If voter fraud is proven in Ga

Hopefully that is an old pic......$2.79 gallon?

You'll probably be seeing that price again in the next couple of years. Maybe we won't be longing for the good ole days when gas was only $2.79 a gallon.
You'll probably be seeing that price again in the next couple of years. Maybe we won't be longing for the good ole days when gas was only $2.79 a gallon.

That is ok. These schmucks can volunteer to serve in the ME to protect our petro dollar and source
There were safeguards in place that were developed under the previous two presidents, but independent experts who worked under the GWBush and Obama administrations who created plans/safeguards for a pandemic just like this, say that the Trump administration disregarded those plans and even closed the office that dealt with pandemic preparedness

'They didn't run the plays': Ex-officials say Trump administration didn't use pandemic 'playbooks'

There's a huge difference in "plans" and actually being prepared. We have a supply chain that starts in China and ending in a "just in time" philosophy of business. Somebody has to have PPEs and other necessities on the shelves somewhere - that's logistics - not planning, and the ability to implement - not have plans in a book. In medicine we've spent a lot of time developing maintenance drugs and overusing antibiotics rather than perhaps developing and studying a broader range of antiviral treatments. There are people certainly far more knowledgeable in pathology, virology, and biology than me, but I have to ask where they were and what they were doing pre-covid19 because when you look at treatments right now there sure seem to be a lot of newly purposed older drugs, and some new thoughts about how they attack a virus and how they mitigate viral spread.

Unless you actually address inventory, logistics, and implementation you have nothing but a book of dreams. Some people need to go back and study WW2 to understand how this country became the motor that drove the free world - hint: it wasn't based on a Chinese supply train.
What kind of stupid do you have to be to give up your energy independence?

At least we're still producing petroleum products in this country. I fail to understand why we aren't planning more around petroleum reserves in this hemisphere - those are shorter and more easily protected supply lines. Overall we have paid far too little attention to strategic needs - the ability to use our resources and those of friendly neighbors to provide the materials that we need to remain a viable and stable country. I see the inability to produce metals as more a potential crisis right now than oil. However, in the short term I think it's a wonderful idea to use somebody else's resources (like ME oil) and hold back on our own ... as long as we have a way to flip the switch to our own when it's a necessity.
At least we're still producing petroleum products in this country. I fail to understand why we aren't planning more around petroleum reserves in this hemisphere - those are shorter and more easily protected supply lines. Overall we have paid far too little attention to strategic needs - the ability to use our resources and those of friendly neighbors to provide the materials that we need to remain a viable and stable country. I see the inability to produce metals as more a potential crisis right now than oil. However, in the short term I think it's a wonderful idea to use somebody else's resources (like ME oil) and hold back on our own ... as long as we have a way to flip the switch to our own when it's a necessity.
Well steel and aluminum are all but gone from the USA. We have facilities that can recycle them, but to smelt raw ore into steel or aluminum went the way of the Chinese and to build a plant that can do that again would take years and electrical infrastructure that we don't have anymore either. Our politicians and business moguls sold their soul and left the rest of us to die.
I like Mike Lindell’s passion and enthusiasm too. But his elevator doesn’t make it past his neck thereby starving his brain of O2 and causing him to believe alternative facts

I wonder if he’s writing his rally travel expenses off from My Pillow. He’s another carnival shill Mutt
His crack addiction might have burned up a few brain cells.
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Try to remember that these folks live in worlds made of black and white. If you ain't a Trumper you can only be a libtard by default.

I'd be real careful about throwing that kind of language around. Seems like I've heard it from others before...
There were safeguards in place that were developed under the previous two presidents, but independent experts who worked under the GWBush and Obama administrations who created plans/safeguards for a pandemic just like this, say that the Trump administration disregarded those plans and even closed the office that dealt with pandemic preparedness

'They didn't run the plays': Ex-officials say Trump administration didn't use pandemic 'playbooks'


“It said on the front ‘Pandemic Playbook,’” he said. “I don't know if the Trump administration didn't pay attention to the playbook, I don't know if they didn't read it, I don't know if they read it and ignored it.”

You really think an official government sponsored and written document is going to have the words "Pandemic Playbook" on the cover?

I mean, by your logic, the old SIOP and current OPLANs for nuclear war would be called "Nuke those ****ers."

And did you even read your own article that said the office was basically performing the function of another office and the two offices were merged?

A senior administration official rejected claims that the office was dissolved or disbanded, telling ABC News that its work was absorbed by another office within the NSC because the two directorates shared “largely overlapping fields.” The official added that “no positions related to pandemic preparedness were eliminated” in the re-shuffling.

The left loves to use those "unnamed sources" until they don't support the narrative.

You really think an official government sponsored and written document is going to have the words "Pandemic Playbook" on the cover?

I mean, by your logic, the old SIOP and current OPLANs for nuclear war would be called "Nuke those ****ers."

And did you even read your own article that said the office was basically performing the function of another office and the two offices were merged?

The left loves to use those "unnamed sources" until they don't support the narrative.
Are you saying the pandemic playbook doesn’t exist? Because it’s been confirmed that it existed.
Are you saying the pandemic playbook doesn’t exist? Because it’s been confirmed that it existed.

I think Obama’s Pandemic playbook was, give 350m to a laboratory in wuhan china. Manufacture a virus and a vaccine. Release virus during election year to get control of the mail in vote. Then, steal the election with said mail in ballots.

It was also used to start a worldwide reset.
Are you saying the pandemic playbook doesn’t exist? Because it’s been confirmed that it existed.

