How important is the Oregon game to CBJ?

We may lose, but I remain optimistic we can make this a closer game then we are given credit.

Agreed. Besides all of the other blunders and destruction that happened the last three years, I think the saddest thing is the loss of winning faith.

Every Vol fan, and reasonably so, is looking at our schedule and seeing easy wins, for sure losses, and a few good fights with middle tier teams.

But, this is college football! Anything can happen! Not saying we're going 10-2 and knockin off Bama at all. My prediction is 7-5. I just think it's sad that the thought of an upset is completely gone from our fan base. We haven't beat a ranked team since Kffin on Halloween.

That being said, don't write off the Oregon game. We might be outmatched, but this is Tennessee. We finally have a coach and a team that believe that again. You never know what can happen in college football..
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A few of the Harvey Updyke variety might consider "them fightin' words." I'm only half-joking.

Harvey, what a perfect name for such a dunderhead. Poison a 130 year old tree, just pathetic. So he's also had a confrontation with a Lowe's employee in Louisiana, sounds like a guy that needs to go back under his rock and stay there.

I have to say of all the teams my Ducks have played recently in non-conference games, I have to say the Auburn fans were the worst. And I still wouldn't want someone to damage a 130 year old tree.

Both Tenn and LSU have great fans.
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I understand how much speed and talent they have but everybody saying that we have no chance I think that's a lil much I mean they no longer have the head coach that put that program in the spot it's in! The have a new head coach that no body knows how he will be until he has a few games under him that's the main reason I say we have a chance!
I understand how much speed and talent they have but everybody saying that we have no chance I think that's a lil much I mean they no longer have the head coach that put that program in the spot it's in! The have a new head coach that no body knows how he will be until he has a few games under him that's the main reason I say we have a chance!

Chip Kelly didn't put them here. Rich Brooks got things moving slightly in the right direction and then Mike Bellotti set the foundation. Chip Kelly just nudged them over the top.

In fact, Chip Kelly's first game was a TERRIBLE loss to Boise State 19-8 where Blount threw that punch. The game was miserable, the offense was terrible, and Chip Kelly looked like the worst coach ever hired.

The foundation is set now for just about any decent coach to keep things going smoothly. Time will tell I guess. UT fans should just pray for a repeat of that Boise State game. Of course, a few games later they beat #6 Cal 42-3...

Anyways, just a little history.
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The opportunity is nowhere against Oregon. Might wanna buy some everclear for this one

Battle of Williamette Valley

There was a war in Eugene. Waged and recorded and nationally seen
Betwit flying fowls decked in greens and yellows, and orange clad riflemen, the other fellows.

The mallards drew first blood and goodness sake. The riflemen just could not shoot straight.
As time went on things began to change. The riflemen began to find the range.

The birds flew high but turbulence appeared. They found themselves being hit and smeared.
But those fowls weren’t cowards, the home field was on their side. Those ducks had a lot of pride.

Neal & Lane Company bayonets used as spears. And a bullish frontline pinning back their ears.
The orange men charged to the opposition's door. Took a deep breath and then charged some more.

When the smoke of the battle finally dissipated. One group stood tall, the other frustrated.
That’s all I’ll be telling you at this time. To know more you have to pay me 12 million bucks and a dime.

Harvey, what a perfect name for such a dunderhead. Poison a 130 year old tree, just pathetic. So he's also had a confrontation with a Lowe's employee in Louisiana, sounds like a guy that needs to go back under his rock and stay there.

I have to say of all the teams my Ducks have played recently in non-conference games, I have to say the Auburn fans were the worst. And I still wouldn't want someone to damage a 130 year old tree.

Both Tenn and LSU have great fans.

Killing a tree in Oregon would be cause for the death penalty. Tree hugger law correct? Yeah, let Updike kill a tree in Oregon and see how that goes!
Hopefully it will put the coaches in proximity to Adoree Jackson, and if he watches the game he can see how badly UT needs him.
People just don't understand how badly the back seven is going to suck this year. The CB's aren't good and there is zero depth at linebacker. NONE. Mariota, as a frosh, threw 32 TD's and completed 68% of his passes. He's going to go for 300 yards.

Anyways, the answer to the question is...Zero. Nada. Zilch. Even if UT loses 63-0 it doesn't matter. The goal is to win seven games and go bowling and compete against UF, UGA, and USCe.

