If we go 4 - 8 this year, do we fire Hart and Cheek?

good god you need a new schtick. How you don't tire of posting the same BS I'll never know

absolutely...what is the junk swimming around in people's domes? when people do make fun of UT fans, it's because of this.
Butch Jones can't afford to go 4-8, either. He'll lose several recruits, and he'll put himself on the hot seat next year.

He's got to find a way to win 5+ games, not get humiliated weekly on the stretch we're in now, and keep his recruiting class together.

If going 4-8 this year puts Jones on the "hot seat," then we might as well all hang this thing up and take up another sport. As Jones said, "time to grab a pair."
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If going 4-8 this year puts Jones on the "hot seat," then we might as well all hang this thing up and take up another sport. As Jones said, "time to grab a pair."

Most people are too irrational to see that the writing was on the wall that 4-8 is a somewhat probable outcome for this season. They could do the program they support a solid by being honest with themselves and letting this season slide.
Someone please explain to me the fascination with Gruden. I know he won 1 Superbowl but in his public demeanor he strikes me as smug and arrogant. I may be wrong and he may be a warm and fuzzy individual, but I can't imagine him connecting with 18-22 yr old players, fans, parents, donors and school administrators like Butch has. Do we know for sure that he can recruit and teach like Butch? Honestly I want to know if he demonstrated the traits that would make him a great college coach when he was an assistant.

I say "patience Grasshopper", Rome wasn't built in a day

I applaud him for his taste in poon. 18-22 year olds will always respect that.
Cheek should have been fired when he signed off on a $5 million buyout for Dooley who never deserved the job to start with.
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Jimmy Cheek's job has very little to do with football. I can't believe how many times I've had to write that on here.
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In the offseason, I asked a tongue-in-cheek question that if we lost 8 games for the first time in our history, would we fire Butch.

That should not happen under any circumstances. Let me be clear. Well, we might actually lose 8, but we should NOT fire Butch.

However, it is clear that the Kiffin-Dooley years have left a cloud hanging over us. Hart allowed Dooley to stay on as coach after Lexington even though Dooley quit when Randy Sanders beat him with a WR QB and 6 plays. We wouldn't have had to pay the buyout.

Also, Hart's coaching list. Butch was #4 and after being declined repeatedly, Hart jumped. The fact is, Hart was presented with Gruden and he turned him away. Hart has been the blind squirrel that finds an acorn, IMHO, with Butch.

Hart has been keeping very quiet as he should. I think he should be in the crosshairs if we go 4 - 8. Cheek is self-explanatory too. He has made no progress on his flagship goals since his tenure began. And he is not friendly with the AD.

If we go 4 - 8, do we fire Hart and Cheek and give Butch every opportunity to succeed?

Where is it reported that this is indeed a fact?? Only concrete thing I saw posted concerning Gruden was from his Agent stating that the whole idea of Gruden to Tennessee was a pipe dream by desperate fans on message boards. Italicized was my own addition.
Where is it reported that this is indeed a fact?? Only concrete thing I saw posted concerning Gruden was from his Agent stating that the whole idea of Gruden to Tennessee was a pipe dream by desperate fans on message boards. Italicized was my own addition.

orangeslice13 will be along shortly to explain
This. Plus DiPietro - he should not get a pass either.

UT has been controlled by those from outside the state of Tennessee family for far too long. The desire to be rated highly by a magazine's self proclaimed experts to have access to more money sickens me. The mission of the university is to be a land grant to serve the citizens of the state first and foremost. Instead they lose sight of the mission and try to be something that was never intended and in so doing become just a number on a list.

That is not how it is done when you are true Volunteer.

This...all day long. I made a post similar to this about 6-8 months ago. I believe the mission of our university was to serve the citizens of the state. We are not a private Ivy League type university that is based on research. This mission must be kept in mind.
Jimmy Cheek's job has very little to do with football. I can't believe how many times I've had to write that on here.

