I really like our chances in the Swamp

If we cannot pass we will lose big, Florida will stop the run with their front 7. Fact

This... and the fact that no matter how badly the Gators might play against other teams, they manage to have breakout games against us. If they gift us with turnovers, maybe our D can take a few to the house.
i like our "sneak attack" chances.

sneaking in with either a new QB, maybe more than like 3 offensive plays, and renewed energy on the D.

how can you not overlook a team who just lost to another team (albeit a really good one) by a landslide? advantage: tennessee. we stupidly called the same play over and over... advantage: tennessee. our D is not nearly as bad as they looked against Oregon. advantage: tennessee.

we got this.
i like our "sneak attack" chances.

sneaking in with either a new QB, maybe more than like 3 offensive plays, and renewed energy on the D.

how can you not overlook a team who just lost to another team (albeit a really good one) by a landslide? advantage: tennessee. we stupidly called the same play over and over... advantage: tennessee. our D is not nearly as bad as they looked against Oregon. advantage: tennessee.

we got this.

I see. Butch cleverly had the team play atrociously in every aspect of the game in order to make Florida overconfident. :ermm: Believe that if that helps you sleep at night.
I see. Butch cleverly had the team play atrociously in every aspect of the game in order to make Florida overconfident. :ermm: Believe that if that helps you sleep at night.

obviously your sarcasm meter needs to be tested.

and real vol fans don't sleep when its florida week. NOT VFL.
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As you evaluate our team this year, I do have a question for the Vol faithful:

Do you guys respect us more now that we've evolved into a program based on defense and power running?

Ever since the conference split into divisions in the 90's and we started playing UT more regularly, we've had a reasonable amount of success in the series. However, at first our success was predicated on Spurrier's pass-happy Fun'n'Gun system and then, after a brief stint with the Zooker, we had the Meyer era which brought the spread option and Tebow. Since we were more of a finesse team that attacked the perimeters of a defense during those times, I always got the impression that the Vols didn't respect us as much as a team like Alabama that would just line up and battle you on the lines of scrimmage. There was just this vibe that Vol fans would look at stuff like the Emory and Henry formations, the Jump Passes, Shovel Passes, etc., and be like, "Yeah Florida, you won again...but you guys are gay."

Does the fact that we're now a team that will line up and run right at you make the Vols appreciate us more? Win or lose Saturday, it'd be nice if the Vol fans walked out of The Swamp saying, "Damn, those Gators play grown-man football. They're a tough team."
As you evaluate our team this year, I do have a question for the Vol faithful:

Do you guys respect us more now that we've evolved into a program based on defense and power running?

Ever since the conference split into divisions in the 90's and we started playing UT more regularly, we've had a reasonable amount of success in the series. However, at first our success was predicated on Spurrier's pass-happy Fun'n'Gun system and then, after a brief stint with the Zooker, we had the Meyer era which brought the spread option and Tebow. Since we were more of a finesse team that attacked the perimeters of a defense during those times, I always got the impression that the Vols didn't respect us as much as a team like Alabama that would just line up and battle you on the lines of scrimmage. There was just this vibe that Vol fans would look at stuff like the Emory and Henry formations, the Jump Passes, Shovel Passes, etc., and be like, "Yeah Florida, you won again...but you guys are gay."

Does the fact that we're now a team that will line up and run right at you make the Vols appreciate us more? Win or lose Saturday, it'd be nice if the Vol fans walked out of The Swamp saying, "Damn, those Gators play grown-man football. They're a tough team."

Nah, win or lose...you guys are still gay. :loco:
As you evaluate our team this year, I do have a question for the Vol faithful:

Do you guys respect us more now that we've evolved into a program based on defense and power running?