This is spot on and what my expectations are for this
year. We might steal one in Gainsville because their offense is not what it used to be
If UT can go in there with a "3 yard and a cloud of dust (err ground up tire pellets)" mentality then UT has puncher's chance.

However, Oregon plays so fast that a suspect UT D will be on its heels very quickly. They toyed with a pretty good K-State team in the Fiesta Bowl.

So you're saying we have a chance!!! GBO
Killing a tree in Oregon would be cause for the death penalty. Tree hugger law correct? Yeah, let Updike kill a tree in Oregon and see how that goes!

We do like to protect our old trees. I've got about a half acre in forest (half of my lot) and my largest tree is probably three and a half feet in diameter. Most are 130 to 170 feet tall, anyone touch my trees and I'll be performing sex change operations on them without pain killers.

Of course I listen to log trucks going by my place about four or five times a day fully loaded heading for the mills. Granted it's nothing like it use to be, just better management of the forests here.

"Tree Huggers" and "Loggers" are learning to work together a bit better. Sure we've got radicals on both sides. It is an issue here for sure.

When you Vols fly in for the game, take a look out the windows at the forests as you arrive and you'll see the patch work quilt pattern of clear cuts in the forest. It'll give you a good feel for part of the issue.
Hopefully it will put the coaches in proximity to Adoree Jackson, and if he watches the game he can see how badly UT needs him.

I wouldn't mind seeing both he and Mixon at that game and both signing with UT

Don't know that would/could happen doubts numbers can work, but would be a real coup
This game will be an utter massacre in favor of Oregon, there is 0 chance that Tennessee will win or even be close to winning. I'd consider it successful if they somehow kept the loss to 20 points or less.

To say Tennessee is on the same talent level as Oregon is laughable. Tennessee lost all its offensive weapons worth a damn last year, Oregon retains most of its players coming off a BCS bowl win. And the talent level is somehow close to the same? Yeah ... no.

The WKU game is more important, because I think that's about the same talent level that Tennessee is on. Feel free to blast me for that comment, but it's completely true. That game worries me more than the Oregon game, because I've already accepted a major blowout loss to Oregon. I just hope they can actually beat WKU.
This game will be an utter massacre in favor of Oregon, there is 0 chance that Tennessee will win or even be close to winning. I'd consider it successful if they somehow kept the loss to 20 points or less.

To say Tennessee is on the same talent level as Oregon is laughable. Tennessee lost all its offensive weapons worth a damn last year, Oregon retains most of its players coming off a BCS bowl win. And the talent level is somehow close to the same? Yeah ... no.

The WKU game is more important, because I think that's about the same talent level that Tennessee is on. Feel free to blast me for that comment, but it's completely true. That game worries me more than the Oregon game, because I've already accepted a major blowout loss to Oregon. I just hope they can actually beat WKU.

Not gonna blast but I think you've got the bleakest outlook of any I've seen here.

You need some koolaid in a BAD way....from a still.
This game will be an utter massacre in favor of Oregon, there is 0 chance that Tennessee will win or even be close to winning. I'd consider it successful if they somehow kept the loss to 20 points or less.

To say Tennessee is on the same talent level as Oregon is laughable. Tennessee lost all its offensive weapons worth a damn last year, Oregon retains most of its players coming off a BCS bowl win. And the talent level is somehow close to the same? Yeah ... no.

The WKU game is more important, because I think that's about the same talent level that Tennessee is on. Feel free to blast me for that comment, but it's completely true. That game worries me more than the Oregon game, because I've already accepted a major blowout loss to Oregon. I just hope they can actually beat WKU.

0 chance are you serious?? If you are you on the wrong board! Another non fan! They a bunch of them on here. You can book it this game will be closer than you think!
That's still going to matter. It may not matter very much but it matters. Kelly is a legend at Oregon and legends are difficult to follow no matter how good you are or how well you've apprenticed...

Of course it matters. But Oregon is unique in that the program has successfully hired its winningest head coaches internally via promotion, while keeping an impossibly long tenured core staff of assistants in place. That kind of stability is a wonder of this program, and right now that means that all of the players and coaches are completely on the same page, and running through the paces of things in ways that are second nature to them, and the culture remains the same as it was with Kelly.
and have quite a few injuries in their secondary...making their defense possibly suspect.

lol, what?
Seriously, what are you reading? Also to your previous point, 4 of our front 7 is a bit misleading. Oregon rotates a ton on the defensive line, and nobody around these parts is hesitating in describing that unit as a "veteran" bunch. We lost a ton of tackles from our two primary LBs in Kiko Alonso and Michael Clay, and that's the challenge for us right now. Dion Jordan is of course another loss of significance, but for all of his freakish athleticism he never really produced at the level he should/could have for us and two of the guys filling in his spot at "drop end" have played a lot of football for us.

rah rah rah SEC durrr blah blah

Harvey, what a perfect name for such a dunderhead.

