This sucks! The LV's are playing some sloppy ball. The name of thread says it all for me!
I just turned it off. Call me a fair-weather fan if you like, but I cannot stand to see them lose. I REALLY thought we would win this game.
They are the team in foul trouble and we are the ones fouling now. I don't get it!
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 8, 2005 3:55 PM
I just turned it off. Call me a fair-weather fan if you like, but I cannot stand to see them lose. I REALLY thought we would win this game.

Well, you have to do what you have to do in order to keep your sanity!
Were down 4 right now, dont know if we have the shooting to pull it off.

Don't know why we aren't trying to draw fouls, once we got in the bonus we've been trying tog et the outside game going instead. Weve been making our FTs in the 2nd half, put it inside, and draw a foul, get UConn players to foul out as we score points without taking time off the clock.
She was wide open too. Another bad bad bad shot for us.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 8, 2005 4:03 PM
Y'all just tell me what happens. I can't watch.

About 1:20 left, UConn just caleld TO, they have the ball and are up 64-62.
Boy, that was a stupid stupid foul! I can't stand this!
under a minute left and it is 66 65 uconn......Uconns ball with about 55 seconds left.
Yeah, it has. I don't understand how we are just 1 down and only shooting 38%

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