How important is the Oregon game to CBJ?

Regardless of the score of game(hopefully vols up), I'm looking forward to QB and other positions being decided during this game before we get into the Sec grind. Regardless, It's goin to be great to watch. GBO!
Does Nega-Vol = a Realist? I guess it does to the Orange KoolAid crowd.....By chance the SEC power teams all end up with multiple major injuries, our odds of winning will indeed increase. Even if we don't win but 4-5 games, I still intend to enjoy this College Football Season, so let's get it on.
Go Vols
I think UT's OL and DL present them with problems. UT has to limit big plays and come up with some of their own particularly in the run game. Poole had the best half of his career against Oregon. The OL he ran behind was nothing like the one two or 3 more talented RB's will run behind this year.

I have said for awhile that this game will help reveal Jones' ability to coach at UT. "Blow out" with Oregon is a relative term... but if UT loses by 25+ that won't be a good sign at all.


UT by more than 2 TD's- 5%
UT by less than 2 TD's- 35%
Oregon by less than 2 TD's- 35%
Oregon by more than 2 TD's- 25%
Does Nega-Vol = a Realist? I guess it does to the Orange KoolAid crowd.....By chance the SEC power teams all end up with multiple major injuries, our odds of winning will indeed increase. Even if we don't win but 4-5 games, I still intend to enjoy this College Football Season, so let's get it on.
Go Vols

Neither negavols (pessimists) nor kool aid drinkers (optimists) are realists. One expects the worst and interprets facts in that light. One expects the best and interprets facts in that light. A realist recognizes all possibilities then hopes for the best while being prepared for the worst.

We have people here who openly admit to being negative to avoid having their hopes disappointed. That's not only pessimism.... that's cowardice.
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If UT can go in there with a "3 yard and a cloud of dust (err ground up tire pellets)" mentality then UT has puncher's chance.

However, Oregon plays so fast that a suspect UT D will be on its heels very quickly. They toyed with a pretty good K-State team in the Fiesta Bowl.

The key for UT is to get pressure up the middle from the DT's allowing the DE's to set the corner and bracket the QB.

FWIW, K-State did not have then the talent that UT has now. Snyder's coaching ability is what made them better than the sum of their talent. I hope Jones does the same at UT. He seemed to do so at his last two stops.
What is really sad about UT fans becoming Negavols....... Is that our players actually experienced playing hard fought games to not even get to bowl games, and now these players found the courage to put it behind them and work there butts off to win for Tennessee, Then enter negavol fans.I hope our Players KNOW that they will Hang 14 or more on the Ducks when its said and done.I Hope the Players are drinking Orange Gatorade(are)
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I consider him a legendary like figure in the sense that he put you on the map and is an innovative figure (not beyond the Oregon program but within your program's history). He's in no way a legend like Summitt, Neyland, Bryant, Wooden, etc.

I'll agree with you on that, except who is Bryant? Kobe? He's not a coach, officially any way
Then you better get up off your ass since you have been swollen with a deluge of Knight/Nike money for over a decade.

Naw, it hasn't been a decade. Maybe 5-8 years. Plus, Oregon's been building from the worst program in the country towards the top for about 30 years. Turn around year was 1994 for the program. Reference "The Pick" as the turning point. Granted most in the country still think we're a flash in the pan and will disappear quickly with a bad season sometime. LOL

We're building the infrastructure to be around for a long time. And yea, lots of other schools are playing "catch up" in the facilities area. So be it.

And yes, we thank Uncle Phil and Nike very very much.
I think UT's OL and DL present them with problems. UT has to limit big plays and come up with some of their own particularly in the run game. Poole had the best half of his career against Oregon. The OL he ran behind was nothing like the one two or 3 more talented RB's will run behind this year.

I have said for awhile that this game will help reveal Jones' ability to coach at UT. "Blow out" with Oregon is a relative term... but if UT loses by 25+ that won't be a good sign at all.


UT by more than 2 TD's- 5%
UT by less than 2 TD's- 35%
Oregon by less than 2 TD's- 35%
Oregon by more than 2 TD's- 25%

Well at least you can make it equal 100.
As long as we see a team that doesn't give up and gives their all then we will see something we havn't see here in a few years. I think it will be a good gage for us to see where we are mentally. I agree that the 3-4 year mark will be the true test. I hope we have things figured out by then because we have some big out of conference games scheduled for the next 4 to 5 years with Oklahoma and Nebraska coming on the schedule.
Naw, it hasn't been a decade. Maybe 5-8 years. Plus, Oregon's been building from the worst program in the country towards the top for about 30 years. Turn around year was 1994 for the program. Reference "The Pick" as the turning point. Granted most in the country still think we're a flash in the pan and will disappear quickly with a bad season sometime. LOL

We're building the infrastructure to be around for a long time. And yea, lots of other schools are playing "catch up" in the facilities area. So be it.

And yes, we thank Uncle Phil and Nike very very much.

Well if you can't go down any have to go up!

Do what your doing for a few decades and get back to us!

P.S. Nobody is catching up to "your" facilities....they are always being renovated down here. Plus..if I want throw-up colors in my lounge, and I was a coach, i'd go for it b/c it saves so much money.
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I'm going to laugh when these Sunshine pumpers cry after we lose 6 or 7 games. Wake up and smell the coffee. We have no depth, new coaches, and no QB. That being said, I would much rather be dead wrong and upset some good teams. I'll gladly eat crow and admit I was wrong.
Well, win, lose, or draw, I hope our Vols have a Tex Cobb mentality. Prior to his fight with Larry Holmes who was considered superior to and way above his class, he was asked a question. He lived up to his answer too.
The question had to do with whether he'd quit, fake being knocked out, or refuse to answer the bell.

Question: If Homes is beating your face to a bloody pulp, what will you do?

Cobb: "Why, I'll be slinging leather, darling."

I liked him better in Raising Arizona
Posted via VolNation Mobile
there is a difference in being realistic and defeatist, you hide your bad attitude about the Vols behind the term being realistic when in fact you are just already defeated and have given up before the game is even played.

I really hope our team doesn't read these forums with the way some of you talk them down constantly.

I am far from a "defeatist." Heck, I hope to see us win 13 games this year.

Nobody with any sense of reality is going to bet on UT to win the game. Now, that's not to say that some of "us" might take UT with the points, and certainly not that most of us won't be decked out in our lucky orange and white gear in front of the TV or in Autzen yelling our fannies off and praying for a miracle.

It would be a monumental upset, and here's to hoping that we are all posting celebrations well into the night.

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