If Trump doesn't win in 2020, the church leaders will be murdered.

This is arguably the worst argument I have seen from any political side. This notion that if you criticize the country for self improvement you are “anti American”. Donald Trump ran on a platform on making America great again, explaining how this country is going to hell, and that this is a third world country.
Have you been to Detroit Or Baltimore?
I see this more as cynicism than reality. And as opposed to having his base boycott Clinton in favor of a Trump presidency?
Considering how "never Hilary" he was before, just not falling in line would have been an improvement. But no he had to give his endorsement of her. You can defend anyway you want, but it's clearly him fitting into the machine you say he isnt part of.

And no comment on the 1%?
I didn’t want to entertain an idiotic statement. But it seems that I must respond now.

Let’s be clear. Donating money to charity, as considerate as it is, will not resolve the systemic issue that exists. Me “setting an example” by splitting my wealth with nurses will certainly not fix the issue, and goes against what I believe in. As shockingly enough, I believe in most aspects of capitalism, and I nor anyone else support a structure in which hard work is not rewarded. These ludicrous statements that any progressive must donate all their money to set an example is utterly ridiculous, and paints this false picture that socialism is guided on purely economic equality for all. This is utterly false. The purpose of socialism, from its origin was to serve as a critique of capitalism and address the flaws. I am not an advocate for outright socialism, nor do I believe any democratic candidate is, despite all of the candidates being labeled socialists (many of whom are far from a socialist ideologically). There is a systemic issue in which unregulated capitalism can lead to exploitation from the wealthy, and that our country has been dominated by corporate interests for decades. But unfortunately we live in a country in which individuals who want an objective conversation and who have a critique on capitalism are quickly labeled as “socialist extremist” or “Venezuela lovers”.
Socialism existed long before capitalism. It was first a response to monarchies and oligarcharies in which wealth was actually controlled.

Wealth controls at either end of the spectrum dont work. Capitalism allowed actual movement between "classes" something neither monarcharies or socialism allows, and is a fairly recent development compared to the others. Largely accredited to the industrial revolution.

If you are at all for any type of wage control you are socialist. And it's not contradictory to believe that you would share your income that falls over that amount. All you are arguing for is the government sets that vs actual charity. Most people would rather determine their own level of charity vs the government telling them how much they can earn.
Or Denver, NY, Boston, Seattle, Portland?

Yes ,yes , yes , yes , no . Just about every major city in the country . All with major issues , not all of them have I had the feeling of it being unsafe in my surroundings . Some are worse than others in almost every issue . Baltimore is at the top on that list . So is Memphis and Oakland ( for me and my personal experience ) .
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Yes ,yes , yes , yes , no . Just about every major city in the country . All with major issues , not all of them have I had the feeling of it being unsafe in my surroundings . Some are worse than others in almost every issue . Baltimore is at the top on that list . So is Memphis and Oakland ( for me and my personal experience ) .

Those are pretty nice cities controlled by liberals...

I am just sick of Trump attacking Americans. How about offering to help figure out a solution? Why all the derision?
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Those are pretty nice cities controlled by liberals...

I am just sick of Trump attacking Americans. How about offering to help figure out a solution? Why all the derision?

Scummings is career politician who deserves to be called out. Where was your outrage when he attacked the hard working men and women of the border patrol ?
Those are pretty nice cities controlled by liberals...

I am just sick of Trump attacking Americans. How about offering to help figure out a solution? Why all the derision?

I don’t actually know without looking it up who controls them , I don’t get into that part of it . I honestly couldn’t care less about what party controls a cities , only how they are run . Big cities are big problems that’s just logical but some are worse than others so to me that means some are ran worse than others . Yes I really am that simple and I do see things in black and white as far as problem solving and logic go. If you have a problem in a city find someone , anyone to fix it . If you have a person in charge of fixing city problems and they don’t do their job , fire their ass and find someone that will . Life is only as complicated as we make it ( for the most part )
Scummings is career politician who deserves to be called out. Where was your outrage when he attacked the hard working men and women of the border patrol ?

I wouldn't support that either. I don't care about attacking the politician. Trump attacked an entire city of Americans that he supposed to represent. It's despicable.
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The solution is to rid ourselves of corrupt entrenched politicians, bureaucrats and teh lawyers that defend them.

