That's a big "maybe" on the QB. Not having a returning starter under center all but guarantees the team will probably stumble along the way at one point during the season...unless your Alabama the last 4 years.
Florida is no closer to being similar to Bama than Tennessee is.
I agree there is a gulf talent-wise between Bama and Florida/Tennessee. According to rivals Bama is a legitimate 5 star (6.1) team. (Average recruiting points per year for last 3 years/20 top recruits each year. The math works the same for a 4 year analysis). Your statement, from a talent perspective that Florida is no closer to being similar to Alabama than Tennessee is spot on as shown below.
When I was much younger, back in the days of Johnny Majors, the coach, not the player, I had a eureka moment one day. After Jeff Francis and then Darryl Dickey, it seemed obvious to me that anyone could play quarterback at Tennessee because our offensive lines were impenetrable when we were passing and imposing when we were running.
Both Tennessee and Florida have in recent years struggled with offensive line issues in particular. This year, both Coach Butch Jones and Coach Jim McElwain have indicated that the strength of the respective teams is the offensive line.
At our respective talent levels, when you dont have an offensive line you need a Josh Dobbs. If you have an elite offensive line, some decent skill players on offense, and an above average defense, you could have almost anyone at quarterback and probably coast to an 8-4 type season or better.
The media and some analysts assume that Florida, while perceptively losing a ton of production on defense, will not take much of a step back on that side of the ball and that with the maturation of their offensive line, the offense is poised to take off.
According to Bill Connelly, Florida returns 81% of its offensive production from last year. We return 42% of our offensive production. Also according to Connelly, Florida returns 53% of its defensive production from last year; we return 61%. On offense Florida ranks #21 nationally, we rank #106. On defense, Florida ranks #103, we rank #78. By comparison, Georgia ranks #35 on offense and #5 on defense. Tennessee is ranked dead last overall in the SEC East and Florida is the next team above us. Everyone else is well above us.
According to rivals, talent-wise, Georgia is a mid-4 star (5.9) team; Florida and Tennessee are both low-4 star (5.8) teams. South Carolina is a high 3-star (5.7) team, Kentucky and Missouri are mid-3 star (5.6) teams, and Vanderbilt is a low 3-star (5.5) team. According to Coach Doug Matthews on his most recent Big Orange Sunday show, talent trumps experience so that is why even though Kentucky, South Carolina, and Vanderbilt are ranked nationally as #7, #8, and #10 respectively for overall returning production, the talent disadvantage is their Achilles heel. Missouri is ranked #31 for overall returning production. Georgia is ranked #9 for overall returning production, Florida is ranked #50, and Tennessee is ranked #109.
If you rank the teams, first by talent and then by returning production, you get an idea about how the media sees the SEC East playing out this year. Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, and South Carolina, in that order, and maybe one of the less talented more experienced teams snatching an upset or two along the way. In my opinion, thats probably the simplified basis of this years narrative.