If Trump doesn't win in 2020, the church leaders will be murdered.

You have to understand that hatred like the fury of 1,000 Suns produces irrational thought.

Exactly, the democratic party is one of HATE and Racism with their communist agenda to destroy the American way of life
Socialism, racism, open borders, lawlessness, infanticide and lies are the real reality of the DemocRatic party
You have them all and more, you’re a Bernie supporter correct?
I like Bernie but he's not my choice this go around.
As for the rest, it's to stupid to even warrant a response.

The quotes say more about you and photo than anyone else.
I'll let them speak for themselves.
Almost sounds like your description of Trump.
I added...."Hey wait a minute, scratch that, that would make me a Trump supporter" to my post, but I obviously deleted that part before I posted.
But yeah, that is kind of how I describe Trump.
Racist, liar, and lawless, but
I don't think he wants to kill infants and he's completely indifferent toward America, he neither loves nor hates it.
I like Bernie but he's not my choice this go around.
As for the rest, it's to stupid to even warrant a response.

The quotes say more about you and photo than anyone else.
I'll let them speak for themselves.

Who are you leaning toward?
It's really quite ridiculous that this forum often stoops to using televangelists, politicians, and uber-millionaires to target Christianity. Those who actually read and follow Christ's teachings generally would agree that none of the above are representatives of the way a believer should live.
It's not the money, it's how they got the money. They sell salvation which isn't theirs to give. It's sad and it's reprehensible. It goes against the Christian ethos.

Some of the above write books and I know TD Jakes is involved in film. I agree it's an embarrassment of riches and some pastors have been known to take advantage of the membership.

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