I think sjt18, pretty much admits this while pointing out that DD did do some good. What amazes me is the inability of some fans here to admit the same. They say love is blind, but I say maybe it is but hate and spite has -20/-20 sight. Heck man, even Hitler had an upside. Do you know he's responsible for the existence of gas sipping VW Beetle? Or influenced Dwight Eisenhower to build the American multi-lane highway system? And make the major roads wide enough to handle take off and landings of fighter planes existing in the 1946-1950 eras? Nope, I'm not a Hitler fan but I can admit something too many of us can't:
There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To find fault with the rest of us.
--Edward Wallis Hoch--