This should be everyone’s answer on this board . It’s not going to be but this is how we could fix a lot of problems .
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Well that doesn’t reflect anything that I’ve stated or believe in. I don’t expect anyone to donate their wealth to the point in which they become impoverished. Thats an absurd notion. I believe that people who work harder should make more money than people who don’t work as hard. That’s what makes capitalism great. My concern is the systemic flaw in our country. Our corrupt system in which the extraordinarily wealthy have political control in our country has lead to economic growth in the wealthiest percentile while the majority of the populations wealth has been stagnant for decades. This is what I mean by income inequality.
So much about this post that demonstrates what is wrong with the liberal view. Your first statement. "I don’t expect anyone to donate their wealth to the point in which they become impoverished. ' Donate is an interesting word, because as a leftist, you advocate taxing anyone that the .gov deems 'rich' into that same poverty. Ot at a minimum into a position of wealth that YOU decide is adequate. What an arrogant position! Who are you or the .gov to determine what is 'enough'? And the even more rightening thing is that you and the .gov don't allow them to donate, because YOU know better how to spend thart money. How much more good if Jeff Bezos were to be able to donate his money to charitable causes that go to cure Malaria or heart disease or cancer instead of having it go into the governmental black hole to fund bridges to nowhere and needle exchanges in SFO?

Second statement: "I believe that people who work harder should make more money than people who don’t work as hard.' How do you determine what is hard work? Should a ditch digger make more than Bill Gates. Those are your words. If you or I risk the money we have earned on a struggling business, and that business then succeeds, should we be rewarded for that risk? Capitalism is about risk as much as hard work. And your exact quote says that a McDonalds fry cook should make more money than I do. They work hard. Every McDonalds I have been in (which is not many grant you) has been swamped and they are going like crazy the entire time. On an international flight, my 'work' is not that difficult. I make radio calls and make sure the technology is doing what it is supposed to do. When you finish med school, your work, won't be all that hard on a day to day basis. Compared to a guy that climbs phone poles and splices electrical cables 100 feet off the ground... your job won't be all that difficult. I could go on and on with this. So did you mean physically taxing? Because your argument is a big fat fail on that front if you did. So then to give you the benefit of the doubt, let's say you are including mentally taxing as well. I guess you think that successful (rich) investors just throw a dart and pick a stock to invest in that suddenly makes them rich. Well that view is about as clueless as you can get too. It is hard 'work" deciding whether or not you will make more money in Nike or Starbucks or Amazon. There is a lot of research involved. Kind of like med school. OR did you just get lucky and fall into an MD degree? IF that is the case, I am really fearful for the future of that profession.

So help me out here and define 'hard work', and then tell me how you determine what kind of 'hard work' is worthy in the eyes of the .gov to keep the money they earn.

The one area where I will agree with you is that the uber wealthy have undue influence on the political system. Interestingly enough, that is true for everyone in DC except for one person... the one person that you completely detest. And he had his wealth before arriving in DC.

I sincerely hope that you will address this response, as I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on these things.
Terrible logic. It’s analogous to calling an anti government ideologue a hypocrite for using government resources like public school or medicare despite preaching how the government should have no involvement in our lives. Should we condemn every individual who ideologically believes in anti government policy when they use any government resources? No that would be ridiculous. But yet people expect Bernie Sanders to be the embodiment of socialism by boycotting all forms of capitalism to set a proper example. Preposterous.
Correct. Bernie is the embodiement of socialism. HE will have the big houses, and fat bank account, and YOUR toilet paper will cost $25/roll. But not to worry, your income will be taxed at 75% to take care of everything he is 'giving' to you.
Correct. Bernie is the embodiement of socialism. HE will have the big houses, and fat bank account, and YOUR toilet paper will cost $25/roll. But not to worry, your income will be taxed at 75% to take care of everything he is 'giving' to you.

He’s gonna get rich off Medicare patients so he’ll be fine..😂
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Lol. You are aware that is a completely debunked myth right? His employees were paid 15 dollars an hour but worked longer hours than anticipated, so it ended up equating to roughly 13 an hour. Lets not ignore that they came to an agreement with the union.
Wait, what? If you are an hourly employee, you are paid the hourly rate for however many hours you work. I am an hourly employee. I know this is a fact. So what kind of math gets you to the point where working MORE hours gets you to a rate that is less than what you should have been paid? The thing to note here is that he probably isn't paying any overtime. So if you want to base your defense on working more than 40 hours/week, then that argument is a huge fail too. If they are working 60 hours/week, Good ol Bernie should be paying at least time and a half for 20 of those hours, which would then bring their "effective" overall rate to $17.5/hour. If they are working less and you then make the comparison to a 40 hour work week, well that is just an idiotic argument. And if you think that should be the metric to follow, I want to work 1 hour/week and be paid for the 40 that I was sitting on ass watching Sanford and Son reruns.

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