How Do We Score 50 at Oregon?

I expect to see a well coached football team play Oregon on Saturday. I expect to see a well designed game plan against the Ducks on both sides of the ball. I expect to see 100% effort from the guys in orange. I expect to see these things because that is what I have witnessed from this team so far. Win or lose, the Ducks are going to know they have been in a war when the game is done. I didn't see fear in Jones' eyes at the press conference. No my friends, what I saw was excitement on the face of Butch Jones. a confident smirk. Butch Jones isn't intimidated, and neither are his Vols. I think Butch Jones and this team turn this into a brawl on Oregon's home turf. I for one wouldn't like to get into a brawl with Big Dan and his crew. Look for the Vols to be violently disruptive, and create their new identity on Saturday, possibly beating a win out in Eugene.
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We won't score 50 but pound the rock and force a few turnovers and we can possibly give them one helluva game.

That trip to the west coast is supposedly a ***** for pros so I can't imagine it will be just fantastic for our guys either, also playing in that hole in the ground that is louder than hell with a bunch of stoner beatniks.

Not sure if anyone has pointed this out, but Oregon has to travel too. They came east this week and now they travel back west. Tennessee could probably not have picked a better time to play Oregon.
Oregon's record against current SEC defenses isn't particularly scary.

The Vols aren't fielding an SEC defense though.

Gave up nearly 400 yards against WKY and if their QB didn't go dear in the headlights after the pick sixes, they could have put up 40 points.
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Not sure if anyone has pointed this out, but Oregon has to travel too. They came east this week and now they travel back west. Tennessee could probably not have picked a better time to play Oregon.

So, how will you feel when we still win by 30? The travel isn't an issue brah.
Good post. Think positive and positive things happen. If the military thought like some of our fans, we would never show up for battle. Get some.. Get some... Just don't lead them as much. (Name that Movie) :)

Yes, a quote about a guy firing an M 60 out of a Huey at women and children is a very positive message.
So, how will you feel when we still win by 30? The travel isn't an issue brah.

The "brah" abomination needs to cease. Cretins like yourself are why many Left Coasters are subject to unfair stereotypes. By the way, the Ducks will not win by 30.
To beat Oregon, the Vols are going to have to play far better than we have seen in the past 2 games. Being realistic, if they are down less than 20 points at the end of the game, it will be a positive.

Being optimistic, from watching this team grow, and believing the Ducks are a cocky and over confident bunch, there is a chance... not one I am willing to bet on, but a chance nevertheless, that the Vols can pull an upset. To do that, they have to play perfect. Offense will need to sustain drives, and defense will have to improve, especially on 3rd downs. Special team will have to step up too. However, the offense has a good sense of ball security, and the defense showed they can cause ball disruption, and get takeaways. The Vols are improved, and hopefully can show improvement week by week. This game will be a true measuring stick of just how improved they are.
So, how will you feel when we still win by 30? The travel isn't an issue brah.

I will feel bad. How will you feel if you lose? Would you blame it on the travel?!

You are missing the point anyway: Since both teams are traveling from the east, it should not be an advantage for either team.
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The "brah" abomination needs to cease. Cretins like yourself are why many Left Coasters are subject to unfair stereotypes. By the way, the Ducks will not win by 30.

Who said I got that term on the left coast? I've heard it in the deep south, Hawaii, and on the best coast.
So, how will you feel when we still win by 30? The travel isn't an issue brah.

You can bet your sweet ducky A$$ y'all WILL NOT win by 30!!! You may win but this game will be close! Now quit trolling and get on your own message board!
I can't see anything but a blowout. We are going to get destroyed. But it's ok, it's still going to be a fun game, a reality check and I will be there till the end.
You asked for reasons, and people answered. It's clear where you stand. You don't think it will be close. You might be right. Maybe not. But you haven't said why. Why?
He's either one of two things: A make believe Vols fan or he's just oozing with fear. Fear runs deep around here these days! Its as if Volnation has been infiltrated by cowards!!
If......we lose it'd have nothing to do with the travel.

Lose, we will not.

That is the point isn't it. If both teams are traveling then it should not be a factor. Btw, I like your arrogance. I hope it's contagious with your football team.
QB play is what scares me. Worley has to learn to throw and fast. No more of this not stepping into the throw. Have to extend the field and run the ball.
QB play is what scares me. Worley has to learn to throw and fast. No more of this not stepping into the throw. Have to extend the field and run the ball.

Neither Worley or Peterman are the answer long term. We need a mobile qb that can throw in this offense. Worley has not shown he can do either well thus far and Peterman's performance in the second half against Austin Peay speaks for itself.
Put in a qb that can consistently throw accurate passes or who can make plays with his feet. Worley can do neither.
I will feel bad. How will you feel if you lose? Would you blame it on the travel?!

You are missing the point anyway: Since both teams are traveling from the east, it should not be an advantage for either team.

You are the one who mentioned travel and how it's the perfect time. As in, it helps you.

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