If Worley starts...

Tennessee isn't likely going to beat Florida, Georgia, Bama or South Carolina. Butch needs to have a quarterback ready to win in November so this team can make a bowl game, whichever on it may be.

If that's the outlook, seppuku is officially a compassionate life choice for us all now... :cray:
Worley isn't the worst QB we've seen. The way some of you talk its as if he is Mr. Magoo. They need to start him out with a couple of short passes 10-15 yards to get his confidence and rhythm . He throws them really well and the receivers can help him out by making people miss, breaking tackles, and getting yards after the catch. Florida is going to load the box to stop the run as well. He has to also keep on the read option as well even if its only for 2-3 yards. It might also help to run an I formation 2 back set option play with a FB as well to keep the defence guessing. Using the TE down the middle of the seam (like Oregon did to us) might also help as well.
if Worley starts I will probably just turn the tv off at kickoff so I can do something useful during the time instead of a team going 3 and out every single drive
Worley isn't great--but some of the criticism of him is a bit excessive. Let's remember that he's only started a few games, that our defense isn't good, and that all our receivers are playing for the first time--and our two slot guys were out last week against oregon. All those factors--plus the fact that the coaches have put him in a read-option scheme when he clearly isn't really suited for that--have magnified his limitations. I don't think he's got a turnover this year. Problem is, because we are weak in various areas we need a QB who can make plays, and that just isn't happening.
if Worley starts I will probably just turn the tv off at kickoff so I can do something useful during the time instead of a team going 3 and out every single drive

Even if it is a repeat performance of last week or whatever, I can never bring myself to turn off a Titans or Vols game til it's over. I even sat through the entirety of the Titans losing 59-0 to the Pats back in 09...

Still have nightmares about that day...
if Worley starts I will probably just turn the tv off at kickoff so I can do something useful during the time instead of a team going 3 and out every single drive
Well, you might want to find something useful to do then, because it's probably going to be rough regardless of who starts.
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yeah worleys stats look decent but look who he has played. A high school team, overrated wku team, and he did terrible at Oregon until they let there walkons play because they felt bad for us. His accuracy is terrible! Maybe if our WR's were 2 foot taller with a 5 foot longer arm span then he would be great but his accuracy is about as good as a peewee football player.
if Worey starts... I have to qustion the guts of this staff after all of those 4th and 1s last week that we didn't even try to run a QB sneek...just saying...i don't have blind loyalty to anyone anymore after the Dooley fiasco

at a guess,i think CBJ wasn't wanting the score to get any worse,of course,hindsight is perfect
Tennessee isn't likely going to beat Florida, Georgia, Bama or South Carolina. Butch needs to have a quarterback ready to win in November so this team can make a bowl game, whichever on it may be.

sounds familiar doesn't it ?
Pterman sucks as well....did you se him against Austin Peay???? No excuse for that performnce against a glorified high school team...Worey and Peterman both are very very mediocre QBs..

Glorified high school is correct. You should have seen them from the sideline against utc last week. God awful. Their head coach has no clue what's going on.
yeah worleys stats look decent but look who he has played. A high school team, overrated wku team, and he did terrible at Oregon until they let there walkons play because they felt bad for us. His accuracy is terrible! Maybe if our WR's were 2 foot taller with a 5 foot longer arm span then he would be great but his accuracy is about as good as a peewee football player.

His stats were decent for Oregon too. What he's missing are the big plays and a lot of that is due to the fact that there's not a soul catching the ball -- not even at TE -- who has experience. Worley does throw well to the slot and we all know what happened with everyone and their brother getting hurt before that game. Truth is that with a whole new WR corps and an inexperienced QB to boot that QB needs a crutch to go to while the others are learning. We thought we'd found one or two or three and then all the slot receivers went down.

Experienced WRs help a LOT and will make even the worst passer look like a star QB. Oregon's QB had more than one pass that was caught only because of the WR. All we have is talent and inexperience. Basically we have raw potential that still has a lot to learn and far too much of it will only get learned by playing (not by practice).

