Hurricane Ida: The Aftermath

I am lost on how a city is built below sea level and gets hit with one of the most devastating hurricanes ever and almost 2 decades later still doesn’t have infrastructure inplace to protect itself from another major hurricane.
I am lost on how a city is built below sea level and gets hit with one of the most devastating hurricanes ever and almost 2 decades later still doesn’t have infrastructure inplace to protect itself from another major hurricane.

I'm not sure of the engineering difficulty to say they should be able to pull this off, but they can't even deliver a level sidewalk in the Garden District. Hold on, I took some pictures in July.
Supposed to be handing out paper towels in the next few days. Republicans should applaud
We evacuated lots of people during Katrina. Some of the rudest people I’ve ever seen. Big fat lady wanted another box lunch, I told her 1 per person, she went off on me. Some appreciated us, others didn’t.
I’m not surprised that the city government failed the people there and failed to come up with a plan for this. I’ve heard stories. That place is as corrupt as they come.

The problem with cities is the economies of scale when it comes to corruption and ineptitude. You could have the same level of ******** going on in a small town, but the sheer size of budgets, programs, problems, etc. enable more waste. Even Dallas is pretty well-run as far as big cities go and they have a looming pension crisis. So then you take a city the size of New Orleans that is not well run, like so many smaller cities in America, and it's a complete **** show.
In your haste to take advantage of another tragedy and gleefully blame Dem officials for everything, you might want to, you know, wait for facts.

The reason N.O, is without power is because the power company's main tower collapsed and transmission lines went down. Is that the City's fault or the power company's?
In your haste to take advantage of another tragedy and gleefully blame Dem officials for everything, you might want to, you know, wait for facts.

The reason N.O, is without power is because the power company's main tower collapsed and transmission lines went down. Is that the City's fault or the power company's?
It’s the damn hurricane’s fault!
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It’s the damn hurricane’s fault!

I have no problem criticizing people who choose to live in areas prone to disaster, especially when they seem unprepared for it despite knowing the risks. In fact, comparing people who live in earthquake prone regions versus N.O I'd say the latter is worse since they know its coming for days and still aren't prepared.
Papa Joe is on the TV talking about Hurricane Ida now. Enjoy the snooze fest.
Shelter in place y'all .... no sh!t sherlock?? Great leadership is on full display.
I wonder if he's gonna be allowed, by his Boss, to take questions today about this storm?

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