I think it is asinine to believe that a coach that cannot take UT's roster this year and beat AP, USA, WKU, Vandy, Mizzou, and UK plus someone else is an "elite", top shelf coach capable of winning championships at UT.6-7 wins again. Progress won't show in the record until year 3. I think its asinine to make 6 wins in year one the now or never mark.
Pragmatically, 6 wins this year plus 4-6 next year will put Jones squarely on a hot seat in 2015. We've seen that before. I simply believe the odds of his survival after year 3 drop significantly with six or fewer wins this year. People will turn on him just like they did Dooley.
And iirc, he won 8 at LSU his first year. Sumlin won 11 (?) at TAM last year. Richt won 8 at UGA his first year. Spurrier inherited a bad situation at USCe and won 7 in an 11 game season... 9 at UF... 5 at Duke for heaven's sake. Muschamp and Dooley (neither of whom I believe to be very good coaches) won 6.Saban only won 6 at Alabubber in his first year there.
So are we really saying that "average" is good enough or some kind of evidence that he will become great later?
And that simply is not true. He has a talented experienced OL. He has a good first but not deep front 7 on D. He has talent at every position but some thin spots. Perhaps even more importantly, Saban inherited a whole sleugh of problem children and off the field distractions.I It's the exact same situation also. They had a mishap of hirings since Stallings, but Saban had a roster that resembles an SEC team. Jones has a bottom barrel SEC team, he has to recast and remold.
Now there won't be much but youth in '14. But this roster has talent and experience.
That's not all we disagree on. I believe that the "right" coach when UT finds him will be a guy who coaches a roster to be greater than the sum of its parts. The sum of the parts of this roster may be a six win team as you believe. An elite coach will win more than six.That's the one and only thing we disagree about. You think we have more talent than I do, for this is perception. It's in the eye of the beholder. I can't argue anymore about that, but this is never an end-all unless he wins less than 5 games. 6 games is a neutral for me, because this is Doofus' team.