If Trump doesn't win in 2020, the church leaders will be murdered.

That’s because of the average politicians reliance on corporate donations. I fail to see why corporate corruption in politics isn’t seen a major bipartisan issue for the populace.
Because they have us divided and fighting each other instead of them. "Well at least so and so (my tribe member) isnt in bed with company X like (other tribe's member)".
Do I also get to keep my previous plan, and also not have my rates more than double, and see my out of pocket expense not go up 500% In this la la land?

I don't know, I kept my doctor and my out of pocket and rates continued north at the same rate they always have.

Your mileage may vary.
Honestly I have no idea why any attempt at discussion happens here. All that happens is someone on one side posts something damning/silly/stupid/outrageous about the other side, and the other side replies "BUT WHAT ABOUT [insert diversion]??????????????"

And then both sides have a nice circle jerk. And I just created a circle jerk for those who agree with what I just said.
Here's what I find absolutely hilarious about the whole thing.

CWV referenced a quote by a fringe televangelist who fell morally and went to prison in the 80s, thus has zero credibility among the VAST majority of Christians. When pressed on it, he attributed this as exemplifying the greater Christian leadership. Yet to counter with an example of fear-mongering from the actual Democratic vice president is just an example of being angry , hurt and bitchy.

It's gold, Jerry. Pure gold!
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Biden is my guy? I am glad I have you picking out my presidential hopeful. I haven't even begun to think about who I might vote for in 2020.

I posted this because the televangelists are rabid in their support of Trump which I find hilarious because he is the furthest thing from a christian I have seen in the white house.

And BTW, why do you seem so angry lately?

It works bc they are the furthest things from Christians as well.

Antifa beatings, destruction of property etc goes ignored by the radical left but they are outraged by this guy who no one has ever heard of. Interesting times.
Antifa beatings, destruction of property etc goes ignored by the radical left but they are outraged by this guy who no one has ever heard of. Interesting times.

You've never heard of the Jim bakker Jessica Hahn affair? That was quite the scandal back in the day. Jim bakker was probably the biggest televangelist at the time.
You've never heard of the Jim bakker Jessica Hahn affair? That was quite the scandal back in the day. Jim bakker was probably the biggest televangelist at the time.
People who are under 40 probably never heard of him. You're talking about stuff that happened in the 70s and 80s.
Hahn first came to public attention following Jim Bakker's announcement on March 19, 1987, that he was stepping down as head of PTL Satellite Network and Heritage USA, pending the imminent disclosure of a sexual encounter between the two of them. According to Hahn, on the afternoon of December 6, 1980, when she was a 21-year-old church secretary, she was drugged and raped by Bakker and another preacher, John Wesley Fletcher, for "about 15 minutes".[2] Hahn was given a $279,000 pay-off for her silence, which was paid with PTL's funds to Hahn through Bakker associate Roe Messner.[2] Bakker, who made all of the financial decisions for the PTL organization, allegedly kept two sets of books to conceal the accounting irregularities. Reporters from The Charlotte Observer, led by Charles Shepard, investigated and published a series of articles regarding the PTL organization's finances.[3] This precipitated Bakker's resignation and the publication of Hahn's claims. In his 1997 book, I Was Wrong, Bakker disputed Hahn's account, claiming that he was "set up" and that the sex was consensual.[4]

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