I just hope white doesn’t try to get...

The no integrity thing is getting old , I hope you’ve never made or never make any mistakes in your life , pretty judgmental

That word eliminates a large % of the coaches willing to take on this challenge. If a coach is worried about his integrity to a large degree why attach his name to the currently toxic enviroment at UT, ($$).

Fulmer, in his resignation conference inferred we need to get a coach in here for 10 years, (like Jimbo's contract at A&M ?). Now we've also been ask to not display negativity on social media platforms. DW's part is to find a winner with integrity after talking to mainly the players and getting their opinion. I simply would like another coach who is a good organizer and knows how to win games. Any baggage would be secondary.

I saw a post yesterday that stated Plowman and Boyd won't be here next cycle, they just don't know it yet. Why do you think Auburn hired B.Pearl ? My guess is they just want to win and didn't he get to the final 4 a couple of years ago?

I'll patiently wait and see who DW trots out on that podium and continue to be patient while this unfolds but all the while feeling as many do that several good coaches are automatically eliminated and that water has done run under the bridge,imo.
Too cute with this hire. And by cute I mean thinking he needs to deliver a candidate none of us would've seen coming or considered ourselves. This one should be easy. Hire kiffin amd be done with it. He checks all the boxes. If not kiffin get freeze. But don’t try to get too creative by going with a coordinator or a small school coach we’ve never heard of. Hire a known commodity.
You Kiffin lovers are ridiculous, He's already left in the middle of the night once! Now you want him to do that to Ole Miss and you'd trust him ? Y'all have absolutely lost your minds.
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You Kiffin lovers are ridiculous, He's already left in the middle of the night once! Now you want him to do that to Ole Miss and you'd trust him ? Y'all have absolutely lost your minds.

It’s business. No different than when a player leaves for the nfl. And you could prevent him from leaving here again with contract structure. If ole miss doesn’t have themselves protected from leaving with their contract...that’s on them. We know the feeling. Lol. But he’s an amazing coach. Rick Barnes said he’d have left for UCLA if not for the buyout in his contract with us. Remember that? So do you hate that guy now? Get over yourself. This is their jobs. They’re not here (or anywhere for that matter) because their blood runs orange.
I don't think he gives a rats ars about what people on this board want, think, propose, project discuss, post , or suggest. He is a grown, educated, and mature person who is well aware of why he was hired. If he blows this hire, he knows his future will be down the river and his family will disown him. Relax, he will make a great decision and it will do it in the next 2-4 days.
He must have been given a blank check then. Go sign Anthony Lynn who just coached the LA Chargers for 4 years and was quickly hired by the Lions. Also Cliff Kingsbury who's now coaching Arizona Cardinals. There's plenty of options especially when you start talking about coordinators. Most NFL coaches have plenty of connections and building an organization from ground-up is easier for an NFLer coming down a notch vs. a college coach attempting to move up a notch, imho. Didn't Saban just bring in 2 NFLers in just the past 2 weeks and both were former NFL HC's? The times they are a changing.
Too cute with this hire. And by cute I mean thinking he needs to deliver a candidate none of us would've seen coming or considered ourselves. This one should be easy. Hire kiffin amd be done with it. He checks all the boxes. If not kiffin get freeze. But don’t try to get too creative by going with a coordinator or a small school coach we’ve never heard of. Hire a known commodity.

Kiffin is a bitch that left us after 1 year. If he is willing to do it at Ole Miss he will do it to us again. Just say no to Kiffin
That word eliminates a large % of the coaches willing to take on this challenge. If a coach is worried about his integrity to a large degree why attach his name to the currently toxic enviroment at UT, ($$).

Fulmer, in his resignation conference inferred we need to get a coach in here for 10 years, (like Jimbo's contract at A&M ?). Now we've also been ask to not display negativity on social media platforms. DW's part is to find a winner with integrity after talking to mainly the players and getting their opinion. I simply would like another coach who is a good organizer and knows how to win games. Any baggage would be secondary.

I saw a post yesterday that stated Plowman and Boyd won't be here next cycle, they just don't know it yet. Why do you think Auburn hired B.Pearl ? My guess is they just want to win and didn't he get to the final 4 a couple of years ago?

I'll patiently wait and see who DW trots out on that podium and continue to be patient while this unfolds but all the while feeling as many do that several good coaches are automatically eliminated and that water has done run under the bridge,imo.

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