump taken the virus more seriously and been honest about the science from the beginning maybe more people would have felt comfortable voting in person. So if you're mad about the level of absentee ballots blame Trump.
The election was fair and the result accurate. The lie that there was anything meaningfully wrong or mistaken is what is fueling the evil violence we saw at the Capitol on the 6th. And really its just a convenient excuse for many rioters, who are looking for an excuse to vent their fear and resentment at changing demographics.

Not just violence lol

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Had the Democrats taken the virus more seriously instead of calling Trump a racist for banning travel from China and been honest about the science from the beginning maybe more people would have felt comfortable voting in person. So if you're mad about the level of absentee ballots blame the Democrats who knew they couldn't win without scaring the hell out of Americans over nothing.

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Had Trump taken the virus more seriously and been honest about the science from the beginning maybe more people would have felt comfortable voting in person. So if you're mad about the level of absentee ballots blame Trump.
Absentee ballots are not the same as mass mailer ballots. Not surprised you don't make that distinction though. I don't know why I bother responding to a lawyer wannabe troll. I haven't for awhile but your requests for killing people in another thread was a little much.
Poll of the week: A new Quinnipiac University poll finds that President Donald Trump's approval rating stands at 33%, while his disapproval is at 60%.
An average of recent polls finds Trump with a 38% approval rating and 59% disapproval rating.
What's the point: A big question during the Trump presidency was whether anything could actually move the public opinion needle. It turns out that the insurrection at the US Capitol last week did exactly that.
The result is that Trump's final first term approval rating looks to be the lowest on record dating back since scientific polling began.

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