If we go 4 - 8 this year, do we fire Hart and Cheek?

The difference would've been that several elite prospects in the 2013 class made public statements to the effect that they would probably sign with any school that hired Gruden. He's seen as a conduit to the NFL and most elite prospects believe that the NFL is part of their futures. If the dominoes fell as expected we'd have a stronger roster. As it is, we are going to have to give CBJ 3 or 4 classes to build up and develop the roster. We're all going to have to accept the reality of the situation but some folks will always judge the state of things against whay might have been. I'm just glad that I now have another team to cheer for. A horizon filled with rolling around in the bottom of the conference doesn't seem so bad when you get to split your loyalties.

And who might that be, Benedict?
Who is WE.....I don't see or know any poster, fan or donor on this board capable of making this happen...
so dumb it down so a degree from UT is worth less than others? Dumb it down to more TN residents can get in? Sounds like a recipe for success for all UT grads

You very well know that is not my point. The hope scholarship has been fantastic for UT because it has allowed very bright individuals to remain instate. But, the point of education is not about numbers, rankings, and research. It is to put people into the real world with the tools to succeed. The mission of our university is to take care of our own citizens. We are not Harvard and never will be. Each university has unique qualities, but state flagship universities were created for its citizens. It has nothing to do with "dumbing down" a degree.
Im a huge Tennessee and I will always be one but it drives me completely crazy the fans we have , butch is the right guy and no this year aint gonna be what everybody wants it to be but give him time if we swap coaches every 3 years we will never be good again u can't do that Tennessee fans r so ignorant and impatient , he needs at least 5 years before anybody says crap the rebuilding process takes a while
Who expected the dominoes to fall this way except for irrational redneck UT fans?

What prospects said they would go to UT if Gruden was coach? I doubt any because there was never a chance he was coming to Knoxville and people w an IQ above 80 that live outside of east TN know that.

You just need to reread the Hargis articles in the Chattanooga TFP from last November. I don't know my IQ but I believed there was a window of opportunity when the right combination of money and control would've closed the deal. It's water under the bridge now and the Vols are going to be an SEC doormat for at least 2 or 3 more years but we did get grey smoke unis out of the deal so we've got that going for us.
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Im a huge Tennessee and I will always be one but it drives me completely crazy the fans we have , butch is the right guy and no this year aint gonna be what everybody wants it to be but give him time if we swap coaches every 3 years we will never be good again u can't do that Tennessee fans r so ignorant and impatient , he needs at least 5 years before anybody says crap the rebuilding process takes a while

what is more ridiculous - expecting this team to win 6-7 games and stay somewhat competitive even when they're outmatched or expecting fans to keep making donations and buying season tickets and paying a coach 3 million dollars a year for 5 years before showing any progress?
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You just need to reread the Hargis articles in the Chattanooga TFP from last November.

Sorry, but that article was the only source that made the claim that Gruden was haggling over assistant salaries. Every other outlet that detailed the matter, with sources from all over, reported that Gruden flat out told UT that he wasn't interested.

Convincing yourself that the TFP is the only source who got it right requires divorcing yourself from reality.
You people have lost your damn minds.

Do we give Hart a raise if we stun the Gators in the swamp?
I am also disappointed that we didn't "run with Gruden."

If UT would have hired Gruden, we'd be 5-0 right now. Three regular wins plus the two extra we would've been given just because of of his Gruden-ness

Further, we'd enjoy all kinds of advantages from the other teams we'd play with short rosters since several players and coaches probably wouldn't even show on Saturday for fear of being Grudenated.

The way I see it, we'd probably finish 18-1 after winning the NCG, defeating the NFC and AFC champions in exhibition and a narrow loss in OT to a team sent down from Heaven with the Messiah himself at QB, Michael at Sam linebacker and Gabriel at the Will.
We lose to the #2 team in the nation and now you're not sure about South Alabama??? A team we beat by 32, they beat by 7...

Gosh, just go ahead a pull the trigger, Mr. Depression.

If they dont give us like 35 points we lose look at the stats.:cray:
what is more ridiculous - expecting this team to win 6-7 games and stay somewhat competitive even when they're outmatched or expecting fans to keep making donations and buying season tickets and paying a coach 3 million dollars a year for 5 years before showing any progress?

I'm sorry bro I hope we r good next year or even this yr but u do realize this is still Dooleys team really have u seen the dept we have , u see how bad Dooley recruited the recent years , all the relationships butch had to regain from what Dooley did butch is just now getting Tennessee back on there feet again now Give him time with getting players in and letting the man coach some games
You just need to reread the Hargis articles in the Chattanooga TFP from last November. I don't know my IQ but I believed there was a window of opportunity when the right combination of money and control would've closed the deal. It's water under the bridge now and the Vols are going to be an SEC doormat for at least 2 or 3 more years but we did get grey smoke unis out of the deal so we've got that going for us.

It's really not fair to CBJ to rehash this because it is in the past. I am not the smartest guy either, but there is no doubt in my mind that there were legitimate discussions with Gruden by someone. There was just way too much info out there, and I believe Gruden wanted some time to think on it and eventually declined.
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I love TENNESSEE FOOTBALL but these next 2 years is going to be painful, but we will be back been threw this many a times in 43 years as a fan go with the flow, you dont have to like it just dont drown when you fall out of the boat.
Cheek became chancellor in 2/09.

Hart became athletic director what in 2011, 2012?

Someone explain how any of this is their fault
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I thought we should have fired Cheek after he got caught eating boogers in public
what is more ridiculous - expecting this team to win 6-7 games and stay somewhat competitive even when they're outmatched or expecting fans to keep making donations and buying season tickets and paying a coach 3 million dollars a year for 5 years before showing any progress?

Last I checked, we are game 3 into year 1. Unless your can see into the future, how do we know what happens in years 2 and 3 about our progress?

The expectations are out of control. Our fanbase is crazy.
Cheek became chancellor in 2/09.

Hart became athletic director what in 2011, 2012?

Someone explain how any of this is their fault

I'm sorry, but despite your clear and concise point of logic, you must be summarily ignored due to your username.

Same goes for bamawriter.
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Sorry, but that article was the only source that made the claim that Gruden was haggling over assistant salaries. Every other outlet that detailed the matter, with sources from all over, reported that Gruden flat out told UT that he wasn't interested.

Convincing yourself that the TFP is the only source who got it right requires divorcing yourself from reality.

People will believe what they want. It was a quick no, but try to convince them of that.
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Between the summit debacle, another ridiculous buyout and boogers. You can leave the football team completely out of this and the it is still embarrassing.

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