If Trump doesn't win in 2020, the church leaders will be murdered.

Does this happen after DeVos kills all the gay students in America as was prophesied by the Left Loons?
I like Bernie but he's not my choice this go around.
As for the rest, it's to stupid to even warrant a response.

The quotes say more about you and photo than anyone else.
I'll let them speak for themselves.

Thank you very much, Luther Guther we try to distance ourselves from you commies as far as possible
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Using Christ for personal gain would be my vote.

Are these actually men of god or just opportunists / con-artists who are all about enriching themselves?
There have been countless books written in these false prophets. Warnings, etc, and there are still fools who send them money like crazy.

I personally knew a TV evangelist who went to jail for financial fraud, got out, got back on TV, and some lady gave him several million. He quit and bought a palace in southern cal.
There have been countless books written in these false prophets. Warnings, etc, and there are still fools who send them money like crazy.

I personally knew a TV evangelist who went to jail for financial fraud, got out, got back on TV, and some lady gave him several million. He quit and bought a palace in southern cal.
Pretty disgusting, but unfortunately not surprised.
TDS explained in a sentence. Nice work.

The irony is that my comment of pointing at irrationality was in response to this:

Obama was the furthest thing from a Christian than any president we have ever had, he was indeed a Muslim that hated everything about this country and did his best to destroy it.

Even more ironic is that the "derangement syndrome" was first used to describe people who had it for Obama. Photo confirmed this comment to be 100% non-hyperbolic, cementing his place with the fringe loons.

The last condescending bit about 'nice' work' completed your triple threat of an ill advised post. So 'good job'?
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Interesting since with your chosen profession they both want to seriously limit your future earnings potential.

It might not be as drastic as some people make it out to be. But let’s say aggressively with even as high as a 40% paycut (from one article I’ve read?), I would still have more than enough money.
I'm not a fan of Bernie, but I'll vote for him if comes down to him and Trump.

I don’t think you will have to make that choice . i think it will be Uncle Joe and Kamala Harris as VP . Just my opinion though , and we know hat that’s worth .
Which policies? Please feel free to elaborate

Almost all of them you can imagine I slightly to heavily support. But healthcare reform is the most important to me. Income inequality also being another major issue. And of course their emphasis on rooting out corporate interest in politics.
It might not be as drastic as some people make it out to be. But let’s say aggressively with even as high as a 40% paycut (from one article I’ve read?), I would still have more than enough money.

I find it hilarious when young people say that “I would still have more than enough money”.

That’s easy to say until you are looking at putting braces on a couple kids, college tuition, weddings and everything else that comes with life and kids. There is never “more than enough” you’re doing great to have just enough.
I find it hilarious when young people say that “I would still have more than enough money”.

That’s easy to say until you are looking at putting braces on a couple kids, college tuition, weddings and everything else that comes with life and kids. There is never “more than enough” you’re doing great to have just enough.

I am most likely going to marry my girlfriend of 8 years after graduating from school. She is also in med school. I understand what you are saying, but we will be financially secure.

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