If voter fraud is proven in Ga


Here's some other links for you to peruse at your leisure.


Of course, this had to follow the completely biased article here:


Which obviously a former Obama era appointed official is going to tell the whole truth about what happened...

Even Reuters contradicts itself:



There is disagreement over how to describe the changes at the NSC’s Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense in 2018. The departure of some members due to “streamlining” efforts under John Bolton is documented. The “pandemic response team” as a unit was largely disbanded.


Partly false: The Trump administration disbanded the “pandemic response” team, but some of the team members were reassigned to roles that included pandemic response

So, the "pandemic response" team was disbanded, yet the members are reassigned to roles they were just doing...?

Oh, here's more about the "playbook" you're so fond of:


Love this quote:

“We absolutely did leave a plan. It was called a playbook.”

Which we've already seen it wasn't a "plan" and rather a "guide" in the words on the playbook itself. I see PBS failed to correct that little detail.

Of course, this "playbook" you keep referring to was superseded by other items:


An NSC official confirmed the existence of the playbook but dismissed its value. “We are aware of the document, although it’s quite dated and has been superseded by strategic and operational biodefense policies published since,” the official said. “The plan we are executing now is a better fit, more detailed, and applies the relevant lessons learned from the playbook and the most recent Ebola epidemic in the [Democratic Republic of the Congo] to COVID-19.”

A health department spokesperson also said that the NSC playbook was not part of the current coronavirus strategy. “The HHS COVID-19 response was informed by more recent plans such as the foundation of the National Biodefense Strategy (2018), Biological Incident Annex (2017),and panCAP (2018) among other key plans provided by the CDC, White House Task Force, FEMA, and other key federal departments and agencies,” the spokesperson said.

Oh, did I just rain on your parade that something that was come up with under the Obama Admin was revised and supplanted by guidance that took real world lessons and incorporated them?

But wait! There's more!


The U.S. scored 83.5 and ranked No. 1 in five of six categories: prevention, early detection and reporting, rapid response and mitigation, sufficient and robust health system, and compliance with international norms. It ranks 19th in overall risk environment and vulnerability to biological threats, a category that assesses political and security risk, socioeconomic resilience, the adequacy of infrastructure, environmental risks, and public health vulnerabilities that may inhibit a country's ability to prevent or respond to an epidemic or pandemic.

Because Johns Hopkins is obviously some quack agency that doesn't know what they are talking about.

More from that:

"National health security is fundamentally weak around the world," the 324-page report concludes. "No country is fully prepared for epidemics or pandemics, and every country has important gaps to address."

So, Trump gets the blame for something that Johns Hopkins said nobody was prepared for?

Here's the whole report for you if you like:

So you understand why I thought the playbook thing was really stupid. That’s progress.

Funny how you literally highlighted that there is a comprehensive pandemic response plan, yet pretend that because the document titled “playbook” (which you said didn’t exist) doesn’t replace that comprehensive plan, you’ve won something.

That seems like bad faith or extreme stupidity. In either case, I’m not interested.

Oh, you thought it was stupid? I was confused about the way you were railing on about it.

Now, what I said was there was no way an official government document was labeled "playbook." Perhaps I was unclear in that the plans, strategies and options available to the President would never be labeled "Playbook" in any realm. Government does like to make some long winded titles.

But anyway, it's a moot point because it isn't an official strategy or plan. It's a recommendation and outline (in the document itself) and says who can do what. So, the claims this "playbook" wasn't used is even more exaggerated than Hillary's integrity. It was known, it was superseded by newer documents (as noted above) and each and every person screeching about it not being "used" was from the Obama Admin.

Furthermore, this "dissolved the unit that could have countered it" is a stretch of the truth as well, as noted above again. Taking two offices and combining them when they are doing the same job is efficient. Not entirely a known concept in government work, but efficient nonetheless. So, again, we are faced with Obama era officials claiming half truths and outright lies.

You see, when you get past the political portions of this outbreak, you start to see it doesn't matter if Trump or Obama or Biden or Bush or anyone else was in office. CFR did a report on the background, even though it's highly slanted against Trump (as all their things are) they showed conditions and parameters were completely out of control in the early days of the pandemic regardless of political party.

You see, when you look past the anti-Trump nonsense, none of this could have been predicted or avoided except the political angles. And all this nonsense about playbooks and teams and everything else is utterly stupid when you actually do a bit of research. I'm sure you interned for a law firm at some point that made you do your homework.

Do your homework and actually become educated for a change.
Oh, you thought it was stupid? I was confused about the way you were railing on about it.

