If Worley starts...

Pretty sure that was OP's point.

If no one on this roster could beat out Worley in the off-season/show enough during practices this week to get the job, we've got some serious problems at QB. Guess we'll see.

It means we have problems at QB early in this season only. Just because a RS freshman and 2 true freshman QBs, all pro-style QBs in HS, haven't nailed down all facets of CBJ's offensive system over the course of the offseason, doesn't mean one or more of them won't develp into the QB of the future. It just means they aren't ready to be the starter now.

It's highly doubtful CBJ would choose to start Peterman, much less Ferguson or Dobbs, against UF. But if Worley can't move the chains I would fully expect to see Peterman given a shot by at least the start of the 2nd qtr. As far as the 2 true freshmen; we won't see one of them until CBJ and CMB determine they are ready. Which may or may not be this season.
All of you Worley haters out there

Why aren't you talking about our overrated offensive line? They have not played like the best OL in the country not even close.

Why do you wish Worley to fail?

Your post make it sound like that if Worley plays you hope he goes 6-20 with 3 interceptions.

Me I hope he goes 24-25 for 382 yards and 4 TD's.

Nobody wants Worley to fail. Our o-line can do more, yes. Our O-line would also be shining much better with some completions from the QB spot. If they had a competent passer behind them they'd look like the superior unit they've been touted to be. For better or worse an offense starts and stops at the QB position and getting the ball into play makers hands. Having a lack of playmakers is an issue. Failing to get it to the few we have is a bigger issue. I don't solely blame Worley though. I think in part the offensive staff hasn't helped him look good on many circumstances.
I'll speak for myself. I want to see Ferg play. I would rather it not be the 1st snap of the UF game. I do believe he should have seen snaps against AP & WKU though. Whenever it happens though if he goes out and throws 3 consecutive picks or has a horrible showing I'm just going to drink my beer and know we are in for a longer ride than ever and that Butch has 0 options at QB that aren't either too young/green or just not good. For now since we haven't seen them at all it's a question mark. Especially if they continue the charade of a read option scheme with a QB that will never tuck and run.

We all want to see Ferg play...But he's not ready yet...If he was even close he would've already taken some snaps during the past 3 games...It doesn't make any sense to throw the kid to the wolves to only destroy his confidence...Let him learn the offense and then give him a shot...Until then get behind whoever is out there...Worley isn't playing to fail, He is playing to win...Makes me sad when the fans attack a kid who loves UT and came here to help us win...He is doing his best and in a new system.
All of you Worley haters out there

Why aren't you talking about our overrated offensive line? They have not played like the best OL in the country not even close.

Why do you wish Worley to fail?

Your post make it sound like that if Worley plays you hope he goes 6-20 with 3 interceptions.

Me I hope he goes 24-25 for 382 yards and 4 TD's.

BearBryant, I don't ever recall you being this hopeful for a UT QB. :)
We all want to see Ferg play...But he's not ready yet...If he was even close he would've already taken some snaps during the past 3 games...It doesn't make any sense to throw the kid to the wolves to only destroy his confidence...Let him learn the offense and then give him a shot...Until then get behind whoever is out there...Worley isn't playing to fail, He is playing to win...Makes me sad when the fans attack a kid who loves UT and came here to help us win...He is doing his best and in a new system.

I've been a vocal Worley critic but I've also been quick to point out the staff isn't always putting him in positions to excel. I liken it to Cromp in '09. Cromp had his issues but when staff put him in better and more comfortable situations he did better. I look at the 1st half of the WKU game and I see images of the 09 Auburn game as far as play calling goes.
In my simple mind it comes down to 2 things.
Worley will either be like Cromp or like Simms. If he's like Cromp he's going to need some help from the Offensive staff. If he's going to be like Simms then we need to get the Freshman ready. Pick one but change has to come in some fashion.
It shows what kind of QBs our program has (altho it's possible someone turns out the real deal) and that


I don't think we have to debate anything about about the coaching staff right now.

Way to jump out there and make a bold statement about our program.
You would simply think that with all the hype each QB has received... that one of them would've been good enough to have taken over much earlier in the Oregon game to try and spark something. Because I agree with some of you that starting a freshman's 1st game in the Swamp isn't exactly a genius move. If Worley continues to play it will be because he doesn't make bad decisions while the others apparently do. However I do agree that you don't know who could be the next Peyton until you play them.
My entire point of this thread is that while they are still a very young group of QBs, people need to stop badmouthing the coaching staff because Worley starting IMO speaks volume about how little they have to work with.
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Because two true freshman aren't ready to start in the Swamp in game four of their careers?

yes....and against one of the nation's best defenses. If they were playing Texas they'd let it rip, and we'd have 600 rushing yards
It shows what kind of QBs our program has (altho it's possible someone turns out the real deal) and that


I don't think we have to debate anything about about the coaching staff right now.

Yes. The starting QB is a coaching decision so that part of it is up for debate. Jones had criteria for choosing a starter. Basically, who made the fewest mistakes and managed the team best. These first 3 games seem to be demonstrating that Worley is too much that guy. He takes no risks and doesn't "see" plays before they happen. Jones said something to the effect that he was waiting until receivers were open rather than throwing to the opening as great QB's do.