All we can hope is that they're very quick learners and that more than one of them breaks out as a playmaker soon. THEN we can truly judge how good or bad Worley is but we can't really do that now if we're being fair. I don't like it a bit and would rather the coach be able to tell us one of our true froshies is so good that he's ready for the Swamp this instant (an unlikely thing no matter how talented) but that's where we are.
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You guys laying this at the feet of the recievers need to realize that's where Worley is putting the ball.

Jokes aside unless some serious scheme changes are coming and Worley fixes his footwork it's going to be a long year if he's our QB.
if Worey starts... I have to qustion the guts of this staff after all of those 4th and 1s last week that we didn't even try to run a QB sneek...just saying...i don't have blind loyalty to anyone anymore after the Dooley fiasco

If we go for all those 4th downs I would have to question the football intelligence of this staff. Luckily I don't have to.
Somebody in the recruiting thread suggested why Neal didn't get some time at slot since we are short handed and he's played there. I thought it was pretty smart and I think that's the kind of creativity this offensive staff is going to need to do more of.
Somebody in the recruiting thread suggested why Neal didn't get some time at slot since we are short handed and he's played there. I thought it was pretty smart and I think that's the kind of creativity this offensive staff is going to need to do more of.

He's certainly capable. But to me, playing your starting running back at slot just amplifies the problem.
He's certainly capable. But to me, playing your starting running back at slot just amplifies the problem.

Although I think he should be utilized more in the passing game coming out of the back field. He has really good hands for a RB.
Tennessee isn't likely going to beat Florida, Georgia, Bama or South Carolina. Butch needs to have a quarterback ready to win in November so this team can make a bowl game, whichever on it may be.

I just hate that it feels like we're going with the Simms route with Worley. Throwing him to the sharks while we try to let our Freshmen develop and start them against the weak competition that we can and should beat. I know Florida is a more talented team than we are at the moment, but they are beatable. They have a great defense yes, but they're mistake prone, and they lack discipline. It just feels like we're almost surrendering any hopes of beating the better half of the SEC by keeping Worley out there.
You guys laying this at the feet of the recievers need to realize that's where Worley is putting the ball.

Jokes aside unless some serious scheme changes are coming and Worley fixes his footwork it's going to be a long year if he's our QB.

I'm not laying it at their feet at all but an experienced WR corps can make up for a inexperienced QB by catching those bad balls (underthrows and overthrows) as well as giving a QB who needs a constant target to gain confidence a crutch while he's learning and gaining confidence. Having both at the same time (an inexperienced QB and no experienced at WR or TE) is a horrible combination to have to jumpstart things from.

Put it another way, as the WRs get more experience even if Worley were to simply stay where he's at and make no progress, those now experienced WRs will start catching them despite whether the ball is thrown poorly or not. It's just something that experienced receivers learn to do (they make up for their QB). They won't catch every badly thrown ball but they'll catch more of them. Likewise, an experienced QB will find his receivers even if they run a completely different route than the play called for.
I'm just pointing out the lack of quality talent.[/B] I'm not saying one day one of the 3 freshmen won't make a really solid QB but I see freshman start in tough games and I see potential. I've seen a lot of freshmen look a lot better than Worley.

Marcus Mariota-redshirt
Aaron Murray-redshirt
AJ Mccarron-redshirt
Johnny Manziel-redshirt
Zach Mettenberger-junior college - his first year at LSU completed 11 pass for 92 yards.

Sure these guys were not playing behind Worley but just because a Freshman isn't ready to start doesn't mean they aren't talented.
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If Worley starts, then it means the others have not done what is necessary to win the job from him.

Wasn't that the point of Spring Practice, Fall Camp, and week to week season practices in the first place? What exactly changed other than Butches proclamation of opening up the comp? The man also said "Mo Couch will miss UO due to heat exhaustion", and has not revisited that statement that I am aware of. So, who knows if he meant it or not?

Don't see Fergy getting thrown to the wolves like Dooley did Worley against UA 2 years ago. Only JW and NP are in the 70 man. NP has not taken a single meaningful snap this year. If the change comes, I expect NP, but I have a sinking feeling that JW is significantly better than all 3 Freshmen. That's what hurts.
If Butch rolls Worley out there then Florida should take a time out and celebrate cause UT just gave up!
Some of you should remember it was the coach and not the fans who declared the qb spot open this week. He did'nt blame the wr's.

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