Where have they been this whole season? See, I told you that it would be that blonde headed girl this time. When is Parker going to get to play?
I don't think Parker is going to play today.

We are going to lose again.

Uh oh, now the Lady Vols are starting up with the turnover's. That's not good. You are right, we are going to lose.
Do you know if Parker is going to play any this season? I haven't heard that much about her. We need someone on this team who is consistent.
If Candace Parker CAN play and doesn't, and we lose this game, Summitt will have some questions to answer. WHY has Parker been practicing if she cannot PLAY???

I just don't understand. The Vols aren't trying to set up any kind of offense. They are just rushing down and throwing up bad shots. They can't make a basket to save their lives. I can't believe that I am watching a Pat Summit coached team right now. They have missed 3 shots while I was typing this. :bad:
I hate to say it, but I think Geno has Pat's number.
I cannot believe how bad we look. UConn is making us look like a high school team. So much for the #1 recruiting class in the nation. Losing to UConn in basketball is like losing to Spurrier's Gators in football. I am just disgusted. Can you tell?
Yeah, I can tell. Being a Tennessee fan is tough on you sometimes. When I was younger I would watch my mother carry on like she was crazy when the Vols played. So I can't say that I didn't know what I was getting into. I did love that strategic foul at the end. Good coaching Geno!
How dare you compliment Geno Auriemma on this board in my presence. You better be glad I can't ban people.
I'm thinking of turning down the TV and listening to Mickey Dearstone call the game.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 8, 2005 1:59 PM
How dare you compliment Geno Auriemma on this board in my presence. You better be glad I can't ban people.

I was just kidding, hun.

I don't know why I get so upset over this game. We've lost to them 6 years in a row. You'd think I'd be used to it by now.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 8, 2005 2:59 PM
How dare you compliment Geno Auriemma on this board in my presence. You better be glad I can't ban people.

:unsure: Sorry, I don't think that I was complimenting him. I hate him as much as you do, believe me! I would like to see Pat break this 6 in a row winning streak that he has on her.
I wonder if Geno left some more rings in his unlocked car today? :dlol:
I'm not surprised at how we look out there, we've played like this jsut about every game, just have had the D and havent played the teams and we pull out W's that way.

We get the looks, just can't make a shot, its happened in all games so far, and it could be a lot worse.
This game is really just for bragging rights. We'll probably see them again in the NCAA tourney. SURELY by then Candace Parker can play.

I thought for sure CPS would bring her out for THIS game.
Originally posted by GoVolsDogg@Jan 8, 2005 2:09 PM
I'm not surprised at how we look out there, we've played like this jsut about every game, just have had the D and havent played the teams and we pull out W's that way.

We get the looks, just can't make a shot, its happened in all games so far, and it could be a lot worse.

You're right and in my HEAD I know that. But my HEART cannot take seeing my team get trounced by Meano Geno's team.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 8, 2005 3:09 PM
This game is really just for bragging rights. We'll probably see them again in the NCAA tourney. SURELY by then Candace Parker can play.

I thought for sure CPS would bring her out for THIS game.

She's probably still getting into game shape, has been on the shelf since October, 2 monhts off can do a lot to your game shape. This game is NOT the game to test out if she is ready to play or not, way to risky out there.
Well, I don't know why she doesn't. Is she not ready? If that is all it is, then she should let her play. Nobody on that team looks ready.

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