If Trump doesn't win in 2020, the church leaders will be murdered.

...and then Jessica showed up in the video for Sam Kinnison's cover of Wild Thing.
Here's what I find absolutely hilarious about the whole thing.

CWV referenced a quote by a fringe televangelist who fell morally and went to prison in the 80s, thus has zero credibility among the VAST majority of Christians. When pressed on it, he attributed this as exemplifying the greater Christian leadership. Yet to counter with an example of fear-mongering from the actual Democratic vice president is just an example of being angry , hurt and bitchy.

It's gold, Jerry. Pure gold!

It is a sin to lie. And you sir, just did. More of you typical bullsh!t.

"And I can't tell the difference between ABC News
Hillstreet Blues and a preacher on the Old Time Gospel Hour
Stealing money from the sick and the old
Well, the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister"
It is a sin to lie. And you sir, just did. More of you typical bullsh!t.
Biden is my guy? I am glad I have you picking out my presidential hopeful. I haven't even begun to think about who I might vote for in 2020.

I posted this because the televangelists are rabid in their support of Trump which I find hilarious because he is the furthest thing from a christian I have seen in the white house.

And BTW, why do you seem so angry lately?

Eh. I believe I was pretty on point and had foundation for the criticism. At any rate, I still find it hilarious that you started this thread calling out stupidity from someone that no one in here thinks twice about, doubled down to paint "the televangelists" as hypocrites based on this singular stupidity, but keep squirming around the points about your hypocrisy in even making the thread.

Has Trump put "the blacks" in chains yet? I still can't find that thread.
You've never heard of the Jim bakker Jessica Hahn affair? That was quite the scandal back in the day. Jim bakker was probably the biggest televangelist at the time.

I was forced to watch that crap growing up , my first experience with scams and conmen/ women . They deserve a special place in hell for money they convinced elderly people to send them .
Nobody will ever top this guy. I still laugh my ass off that people fall for this crap

Ahh Jim and Tammy Faker who can forget those two grifters? They were a source of much amusement on the tv growing up back in the seventies and eighties..
So, televangelists are "representative of greater christian leadership?" You rail against that daily and now you are telling me it's true. Liar.

If that's not how you meant it, I apologize. That's definitely how it came across, especially with the "I bet some of you believe this" shite--as though they do, indeed, represent leadership, and we're hanging on their every stupid word.

I've asked this of (I believe) everyone who criticized Christians who support Trump as unChristian, and I've never gotten an answer.

What is the Biblical criteria for support of an elected official in an election?
What is the Biblical command for support of an elected leader?
Does the Bible say that a Christian can only support a Christian leader? That God can only use a Christian leader?

More to the point, if a race is filled with only sleezy candidates, is it only Christians that shouldn't support a candidate, or do they get to support the lesser-of-two like most everyone else?
I'm curious.
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People who are under 40 probably never heard of him. You're talking about stuff that happened in the 70s and 80s.

I'm 37 and I don't remember it happening, but the story still comes up from time to time, so I feel like most people should be aware.
If that's not how you meant it, I apologize. That's definitely how it came across, especially with the "I bet some of you believe this" shite--as though they do, indeed, represent leadership, and we're hanging on their every stupid word.

I've asked this of (I believe) everyone who criticized Christians who support Trump as unChristian, and I've never gotten an answer.

What is the Biblical criteria for support of an elected official in an election?
What is the Biblical command for support of an elected leader?
Does the Bible say that a Christian can only support a Christian leader? That God can only use a Christian leader?

More to the point, if a race is filled with only sleezy candidates, is it only Christians that shouldn't support a candidate, or do they get to support the lesser-of-two like most everyone else?
I'm curious.

I don't think the voting criteria should change based upon religion. My criticism is reserved for those that hold Trump up as some beacon of morality and christian values. I see way too much of that.

As for God using a non-christian leader, that seems counter intuitive, but I guess if you believe that everything is God's will then he can do whatever he wants and all leaders are placed in positions of power for his use. I assume that would include people like Hitler.
I don't think the voting criteria should change based upon religion. My criticism is reserved for those that hold Trump up as some beacon of morality and christian values. I see way too much of that.

