If Trump doesn't win in 2020, the church leaders will be murdered.

I'm 37 and I don't remember it happening, but the story still comes up from time to time, so I feel like most people should be aware.
Probably. His shenanigans are pretty notorious by now, but I can see how some people don't. I'm 39 and I remembered hearing the name growing up, but probably couldn't have told you anything about him till I really started using the internet in my 20s.
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Per the bolded, I think those priorities would probably be different for each person. The overall point is that Christians don't even need to think Trump is a Christian to support him, if they believe that he will promote what the Christian believes to be societal benefit. They don't even have to think him Christian or morally fit.


You posted the OP to point out what a fringe, forgotten televangelist said, with the expectation that others would believe him, but not because you think televangelists are any sort of Christian leadership. You point out the hypocrisy of televangelists supporting Trump as some sort of Christian ideal, and call them hypocritical for doing so, yet when pressed on it also point out that they aren't Christian leadership and are considered aberrant to mainstream/orthodox Christianity.

I must say, virtue signaling aside, I'm not sure you've made a very cogent point with this thread.

In a forum with hundreds of regular posters, I figured the odds of one or two buying into the bs was a solid bet. Look no further than the pizzagate thread to see what people are willing to believe.

You really like to overstate what I have said. You like to pat yourself on the back for having a superior argument, but as usual your argument is propped up by false or overstated positions attributed to me. I didn't point out that televangelists aren't christian leadership, I said that I never said that they were mainstream christian leadership. You have created an entire argument to refute two non-committal statements made by me. You want so desperately to attack me you that you simply make up things I said or infer positions that I have not taken. I have clearly stated that my criticism is reserved for those christians that hold Trump up as a beacon of christian values and morality. PERIOD. You keep trying to give it a broader application which I want no part of.

I created this thread because I thought that it was so absurd it was funny.
In a forum with hundreds of regular posters, I figured the odds of one or two buying into the bs was a solid bet. Look no further than the pizzagate thread to see what people are willing to believe.

You really like to overstate what I have said. You like to pat yourself on the back for having a superior argument, but as usual your argument is propped up by false or overstated positions attributed to me. I didn't point out that televangelists aren't christian leadership, I said that I never said that they were mainstream christian leadership. You have created an entire argument to refute two non-committal statements made by me. You want so desperately to attack me you that you simply make up things I said or infer positions that I have not taken. I have clearly stated that my criticism is reserved for those christians that hold Trump up as a beacon of christian values and morality. PERIOD. You keep trying to give it a broader application which I want no part of.

I created this thread because I thought that it was so absurd it was funny.

Wait. What?

This entire post gets incredibly ironic, and reeks of projection, when one remembers that you called me an all-out liar for claiming that you called televangelists Christian leadership. Now that denying it makes you look silly, you stop denying it.

You're slippery as hell. Some may even say "slimy".

My points stand. Sorry.

You posted this because you thought it absurd that a non-mainstream televangelist would say something that mainstream Christians would disagree with, but your point was that you bet someone would agree with it?

OK. Yippee? I guess you really dropped a bomb there.

Now, where was your thread about how absurd it was when the "non-mainstream" democrat vice president told all the blacks that Republicans would put them back in chains?
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Wait. What?

This entire post gets incredibly ironic, and reeks of projection, when one remembers that you called me an all-out liar for claiming that you called televangelists Christian leadership. Now that denying it makes you look silly, you stop denying it.

You're slippery as hell. Some may even say "slimy".

My points stand. Sorry.

You posted this because you thought it absurd that a non-mainstream televangelist would say something that mainstream Christians would disagree with, but your point was that you bet someone would agree with it?

OK. Yippee? I guess you really dropped a bomb there.

Your points are pure garbage.

I called you a liar for claiming that I said televangelists were representative of mainstream christian leadership. I never said such a thing. It does not follow that since I didn't say it that I did say that they were not representative of christian leadership. Despite your baiting, I took no position on the matter. You have then attempted to attribute a position that I haven't taken. This is the very definition of a deceptive and flawed argument.

Now, where was your thread about how absurd it was when the "non-mainstream" democrat vice president told all the blacks that Republicans would put them back in chains?

I guess I did not find that funny. And again, you go forth with dishonest arguments... my silence does not mean I supported such a statement as you seem to imply. You really need to take a more honest approach when you argue with other posters.
Your points are pure garbage.

I called you a liar for claiming that I said televangelists were representative of mainstream christian leadership. I never said such a thing. It does not follow that since I didn't say it that I did say that they were not representative of christian leadership. Despite your baiting, I took no position on the matter. You have then attempted to attribute a position that I haven't taken. This is the very definition of a deceptive and flawed argument.

I guess I did not find that funny. And again, you go forth with dishonest arguments... my silence does not mean I supported such a statement as you seem to imply. You really need to take a more honest approach when you argue with other posters.


I've been fully honest in everything I've said, down to the final summary of the non-points you made in this thread. At the end of the day, your retreats robbed of any point that you thought you were making. I'll refresh.

"Aberrant, non-mainstream Christians said something that mainstream Christians would disagree with. You found that funny and absurd for some reason. Further, you find it incredible that aberrant Christians would endorse Trump as a moral standard that non-aberrant Christians would disagree with?"

That about cover it? lol

I mean.


I've been fully honest in everything I've said, down to the final summary of the non-points you made in this thread. At the end of the day, your retreats robbed of any point that you thought you were making. I'll refresh.

"Aberrant, non-mainstream Christians said something that mainstream Christians would disagree with. You found that funny and absurd for some reason. Further, you find it incredible that aberrant Christians would endorse Trump as a moral standard that non-aberrant Christians would disagree with?"

That about cover it? lol

I mean.


Nope, you have continually tried to attribute positions to me that were not taken by me. You are the only one attempting to qualify christians as aberrant and non-aberrant. I haven't.

You are a liar. I stand by that statement.
Nope, you have continually tried to attribute positions to me that were not taken by me. You are the only one attempting to qualify christians as aberrant and non-aberrant. I haven't.

You are a liar. I stand by that statement.
I'm sorry to repeat myself, but...


I didn't point out that televangelists aren't christian leadership, I said that I never said that they were mainstream christian leadership.

Like I said, you're beyond slippery, and into slimy.
It's in the ballpark but there is a difference between politicians pandering by saying "people will die" and "they are going to kill us."
I seem to remember promises of increased rapes and racially motivated murders with the Trump presidency and I haven’t gotten a chance to do either. :confused:
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I don't think the voting criteria should change based upon religion. My criticism is reserved for those that hold Trump up as some beacon of morality and christian values. I see way too much of that.

As for God using a non-christian leader, that seems counter intuitive, but I guess if you believe that everything is God's will then he can do whatever he wants and all leaders are placed in positions of power for his use. I assume that would include people like Hitler.
No politician should be looked upon as a " beacon of morality".
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