How concerned are you of violence at the inauguration?

How worried are you about Trump supporter violence disruption at inauguration?

  • Very. Trump is finding ways still to promote it

    Votes: 18 22.5%
  • Somewhat. The local authorities seem unprepared for this

    Votes: 20 25.0%
  • Not very. They will be ready this time and keep things from getting out of hand

    Votes: 21 26.3%
  • Not at all. People have had their say.

    Votes: 21 26.3%

  • Total voters
One word. Lawsuits.

Lawyers go apeshit over trying to sue police departments for "non-standard" ammo. Imagine if they were restraining someone with "non-standard" zip ties and they got hurt.

I know your post was semi-tongue in cheek, but that's the reality.
I think the main difference is LEO cuffs have a metal tab as opposed to regular zip ties that are all plastic.

Hopefully CNN will run an article letting people know how many billions of unregistered zip ties are in the hands of Trump voters.
We've allowed the acceptance of violence being the most effective medium in this country the last few years. It wouldn't be surprising if there was but I doubt there will be.
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We've allowed the acceptance of violence being the most effective medium in this country the last few years. It wouldn't be surprising if there was but I doubt there will be.

Violence was the hallmark of civil rights and antiwar protests beginning at least as far back as the 60s. The violent got their way - legislation and a war that ended in disgrace. The message has been there that civil disobedience gets people what they want. It's pretty late for stuffing that back in the bottle and pretending that stuff like the continuing blm riots never happened.
Violence was the hallmark of civil rights and antiwar protests beginning at least as far back as the 60s. The violent got their way - legislation and a war that ended in disgrace. The message has been there that civil disobedience gets people what they want. It's pretty late for stuffing that back in the bottle and pretending that stuff like the continuing blm riots never happened.
I don't see how there won't be some serious violent pushback after the last few days.
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Reports of social media and other communications that Trump loyalists may attack the inauguration. Is it real or blowing off steam, cause for alarm or just rhetoric?
Will there be eight Biden supporters like his rallies brought out. Sounds like a massacre.
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Violence was the hallmark of civil rights and antiwar protests beginning at least as far back as the 60s. The violent got their way - legislation and a war that ended in disgrace. The message has been there that civil disobedience gets people what they want. It's pretty late for stuffing that back in the bottle and pretending that stuff like the continuing blm riots never happened.
Uh, violence from whom?
I don't see how there won't be some serious violent pushback after the last few days.
If anybody is stupid enough to start anything real at the inauguration after the last week it will get put down hard by the Secret Service. After the Keystone Capitol Cops showing the Secret Service will emphatically serve notice they ain’t playin’
I posted in another thread about a lot of disinformation emails that an older in-law has been receiving. Too me, the stuff she has been getting is like the Gruden thread during the last coaching search. It was a fun diversion but everyone kind of knew when the jig was up and we were going Google coach again. For people who can view it in context and have fun with it, it's harmless. For people who don't see that it's satire, or just straight baloney, it can be misleading and hurtful. Just now one of the people who has been forwarding her this stuff calls me at my in-law's request to tell me that a Trump confidant personally informed her that the POTUS just invoked the Insurrection Act. I'm telling my in law that this would be all over the news if true, but of course they do not trust most media sources and many of the people they do trust are newly de-platformed so they're going to believe this stuff. ' Okay. Thanks. Be safe.' is pretty much all I can say at this point.
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Executed, make sure you have the terminology correct.

Yeah, I'd like the autopsy on that.

Which was sad.

Not really.

Oh, my! Wait, this never happened before?

They drew their guns?!?!?!?! Oh, no's!

And I'd really like to know for a fact those came from the Trump rally. Because Antifa was in Washington and, as posted yesterday, has used such devices in the past.

Yeah, it was. Because it damn sure could have spread much, much further like the Floyd protests and riots did. In fact, it was a pretty controlled outlet and, as I've said all along, could have been much worse than your pearl clutching selective outrage.

And why is that? Because the right got pushed and shoved and demonized and ridiculed for the past four years and they finally had enough? You know, I kept warning a lot of people here throughout the Trump Presidency you can only push so far before people will start striking back. Well, this was a minor taste. And let me go ahead and tell you, it could have been a lot worse.

Make no mistake, the pot is reaching a boil and this so called "unity" nonsense is not happening. The left has seen fit to now go all out on the attack against the right. I would say by summer, you're about to see a radically different country. And as much as you like to troll on here, I think even you are going to be appalled at some of the things that will happen if you aren't already and just hiding it.

I'm reminded of what Solzhenitsyn said in "The Gulag Archipelago" and can apply it to today.

"By now we are even unsure whether we have the right to talk about the events of our own lives."

This entire comment is just like an OAN segment. Sad.
Its a little alarming that people are do dismissive of what happened last week. As though it was just a gag that got a little out of hand.

In reality, that's kind of what happened. It was mostly peaceful. As ratios go, what happened only came from a very small percentage of the people in attendance. A few bad apples. Really, only a few months prior, the ones throwing condemnation turned a blind eye to all the buildings burning in the nations capital. What kind of reaction do you want from people that have endured the abstinence of the left to condemn anything from the left as nothing but an expression of frustration.
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Battle ready: Antifa protesters dressed head-to-toe in black and armed with SHIELDS march on Manhattan to demand 'Trump and Pence leave White House now'

Antifa protesters wearing helmets and carrying riot shields marched through the streets of Manhattan on Sunday amid fears of further political violence after last week's deadly mob attack by Donald Trump supporters at the Capitol.

Dozens of protesters marched through Times Square in New York City with at least one waving a Black Lives Matter flag and another dressed in a mock police uniform with a pig's head.



Face to face: A protester wearing a mock police uniform and a pig's head holds a microphone towards an NYPD officer on a bicycle during Sunday's Antifa protest in Manhattan


Eye to eye: One protester lowered his mask to harangue a police officer during Sunday's protest, which comes amid fears of further political violence ahead of the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on January 20


Equipped: The Antifa protesters brought helmets, goggles and matching riot shields to their march on Sunday, with some of them carrying Black Lives Matter paraphernalia

Antifa protesters armed with SHIELDS take to the streets of Manhattan | Daily Mail Online
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It consumes my every thought.

Me too.

Better question...

How many of yall are numb from all this BS and at this point are just making preparations (if not already all made by some of you smart and well funded guys) for when this bullcrap actually spreads to where we personally live and into the lives of our loved ones?

Pretty much where I am. I still read, but just as a means of gathering intelligence about the state of this garbage, and because I am buddies with some of you fine folks.
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