how long does CJH stay at UT?

Objective thoughts? I don't think anyone has anything objective about this. It's all 100% subjective and pure fantasy at this point. Plus, your idea that going to OU gives him a "Saban like legend" chance is nonsense. If he were good enough to do that, then he has a better chance here. Top level facilities equal or better and more fertile recruiting grounds geographically. Plus, he already has a 4 year head start at getting there.

This thread is more fantasy than anything.
HE here right now and that what counts.
if he leaves i worry about it then . but for now just be HAPPY. GBO AND COACH J.H AND TNANKS for what you and your staff has done here.
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OU just signed Venables to an extension thru 2028 I believe. Payout is like $30 million. OU don’t have that kind money to pay guys not to coach. AD just retired also so the gang Heupel knew probably won’t be there by the time BV leaves or is fired.
I didn't get the warm fuzzies during his press conference last week. He made comments about how someone on staff at OU was in his wedding. He's also talked about how his family is Oklahoma fans. I just think once he's accomplished what he wants to accomplish at Tennessee, his family and friends will convince him to take on the challenge the resurrecting OU's program.
I think Heup will be convincing his family to leave Oklahoma to live in Knoxville. That or he gets a pro gig.
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Some people want to be low profile when they retire and couldn't care less whether anyone is thinking about them. I don't know if Fulmer is "hanging" around the program or not but we don't hear about if so. He would lack self awareness if so

He was quoted as saying that Pearce reminded him of Leonard Little in spring practice, which makes me believe he’s still present in some sense
CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?

As long as he keeps winning and competing for championships, he’ll be here as long as we keep paying the man accordingly.
We have to do what our athletic director is doing. Thinking outside the box. Danny White and company has our athletic department the envy of the country, it’s hitting on every cylinder. We need our smartest people thinking outside the box, and do whatever is possible to keep Mr White and Mr Heupel here until they retire.
Do we build them a house like Alabama did for Saban? (Does anyone know if the Biltmore is for sale? We could tie a big chain to it and pull it to the Tennessee side of the border!) I wouldn’t be a bit suprised if someone tried to get a package deal. get White with the understanding Huepel comes with him. They are both winners, and we need to make sure they don’t leave.
If at some point he has reached all his goals at Tennessee (or, if in the process of pursuing those goals he runs into some obstacle that can't be overcome here) and his role as Head Coach ceases to be builder-innovator and changes into one of maintenance... then I could see him, simply as a human, looking for a fresh challenge.

Frankly, I'm more concerned that some national circumstances will change so drastically and suddenly that college football is more likely to be lost before Heupel is.
Until he loses a couple of games and some fans want to run him off for the next shiny object.
Or until UT can no longer match some crazy type of money
Danny White and CJH both retire here unles Danny goes to the NFL as a gym.

I love CJH but Danny White would pull a A caliber replacement if CJH left. This man is the best AD in the country and it’s not even close.
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