Ever since the conference split into divisions in the 90's and we started playing UT more regularly, we've had a reasonable amount of success in the series. However, at first our success was predicated on Spurrier's pass-happy Fun'n'Gun system and then, after a brief stint with the Zooker, we had the Meyer era which brought the spread option and Tebow. Since we were more of a finesse team that attacked the perimeters of a defense during those times, I always got the impression that the Vols didn't respect us as much as a team like Alabama that would just line up and battle you on the lines of scrimmage. There was just this vibe that Vol fans would look at stuff like the Emory and Henry formations, the Jump Passes, Shovel Passes, etc., and be like, "Yeah Florida, you won again...but you guys are gay."

Does the fact that we're now a team that will line up and run right at you make the Vols appreciate us more? Win or lose Saturday, it'd be nice if the Vol fans walked out of The Swamp saying, "Damn, those Gators play grown-man football. They're a tough team."

On defense yes, but nobody respects florida on offense. Lining up and trying to play smash mouth football and doing it are two different things. Florida has yet to prove they can be successful playing that way on offense.
Final score 10-7 with no offensive scoring by either team,except the fg off the pic.
On defense yes, but nobody respects florida on offense. Lining up and trying to play smash mouth football and doing it are two different things. Florida has yet to prove they can be successful playing that way on offense.

agreed, but I am glad to see Florida getting rid of all that trick play, shell game, hoola hoop, misdirection type crap.

But Chas in Boca, I still hate your team.
I'm sure you're a nice dude, but your Gators can suck it.

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Chas, I hate Florida with everything inside of me. But, yes I do respect the smash mouth style and the fact that regardless you guys have our number every year. Last years game (and season) made me sick because with the right coach(es) I honesty feel we had the talent to compete for the east and I stand by that.
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I don't want to be a negavol, but this Florida defense will be tough to run on and our playbook is very predictable thus far.. They have our cards right now.

Our offense is ineffective with a QB who doesn't know how to use the ''zone read'' I also hate to say this, but if Worley struggles early on.. I would like to see a change by the 2nd quarter... then again we still loose by putting in another QB with limited playing time/snaps against one of the best defenses in the nation. You can't critique someone (back up) playing against a GREAT SEC defense.

Lose/lose situation... all we can do is hope THEY improve in this game and learn their identities.. stop having unrealistic expectations people

P.S. - If we can't generate Offense you guys will be really upset when Vandy beats us.. because they had no problems moving the ball against South Carolina

*puts flame suit on*

With you for the most part til the PS... Vandy was pretty much dominated by SCar. It was 28-0 before Vandy generated much if anything. A lot of their 250 total yds or so came in the 4th when the game was over.
As you evaluate our team this year, I do have a question for the Vol faithful:

Do you guys respect us more now that we've evolved into a program based on defense and power running?

Ever since the conference split into divisions in the 90's and we started playing UT more regularly, we've had a reasonable amount of success in the series. However, at first our success was predicated on Spurrier's pass-happy Fun'n'Gun system and then, after a brief stint with the Zooker, we had the Meyer era which brought the spread option and Tebow. Since we were more of a finesse team that attacked the perimeters of a defense during those times, I always got the impression that the Vols didn't respect us as much as a team like Alabama that would just line up and battle you on the lines of scrimmage. There was just this vibe that Vol fans would look at stuff like the Emory and Henry formations, the Jump Passes, Shovel Passes, etc., and be like, "Yeah Florida, you won again...but you guys are gay."

Does the fact that we're now a team that will line up and run right at you make the Vols appreciate us more? Win or lose Saturday, it'd be nice if the Vol fans walked out of The Swamp saying, "Damn, those Gators play grown-man football. They're a tough team."

Florida's defense has been legit for over 20 years now. I know Meyer was successful but I hated watching his offense.
Based on what we've seen, I think we could win with as little as 14 as well. Their offense is pretty bad.

They only put up 24 against Toledo (who gave up 38 to Missouri and 33 to E Washington)

They only put up 16 against Miami.

Steve, not to make excuses but we had a TD called back and we kneed the ball on the 3 at the end of the Toledo game. First game of the year as well. Secondly we had 3 turnovers in the Miami game in the red zone or 5 total so even if we get 3 field goals there it is 9 pts. Don't get your hopes up too high. Plus our best offensive lineman is back this week.

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