As for God using a non-christian leader, that seems counter intuitive, but I guess if you believe that everything is God's will then he can do whatever he wants and all leaders are placed in positions of power for his use. I assume that would include people like Hitler.

Not very studied up on scripture or Christian theology, it seems.

Cyrus was a Godless, pagan, polytheistic king that primarily worshiped Marduk. Ezra 1 teaches that God stirred Cyrus' heart to liberate Israel, rebuild Jerusalem and the temple, and re-institute temple worship. Many years before, God had said through the prophet Isaiah that He would raise Cyrus up for that very purpose. God has given example that He can and will use a godless person to redeem a nation. It's not unthinkable that Christians could believe him doing the same again, without holding the leader up as an example of our faith or moral preferences.

Also... Nothing in scripture or Christian theology says that everything is God's will. Scripture teaches MANY things that are not His will, but that He sovereignly allows. Obviously, Hitler would probably fall under that umbrella.

So, showing such an ignorance of scripture and Christian theology, what makes you such a good judge of what Christians should support or who's being "not very Christian" as you put it? You don't seem to be the expert we're beating a door to, for good reason.

And for the record, I don't see anyone that I really respect as Christian leadership in this country holding him up as some example of Christianity or morality. I DO see him held up as a preference to the side that uses our tax money to pay for murdering babies and other such things that we disagree with in culture and society.

So, where do you fall on the scale of murdering pre-born babies? We may just find one more thing that proves just how little we care about your moral judgments.
Not very studied up on scripture or Christian theology, it seems.

Cyrus was a Godless, pagan, polytheistic king that primarily worshiped Marduk. Ezra 1 teaches that God stirred Cyrus' heart to liberate Israel, rebuild Jerusalem and the temple, and re-institute temple worship. Many years before, God had said through the prophet Isaiah that He would raise Cyrus up for that very purpose. God has given example that He can and will use a godless person to redeem a nation. It's not unthinkable that Christians could believe him doing the same again, without holding the leader up as an example of our faith or moral preferences.

Also... Nothing in scripture or Christian theology says that everything is God's will. Scripture teaches MANY things that are not His will, but that He sovereignly allows. Obviously, Hitler would probably fall under that umbrella.

So, showing such an ignorance of scripture and Christian theology, what makes you such a good judge of what Christians should support or who's being "not very Christian" as you put it? You don't seem to be the expert we're beating a door to, for good reason.

And for the record, I don't see anyone that I really respect as Christian leadership in this country holding him up as some example of Christianity or morality. I DO see him held up as a preference to the side that uses our tax money to pay for murdering babies and other such things that we disagree with in culture and society.

So, where do you fall on the scale of murdering pre-born babies? We may just find one more thing that proves just how little we care about your moral judgments.

I have been pretty damn clear on where I fall on the abortion question. I believe that up to a point the rights of the woman trump those of the unborn.

I don't think a deep understanding of scripture is necessary to make the judgment call that Trump doesn't embody Christian ideals. So, your snarkiness aside, I feel quite comfortable with that judgment call.

What other things would those (bolded) be?
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I have been pretty damn clear on where I fall on the abortion question. I believe that up to a point the rights of the woman trump those of the unborn.

I don't think a deep understanding of scripture is necessary to make the judgment call that Trump doesn't embody Christian ideals. So, your snarkiness aside, I feel quite comfortable with that judgment call.

What other things would those (bolded) be?

Per the bolded, I think those priorities would probably be different for each person. The overall point is that Christians don't even need to think Trump is a Christian to support him, if they believe that he will promote what the Christian believes to be societal benefit. They don't even have to think him Christian or morally fit.


You posted the OP to point out what a fringe, forgotten televangelist said, with the expectation that others would believe him, but not because you think televangelists are any sort of Christian leadership. You point out the hypocrisy of televangelists supporting Trump as some sort of Christian ideal, and call them hypocritical for doing so, yet when pressed on it also point out that they aren't Christian leadership and are considered aberrant to mainstream/orthodox Christianity.

I must say, virtue signaling aside, I'm not sure you've made a very cogent point with this thread.

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