Ain't it though? You couldn't make up the name Harvey Updyke (and let's not forget the beauty of the last name paired with the first) for a story like his and do any better.

Poison a 130 year old tree, just pathetic. So he's also had a confrontation with a Lowe's employee in Louisiana, sounds like a guy that needs to go back under his rock and stay there.

What's truly scary is that this guy used to be a Texas State Trooper until he retired. He'd only been back in Alabama for 2 years when he did this!

I have to say of all the teams my Ducks have played recently in non-conference games, I have to say the Auburn fans were the worst. And I still wouldn't want someone to damage a 130 year old tree.

Both Tenn and LSU have great fans.

I've also had a good experience with LSU fans. Auburn fans, we used to play all the time and back in the day it was heated but the first expansion killed that so I can't say I've got much of an opinion of them good or bad nowadays. That may change since we play this season.

The tree poisoning thing always struck me as so mean-spirited and spiteful that it crossed the line into plain evil. There was something wrong about that -- it felt like more than just killing a tree because that was Auburn's big tradition. I guess it felt closer to the bastahd killing a live mascot than a regular tree. I don't know why but it gave me the same kind of willies I'd get if some fan executed a live mascot (maybe it was the psychotic spite-filled enjoyment he expressed in knowing it would die no matter what they did and they'd have to watch it's death in slow motion).

No fan base would ever make me doing something like that. College pranks can be fun. In the old days they stole mascots took pictures with them dressed in their gear only to return them. Stuff like that is all in good fun. What Harvery did was NOT.
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Killing a tree in Oregon would be cause for the death penalty. Tree hugger law correct? Yeah, let Updike kill a tree in Oregon and see how that goes!

I ain't one but tree huggers do understand something profit greedy people who denude landscapes don't or won't understand. Forests are the lungs of the planet. Sure grasses, moss, and other plants add some oxygen to the air. But it's the forests that are the world's lungs. Remove them and eventually, a few centuries later, the children of your children's children wouldn't be able to breathe. Especially given the rate we're placing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere with industrial outgassing. Nature put the stuff underground for a reason.

I recall John Muir said something like, "Any damn fool can cut down a tree. It can't run, fight or hide. And if it could, it's still be killed so long as dime or dollar could be made." :hi:
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Ain't it though? You couldn't make up the name Harvey Updyke (and let's not forget the beauty of the last name paired with the first) for a story like his and do any better.

What's truly scary is that this guy used to be a Texas State Trooper until he retired. He'd only been back in Alabama for 2 years when he did this!

I've also had a good experience with LSU fans. Auburn fans, we used to play all the time and back in the day it was heated but the first expansion killed that so I can't say I've got much of an opinion of them good or bad nowadays. That may change since we play this season.

The tree poisoning thing always struck me as so mean-spirited and spiteful that it crossed the line into plain evil. There was something wrong about that -- it felt like more than just killing a tree because that was Auburn's big tradition. I guess it felt closer to the bastahd killing a live mascot than a regular tree. I don't know why but it gave me the same kind of willies I'd get if some fan executed a live mascot (maybe it was the psychotic spite-filled enjoyment he expressed in knowing it would die no matter what they did and they'd have to watch it's death in slow motion).

No fan base would ever make me doing something like that. College pranks can be fun. In the old days they stole mascots took pictures with them dressed in their gear only to return them. Stuff like that is all in good fun. What Harvery did was NOT.

We haven't had much problem with opponents fans doing stuff on our turf. Yea, Oregon State, our traditional rival is only 42 miles away and when one or two of them have an original thought (for them at least) they'll come to town and paint the "O" on Skinners Butte Orange. Yawn...... They've done it so many times the UofO has paint and painters ready to repaint the "O" before the orange paint drys.

Out here most conference schools are physically too far apart for much of that stuff to go on. Other than the rodents from cornvalley. Seattle and the taildraggers are next closest at four and a half hours one way.

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