I have no doubt it existed. Just like "playbooks" for a variety of items as the government loves making checklists for everything. And I would probably assume correctly such a thing predated Obama and Bush 43 as stated in the article. Perhaps updated in those Presidencies, but I'd bet the farm such a thing existed well before them. The military had plans for biowarfare going back decades and one can (rightly) assume other government agencies were doing the same thing long before Swine Flu or Ebola or Covid came along.

I'm saying I highly doubt right on the cover was "Pandemic Playbook." You're a lawyer, you ever see an official government document or plan labeled as such? So, I'm to trust someone who lies to the press about the title of the document, much less him knowing what is or isn't in it?

Plus, I'm not really sure if said checklists and "playbooks" had any section dealing with "media hype and scare tactics" or "politicizing the response."
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I think Obama’s Pandemic playbook was, give 350m to a laboratory in wuhan china. Manufacture a virus and a vaccine. Release virus during election year to get control of the mail in vote. Then, steal the election with said mail in ballots.

It was also used to start a worldwide reset.

Your theory lacks credibility because you didn't mention George Soros, Bill Gates or the Clinton Foundation.
I have no doubt it existed. Just like "playbooks" for a variety of items as the government loves making checklists for everything. And I would probably assume correctly such a thing predated Obama and Bush 43 as stated in the article. Perhaps updated in those Presidencies, but I'd bet the farm such a thing existed well before them. The military had plans for biowarfare going back decades and one can (rightly) assume other government agencies were doing the same thing long before Swine Flu or Ebola or Covid came along.

I'm saying I highly doubt right on the cover was "Pandemic Playbook." You're a lawyer, you ever see an official government document or plan labeled as such? So, I'm to trust someone who lies to the press about the title of the document, much less him knowing what is or isn't in it?

Plus, I'm not really sure if said checklists and "playbooks" had any section dealing with "media hype and scare tactics" or "politicizing the response."
Sorry, I thought you were trying to make it seem better for Trump. I didn’t know you were just losing your **** over whether a publicly available document said “playbook” on the front cover.


Carry on.
Sorry, I thought you were trying to make it seem better for Trump. I didn’t know you were just losing your **** over whether a publicly available document said “playbook” on the front cover.


Carry on.

Perhaps you could read your own links before posting?

This Rubric is not intended to serve as a comprehensive concept of operations or replace national or pre-existing U.S. Government response structures, but rather to serve as a proposed guide based on existing authorities, guidance, and response frameworks for staff monitoring emerging infectious disease threats and interagency planning and response, should the need arise in the future. This document is divided into two sections: key questions that provide the foundation for analytic work and key decisions and response options in accordance with the epidemiologic rating.

This Rubric is not intended to supplant other existing guidance such as the U.S. Government international disaster response system, United States Government International Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response Protocol)1 and the United States Government Policy Framework for Responding to International Requests for Public Health and Medical Assistance during an Influenza Pandemic (PI Framework, see Appendix or those of the World Health Organization and the Global Outbreak Alert Response Network Users are encouraged to refer to these existing documents, as applicable.

Bold emphasis added by me.

So, not really a playbook, but more of an outline and suggestion on who's supposed to do what. There are more comprehensive plans for what is supposed to be done as referenced above.


The following assumptions will apply to an early response to a high-consequence emerging infectious disease threat in the United States:

Early in the emergence of an emerging infectious disease threat, either within or outside the United States, there will be more that is unknown than what is known. Decision-makers will choose courses of action with incomplete information.

The U.S. Government will use all powers at its disposal to prevent, slow, or mitigate the Spread of an emerging infectious disease threat by:

1) Limiting spread of disease;

2) Mitigating the impact of illness, suffering, and death; and

3) Sustaining critical infrastructure and key resources in the United States.

1) Trump attempted to by banning travel from China and got blasted for being xenophobic and racist for it.

2) Exactly how much money was poured into NYC during the early stages of response? Wasn't the Javits Center converted into a hospital? Wasn't the USNS Comfort parked in the harbor ready to help?

3) Did Trump not invoke the Defense Production Act and get things needed?

I'd also check out pages 42-44 if I were you. Seems like a lot of that happened...

Maybe you should study your links before spiking the ball on the 20 yard line and celebrating your touchdown. That link is in no way, shape or form the criteria for a national response to any infectious outbreak. It even says so in the summary.

Nice try though. Yet another media twist of reality that people don't actually take the time to look up and research for themselves. But hey, thanks for the link!
Maybe you should study your links before spiking the ball on the 20 yard line and celebrating your touchdown. That link is in no way, shape or form the criteria for a national response to any infectious outbreak. It even says so in the summary.
You’re not used to interacting with Rocky clearly 😂
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Perhaps you could read your own links before posting?

Bold emphasis added by me.

So, not really a playbook, but more of an outline and suggestion on who's supposed to do what. There are more comprehensive plans for what is supposed to be done as referenced above.


1) Trump attempted to by banning travel from China and got blasted for being xenophobic and racist for it.

2) Exactly how much money was poured into NYC during the early stages of response? Wasn't the Javits Center converted into a hospital? Wasn't the USNS Comfort parked in the harbor ready to help?

3) Did Trump not invoke the Defense Production Act and get things needed?

I'd also check out pages 42-44 if I were you. Seems like a lot of that happened...

Maybe you should study your links before spiking the ball on the 20 yard line and celebrating your touchdown. That link is in no way, shape or form the criteria for a national response to any infectious outbreak. It even says so in the summary.

Nice try though. Yet another media twist of reality that people don't actually take the time to look up and research for themselves. But hey, thanks for the link!

So you understand why I thought the playbook thing was really stupid. That’s progress.

Funny how you literally highlighted that there is a comprehensive pandemic response plan, yet pretend that because the document titled “playbook” (which you said didn’t exist) doesn’t replace that comprehensive plan, you’ve won something.

That seems like bad faith or extreme stupidity. In either case, I’m not interested.

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