Now, what I said was there was no way an official government document was labeled "playbook." Perhaps I was unclear in that the plans, strategies and options available to the President would never be labeled "Playbook" in any realm. Government does like to make some long winded titles.

But anyway, it's a moot point because it isn't an official strategy or plan. It's a recommendation and outline (in the document itself) and says who can do what. So, the claims this "playbook" wasn't used is even more exaggerated than Hillary's integrity. It was known, it was superseded by newer documents (as noted above) and each and every person screeching about it not being "used" was from the Obama Admin.

Furthermore, this "dissolved the unit that could have countered it" is a stretch of the truth as well, as noted above again. Taking two offices and combining them when they are doing the same job is efficient. Not entirely a known concept in government work, but efficient nonetheless. So, again, we are faced with Obama era officials claiming half truths and outright lies.

You see, when you get past the political portions of this outbreak, you start to see it doesn't matter if Trump or Obama or Biden or Bush or anyone else was in office. CFR did a report on the background, even though it's highly slanted against Trump (as all their things are) they showed conditions and parameters were completely out of control in the early days of the pandemic regardless of political party.

You see, when you look past the anti-Trump nonsense, none of this could have been predicted or avoided except the political angles. And all this nonsense about playbooks and teams and everything else is utterly stupid when you actually do a bit of research. I'm sure you interned for a law firm at some point that made you do your homework.

Do your homework and actually become educated for a change.

Railing about it? That’s... something. So far, I haven’t made it past halfway through any of your posts without finding something that’s total ********. This one, it’s in the first two sentences. Makes me feel pretty good about my decision to not bother reading the rest of it.

You keep going, though. Maybe enough people will read it and Trump will win the election.
Railing about it? That’s... something. So far, I haven’t made it past halfway through any of your posts without finding something that’s total ********. This one, it’s in the first two sentences. Makes me feel pretty good about my decision to not bother reading the rest of it.

You keep going, though. Maybe enough people will read it and Trump will win the election.

Oh, of course. Your typical MO. Don't want to argue facts; resort to petty insults and "I'm not even going to read this drivel."

Don't try to think critically. Fine for me.
Oh, of course. Your typical MO. Don't want to argue facts; resort to petty insults and "I'm not even going to read this drivel."

Don't try to think critically. Fine for me.


******** statements trying to spit shine Trump’s abysmal covid response aren’t interesting; ******** statements about me definitely aren’t interesting.

America passed judgment on his covid response on November 3 and over 80 million of them said Trump’s covid response sucked so bad that they’d rather have a “demented, racist, pedophile, socialist, radical lefty, defund the police, higher taxes etc. etc.” than your boy. It’s a dead issue. America has decided: he sucks.

Edit: I forgot criminal and compromised national security risk on my list of things people preferred over Trump.
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I'd be real careful about throwing that kind of language around. Seems like I've heard it from others before...

Would someone not understand the analogy depicting a stark contrast wherein the implication is that there is no middle ground? Without a reference, I don't know why that would be controversial or in need of me being 'careful'.
Do you honestly think that you can reason with the level of TDS that has taken over his senses?

Rule number one: Orange man bad.....real bad.

I for one and as I've said before, embrace TDS.

But, as has also been explained before - it's not that he's "bad", It's that he's a moron that hates half the country. I absolutely believe that what he thinks he's doing, he thinks is absolutely the best way for America. The problem is that he's too dim to understand what's best; fires anyone who disagrees with him and that the 'best' ways seem to generally align with him appearing to "win".
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I think Obama’s Pandemic playbook was, give 350m to a laboratory in wuhan china. Manufacture a virus and a vaccine. Release virus during election year to get control of the mail in vote. Then, steal the election with said mail in ballots.

It was also used to start a worldwide reset.


This is tasty.
Would someone not understand the analogy depicting a stark contrast wherein the implication is that there is no middle ground? Without a reference, I don't know why that would be controversial or in need of me being 'careful'.

It's the contrast that if you are conservative in any form you are a Trump supporter.

The knife slices both ways.
I can confirm that I dropped off duffle bags of ballots the day of the election. I printed enough ballots to procure a new 2021 QX60 for the wife. I am now printing ballots for the runoff. Will not have enough time to print a lot of ballots because the new laser printer went out. I will probably only get paid enough to get a used 2010 Camry or something. Ballot printing is a lucrative business in Georgia. Anyone looking for a side hustle, I encourage you to do so. If you need a reference to George Soros, hit me up at Iprintballotsforgeorgia@gmail.com
It's the contrast that if you are conservative in any form you are a Trump supporter.