He made a call based on the info he could gather through practice. Worley may come around or else he may move on to someone else. Either way, it is very much a discussion centered MORE on the decision the coach makes than the talent or potential of any of the players.

Jone probably didn't think Worley was close to his ceiling as a QB. I didn't. But it is possible that he lacks the ability to anticipate and read D's. He wouldn't be the first with physical ability that couldn't do it.
My entire point of this thread is that while they are still a very young group of QBs, people need to stop badmouthing the coaching staff because Worley starting IMO speaks volume about how little they have to work with.

IF that's the case then the "whole point" is wrong.

It is not "badmouthing" to acknowledge that they may have to work through the issue. One of the four may provide them ALOT to work with... maybe two... maybe 3.

Worley starting simply means Jones made what he believed was the best decision based on the information he had available when he had to make the decision. That's all. If he sticks with Worley and Worley does not significantly improve.... THEN you may be able to conclude he had "little" to work with.

FTR, Jones personally recruited 3 of those QB's. If none of them are any good... it won't be because he didn't get guys he wanted.
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I will understand if Worley starts considering where were playing and how tough it is on the road. I don't expect him to finish unless he moves the team. I think we'll see Peterman. if he can't get it done then expect a freshman at home vs. South Alabama. We may even see one of them run some plays today.
All of you Worley haters out there

Why aren't you talking about our overrated offensive line? They have not played like the best OL in the country not even close.

Why do you wish Worley to fail?

Your post make it sound like that if Worley plays you hope he goes 6-20 with 3 interceptions.

Me I hope he goes 24-25 for 382 yards and 4 TD's.

Very good post. There's a ton of blame to spread around besides just criticizing a kid, Worley, who's done nothing but work his tail off and play pretty average ball.

By all accounts our WRs haven't played well. Do we have a tight end? Our OL has been pretty damn average too... didn't see them assert themselves AT ALL vs Oregon. Our Defense absolutely sucked at Oregon and looked pretty crappy trying to stop WKU other than getting the turnovers. Why is EVERYTHING about running a 20 year old kid into the ground when he's hardly the only issue. It's not like he's throwing pick sixes and laying the ball on the ground.... cause he has not. Kid has 5 tds and 1 pick ... would be 7 and 1 if Jason Croom was doing his job.

Gotta news flash for you.... if they play Peterman or Ferguson this week 90% of this board will be saying the EXACT same thing about them... that they suck!
All of you Worley haters out there

Why aren't you talking about our overrated offensive line? They have not played like the best OL in the country not even close.

Why do you wish Worley to fail?

Your post make it sound like that if Worley plays you hope he goes 6-20 with 3 interceptions.

Me I hope he goes 24-25 for 382 yards and 4 TD's.

I'm not anti-Worley. I don't want him to fail. I love to see him with that stat line today (or any game for that matter).

I just think that the odds of him having those stats against florida's defense are the same as the odds of ME having those stats against Florida.

I'm hoping he proves me wrong
no way in hades Worely is better than both true freshmen...in that case they would both be epic busts.....there are ikely many true freshmen in CFB much bettr than Worely is at this point

Physically better? Probably not. Potentially better? Probably not.

Mentally and emotionally better than the 2 freshmen right now? Hell yeah he's better. Better at lining everybody up, checking to proper protections, checking in and out of the right and wrong plays called. Gotta go with Butch on this one.
Having a true freshman who is ready to start a game on the road, in week four, in the SEC, is the exception not the rule. Just saying.

Agree - Peyton was a dog at qb when he was trying to play as a freshman - or certainly not very good. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill -or elixir - that is going to transform our qb situation or team and suddenly make us world beaters. Hopefully we can make steady progress as the season progresses and our young guys and team will get better.
roster isn't that depleted...worely sucks come on freak....

Roster not depleted? With Freak on this one....

1. 10 of the 70 players.... 1 out of every 7.... that Butch decided would give him the best shot at traveling to Oregon and beating the #2 team in the country ..... were Walk-ons. let that sink in for a minute.

2. We've played what? 15-16 freshmen? Out of necessity, not luxury.

3. We all saw the utter lack of depth we have we have in the second half of the APSU game. 3 pts? Against that team? Jeez

This is a depleted roster, with no earthly idea of how to win a football game
That makes too much sense.

That nobody wants to admit....Dooley may have recruited a top 15 class and less....bottom line is that he and staff fail to develop any of the players he recruited....figured he could out talent and sale the program but seriously after Bagget left we had no continuity or coaches that were capable of growing players... Wilcox and Thompson departed and the defense suffered...Dooley was a control freak...and did not have the tools to inspire or lead....hence turnover in staff and players underdeveloped and under the bus.....

Look at his players on team today....they are not playing to their potential because of a lack of development...CBJ and staff will do so but it is going to take some time...
Do you really believe Dobbs or Fergy isn't more talented than Worely?????? !!!!!????

at some point we have to question the coach's decision making just like when we punted and punted against Oregon on 4th and 1s when we were already down by multiple scores and the failed first down by Marlin Lane that should have been called for a review by Jones....there is no way in hades that Worely is more talented than both of the true freshman....you just have to take a risk and play them..like Fulmer did with Ainge and Schaeffer in 2004...
Yeah but Peyton manning didn't start at the beginning of his freshman year bc he wasn't ready.

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