Volnation is too busy looking for scapegoats to realize this. Firing a chancellor of a university for a football teams performance is absolutely laughable
Good grief..... If someone had expectations of being much above 500 this year they were/are delusional. Tennessee got ran over by a talented team that had an axe to grind against the SEC. Their players and coaches had enough of the media hype.

Did the team make mistakes, could they have played better? Sure. Hopefully CBJ can help them forget about it and play better against Florida. If Tennessee is going to get back to where fans should expect a win in every game, it's going to take some stability in out coaching staff and in the entire athletic department. I believe we have to coach that can get us there; hopefully the fan base can have the patience to let him do the work.
If any school, anywhere in the country were to fire a president/chancellor over the performance of an athletic team, then that school needs to give up all pretense of being an institution of higher learning.
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You know butch jones' first year at Cincinnati he went 4-8 right? You know, before he won the conference championship.

You do know that this team has 5x the talent that Cinci team had right?

If we go 4-8, something is wrong and it has nothing to do with the AD.
This...all day long. I made a post similar to this about 6-8 months ago. I believe the mission of our university was to serve the citizens of the state. We are not a private Ivy League type university that is based on research. This mission must be kept in mind.

so dumb it down so a degree from UT is worth less than others? Dumb it down to more TN residents can get in? Sounds like a recipe for success for all UT grads
In the offseason, I asked a tongue-in-cheek question that if we lost 8 games for the first time in our history, would we fire Butch.

That should not happen under any circumstances. Let me be clear. Well, we might actually lose 8, but we should NOT fire Butch.

However, it is clear that the Kiffin-Dooley years have left a cloud hanging over us. Hart allowed Dooley to stay on as coach after Lexington even though Dooley quit when Randy Sanders beat him with a WR QB and 6 plays. We wouldn't have had to pay the buyout.

Also, Hart's coaching list. Butch was #4 and after being declined repeatedly, Hart jumped. The fact is, Hart was presented with Gruden and he turned him away. Hart has been the blind squirrel that finds an acorn, IMHO, with Butch.

Hart has been keeping very quiet as he should. I think he should be in the crosshairs if we go 4 - 8. Cheek is self-explanatory too. He has made no progress on his flagship goals since his tenure began. And he is not friendly with the AD.

If we go 4 - 8, do we fire Hart and Cheek and give Butch every opportunity to succeed?

What do you mean "we" white man!
No, "we" and nobody else will fire Mr. Hart or
Mr. Cheek. It will take more than 4 -8.
In the offseason, I asked a tongue-in-cheek question that if we lost 8 games for the first time in our history, would we fire Butch.

That should not happen under any circumstances. Let me be clear. Well, we might actually lose 8, but we should NOT fire Butch.

However, it is clear that the Kiffin-Dooley years have left a cloud hanging over us. Hart allowed Dooley to stay on as coach after Lexington even though Dooley quit when Randy Sanders beat him with a WR QB and 6 plays. We wouldn't have had to pay the buyout.

Also, Hart's coaching list. Butch was #4 and after being declined repeatedly, Hart jumped. The fact is, Hart was presented with Gruden and he turned him away. Hart has been the blind squirrel that finds an acorn, IMHO, with Butch.

Hart has been keeping very quiet as he should. I think he should be in the crosshairs if we go 4 - 8. Cheek is self-explanatory too. He has made no progress on his flagship goals since his tenure began. And he is not friendly with the AD.

If we go 4 - 8, do we fire Hart and Cheek and give Butch every opportunity to succeed?

I'll ask another ridiculous question to go with this ridiculous question - If we go 8 - 4 this year do we fire Hart, Cheek and Butch? Have at it!

j/k :)
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No. Definitely not Hart... kinda ridiculous question. Cheek should've been gone awhile back.
I'll ask another ridiculous question to go with this ridiculous question - If we go 8 - 4 this year do we fire Hart, Cheek and Butch? Have at it!

Certainly, I'm certain several of the local high school coaches would line up for a chance to coach at UT for considerably less coin. There are enough coaches around to keep the carousel spinning for a long, long time. That's the best ridiculous answer I could come up with this morning. As for the administrative functions, just run an online search.:crazy:

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