The knife slices both ways.

? I'm still not following you.

What contrast are you speaking of? One absolutely can be a conservative and not a trump supporter just as easily as a one can be a liberal and not be a Biden/Hilldawg supporter - guys like the fella I was referring to don't believe people like me can exist. I'm a fiscal conservative and think trump is a scumbag. I'm sure there are plenty of religious conservatives that believe he's a POS, I know a few personally.

@GSD82 implied that @volfanhill was a democrat because <insert trump criticism here>. Doing that without any perspective or understanding that the world is generally shades of gray is myopic and a symptom of an inability to think critically. The false dichotomy is one of the most pervasive and inane on these forums, this with us or against circling of the wagons, determining allegiances based on any criticism of whoever your favorite flavor is telling of ones intellect.
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I can confirm that I dropped off duffle bags of ballots the day of the election. I printed enough ballots to procure a new 2021 QX60 for the wife. I am now printing ballots for the runoff. Will not have enough time to print a lot of ballots because the new laser printer went out. I will probably only get paid enough to get a used 2010 Camry or something. Ballot printing is a lucrative business in Georgia. Anyone looking for a side hustle, I encourage you to do so. If you need a reference to George Soros, hit me up at Iprintballotsforgeorgia@gmail.com
We know you’re lying because nobody believes you could find you way around alone if your daddy let you off your leash
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? I'm still not following you.

What contrast are you speaking of? One absolutely can be a conservative and not a trump supporter just as easily as a one can be a liberal and not be a Biden/Hilldawg supporter - guys like the fella I was referring to don't believe people like me can exist. I'm a fiscal conservative and think trump is a scumbag. I'm sure there are plenty of religious conservatives that believe he's a POS, I know a few personally.

@GSD82 implied that @volfanhill was a democrat because <insert trump criticism here>. Doing that without any perspective or understanding that the world is generally shades of gray is myopic and a symptom of an inability to think critically. The false dichotomy is one of the most pervasive and inane on these forums, this with us or against circling of the wagons, determining allegiances based on any criticism of whoever your favorite flavor is telling of ones intellect.
ahhh yes the party of fiscal conservatives
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You voted for it

I didn't vote for Schumer, nor have I voiced support for any of his bailouts. Any other shtty gems you want to trot out?

You live in a world of dichotomies, stop.

By the way, Trump spent plenty of tax payor money on farmer bailouts. You support that or just when it's a dem?
How's it going here, guys. Ready to burn it all down?

EC safe harbor ends it tomorrow... ya got 24 hours left before it's 100.00% official, regardless of what happens in Georgia.

Tuesday, December 8: Safe Harbor Day! This is the deadline by which all state election disputes—including court challenges and recounts—must be resolved, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Think of this as a kind of point of no return.

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I didn't vote for Schumer, nor have I voiced support for any of his bailouts. Any other shtty gems you want to trot out?

You live in a world of dichotomies, stop.

By the way, Trump spent plenty of tax payor money on farmer bailouts. You support that or just when it's a dem?
You voted for the dementia patient, that's who crying chuck was talking about
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? I'm still not following you.

What contrast are you speaking of? One absolutely can be a conservative and not a trump supporter just as easily as a one can be a liberal and not be a Biden/Hilldawg supporter - guys like the fella I was referring to don't believe people like me can exist. I'm a fiscal conservative and think trump is a scumbag. I'm sure there are plenty of religious conservatives that believe he's a POS, I know a few personally.

@GSD82 implied that @volfanhill was a democrat because <insert trump criticism here>. Doing that without any perspective or understanding that the world is generally shades of gray is myopic and a symptom of an inability to think critically. The false dichotomy is one of the most pervasive and inane on these forums, this with us or against circling of the wagons, determining allegiances based on any criticism of whoever your favorite flavor is telling of ones intellect.

I'm saying that works both ways. Trump is a scumbag, but he is better than the alternatives (both) and a lot of things he's been blamed for were blown well out of proportion or outright lies.

Given a better alternative, I might have sat this election out even though my vote wouldn't count for a hill of beans in OK. I was down ballot voting this time and picked Trump by default.

There are a lot of things to detest about the man and you'll never see me argue he's a "good" man. But there's also a lot of good things that happened under his watch if someone is objective enough to sort through all the negativity.

But that doesn't make me an avid Trump supporter in any way. I'll call out the bad with the good.

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