If big daddy Gov shows up at your door to take your guns

Hypothetically, this would be pursuant to law. Are you the law and order party or not?

Factually, they are the ones breaking the law. It's our constitutional rights as an American by our founding fathers. The people that made this place happen in the first place. So if they want to block speech while trying to take our guns.... Challenge accepted.

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It’s such a weird world where the left is all about fealty to the infallible state and the right is the counterculture.
Just tells you it's 100% been about the 'team sport' of politics, rather than there being any real goodness for the people. I know a lot of US history, but not enough to know if it really is different now or not. I'm inclined to believe not. Washington warned against parties for a reason, and Jefferson hated the media for a reason.
A better approach is to live in a state where the state and local LEOs won’t enforce such obvious federal over reach and where the state Governor won’t allow fed LEOs to exercise this bull **** gun grabbing. People do have a choice on their exposure to this stuff
A better approach is to live in a state where the state and local LEOs won’t enforce such obvious federal over reach and where the state Governor won’t allow fed LEOs to exercise this bull **** gun grabbing. People do have a choice on their exposure to this stuff

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