Hurricane Ida: The Aftermath

Dang..Biden hates black people amirite? For letting this hurricane happen?

Same goes for Mother Nature. At least it was fast so the Heineken looting could start early.
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Well they choose to live there, no help should be offered. Sorry.

You feel the same for the people in Waverly? Flash floods occur in the same places. What about tornado areas? Gallatin gets hits regularly with those. So does Murfreesboro. What a sick response.
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I think that instance probably lies more with the tree encroaching on the sidewalk space. 🤷‍♂️

And I don’t know how many times I see cities plant trees in places and think damn when that thing grows it’s gonna destroy that curb/sidewalk/other structure around it.

HOAs are notorious for bylaws such as this. 5 to 7 years later, after the tree uproots the sidewalk, they send the repair bill to the homeowners.
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The remnants of Ida closed my kids' schools here in Western Maryland today. Trying to get out of the holler to get to the University sucked. Flash floods everywhere. First time I've seen water shooting up through holes in manhole covers outside of my time in Mississippi.

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