Hypocrites Gather Round...

When those positions can't be filled the wages will go up. The problem is too many people are comfortable working those low wage jobs because they do qualify for assistance. End the assistance and watch them pursue higher wage positions.

And then wages will rise.
I agree. DHS under Trump, under Obama and I suspect under Biden is nothing but a taxing authority in this regard. I had a client with a large number of illegals working for him. DHS asked for records going back three years. They reviewed the records for 90 days then issued findings and ordered the employer to fire the employees which were determined to be illegal. The employees were not deported. They faced no repercussions outside of termination by the company. They were free to move onto the next job.

Employer received 500k fine which I argued down to 200k payable over 5 years at 1% interest.
Client was charged $400k payable immediately though.
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Once we were fined a little over 600k by the city of Houston and settled for 12k.

The government typically just wants some money. With regard to these cases, the huge number of violations kept it pretty high.
I view it as jobs Americans don't value very highly and are willing to let illegal immigrants subsidize lower prices. There is a wage point at which Americans would take those jobs, but it is likely higher than consumers want to pay.
Subsidize lower prices. We have done a ton of effed up crap for that very thing.
The government typically just wants some money. With regard to these cases, the huge number of violations kept it pretty high.

Very true, they want a win and are usually quick to settle. Their system is BS down there, their FOG people come in and inspect today and find you have been in violation for a month it's $500 the first day, $1000 the next day and so on. Most people don't even have a damn clue they're in violation in the first place.
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I am not understanding your comment.
Sorry I forgot to spell it out for you, I forgot you were an attorney.
You save the client $300k in fines
You charged the client $400k in fees
Net loss to client: -$100k
You're kind of slow.
For a thread calling together hypocrites, I feel like some crucial posters are missing.
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No, it has come down to Americans are demanding to be paid a living wage for full time work. When somebody is working full time, they shouldn't be eligible for welfare. In that manner I subsidizing the wages at McDs, WalMart and elsewhere.

Who determines the "living wage?"
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No, it has come down to Americans are demanding to be paid a living wage for full time work. When somebody is working full time, they shouldn't be eligible for welfare. In that manner I subsidizing the wages at McDs, WalMart and elsewhere.
Never understood while full time work automatically means living wage.

Also living wage is far lower than what most people think. We have worked the problem backwards for decades.

Your "living wage" doesnt start with your lifestyle and work backwards. The living wage is whatever it is, and you work your life around that. Cant afford another kid on 30k, it's not your bosses fault when the 30k isnt enough when you have another. It is your fault though. Same goes for any wage.

Our dependency on debt is killing us. We are stretched out so far from reality we are vulnerable to any upset. And no one want to push correction because that would mean the easy money goes away and people would have to face the reality of the situation they created.

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